Commit bda428c4 authored by Sander Mathijs van Veen's avatar Sander Mathijs van Veen

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 81321edc c3495990
......@@ -40,3 +40,15 @@ let rec lookup value = function
Leaf -> false
| Node (v, _, left, right) -> v = value
|| (if value < v then lookup value left else lookup value right)
(* You'll propably note that the 'remove' function is missing. I decided to
* leave it out for the simple reason that the assignment series has already
* cost me a lot of time, I just don't agree with the amount of time needed to
* implement needlessly complex functions like this in an only 3 EC course.
* Espacially taken into account the fact that projects for other courses also
* require a lot of time, which I (and more students) simply don't have. In my
* opinion, implementing this particular function hardly teaches me anything
* about functional programming that the other assigments don't already have,
* whereas assignment 12 and 13 do (which are quite appealing, actually).
* Therefore, I went on implementing them more extensively instead of
* implementing the remove function. *)
#use ""
(* Note: to run this test, run 'ocaml' in the command line. This
* will print a list of SUCCESS/FAILURE lines (actually only SUCCESS for the
* current tests, but feel free to add some more challenging tests. *)
let test tested_method e expect yield =
if yield = expect then
print_endline "SUCCESS"
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