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Commit 81321edc authored by Sander Mathijs van Veen's avatar Sander Mathijs van Veen
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funcprog: Finished assignment 11, 12 and 13 of week 5's serie.

parent cc0bfa94
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type color = Red | Black;;
type 'a rbtree = Empty | RBTree of color * 'a rbtree * 'a * 'a rbtree;;
(* Fix the four possible cases that may arise of a red node with a red parent
* and black grandparent. *)
let balance = function
(* case 1: . *)
| Black, RBTree(Red, RBTree(Red, a, value, b), y, c), z, d
(* case 1: The current node N is at the root of the tree. *)
| Black, RBTree(Red, a, value, RBTree(Red, b , y, c)), z, d
(* case 1: The current node N is at the root of the tree. *)
| Black, a, value, RBTree (Red, RBTree (Red, b, y, c), z, d)
(* case 1: The current node N is at the root of the tree. *)
| Black, a, value, RBTree (Red, b, y, RBTree (Red, c, z, d))
-> RBTree (Red, RBTree (Black, a, value, b), y, RBTree (Black, c, z, d))
(* case 1: The current node N is at the root of the tree. *)
| col, a, value, b -> RBTree (col, a, value, b)
(* 'a rbtree -> 'a -> 'a rbtree *)
let insert tree value =
let rec insert_node = function
(* Insertion begins by adding the node and by coloring it red. *)
| Empty -> RBTree (Red, Empty, value, Empty)
(* Insertion after the first node: *)
| RBTree (col, left, y, right) as s ->
if value < y then (* Smaller value, thus insert in left tree. *)
balance(col, insert_node left, y, right)
else if value > y then (* Larger value, thus insert in right tree. *)
balance(col, left, y, insert_node right)
else (* The node is already inserted. *)
in match insert_node tree with
(* Color the root black. *)
| RBTree (_, left, y, right) -> RBTree (Black, left, y, right)
| Empty -> raise (Failure "Error in insertion")
(* 'a -> 'a rbtree -> 'a rbtree *)
let rec lookup value = function
| Empty -> raise (Failure "Value not found in rbtree.")
| RBTree(_, left, y, right) as s ->
if value = y then
else if value < y then
lookup value right
lookup value right
(* -----------------
(* remove t x is a new BST like t but with value x removed, if it
* is there. *)
let rec remove t x = match t with
| Empty -> Empty (* not found *)
| RBTree(_, l, x, r) ->
(* remove_first n is (x, n') where x is the lowest value in
* n, and n' is n with x removed. Requires: n is not Empty *)
let rec remove_first n = match n with
| Empty -> raise (Failure "remove_first failed")
| RBTree(col, Empty, x, r) -> (x, r)
| RBTree(col, l, x, r) ->
let (nx, nl) = remove_first l in
(nx, RBTree(col, nx, nl, r))
in if c > 0 then
RBTree(col, l, x, (remove r x))
else if c < 0 then
RBTree(col, l, x, (remove l x) r)
else match l, r with
| _, Empty -> l
| Empty, _ -> r
| _ -> let nx, nr = remove_first r in
RBTree(col, nx l nr)
(* vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : *)
type unary = Neg | Not
type binary = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod (* arithmetic operators *)
| Eq | Ne | Lt | Le | Gt | Ge (* relational operators *)
| And | Or (* logic operators *)
type expr = Num of int (* integer constant *)
| Bool of bool (* boolean constant *)
| Var of string (* variable *)
| UnaryAp of unary * expr (* unary operator application *)
| BinaryAp of binary * expr * expr (* binary operator application *)
| Cond of expr * expr * expr (* conditional expression *)
| Fun of string * expr (* function abstraction *)
| FunAp of expr * expr (* function application *)
| Let of string * expr * expr (* variable binding *)
| LetRec of string * expr * expr (* recursive variable binding *)
(* Unfortunately, this little gem did not work as expected:
* let s f l = List.fold_left Printf.sprintf f l
* otherwise, I could eliminate all parentheses after the format string. Since
* pattern matching requires an application after "->". *)
(* Convert an expression to a string. *)
let rec expr2str =
(* Translate an unary operator to a string. *)
let unary2str = function
| Neg -> "-"
| Not -> "not "
(* Translate a binary operator to a string. *)
in let binary2str = function
| Add -> "+"
| Sub -> "-"
| Mul -> "*"
| Div -> "/"
| Mod -> "mod"
| Eq -> "="
| Ne -> "!="
| Lt -> "<"
| Le -> "<="
| Gt -> ">"
| Ge -> ">="
| And -> "&&"
| Or -> "||"
(* Aliases: *)
in let e = expr2str
in let s = Printf.sprintf
(* Perform the heavy lifting: *)
in function
| Num i -> s "%i" i
| Bool b -> s "%b" b
| Var v -> v
| UnaryAp(e1, e2) -> s "%s%s" (unary2str e1) (e e2)
| BinaryAp(e1, e2, e3) -> s "%s %s %s" (e e2) (binary2str e1) (e e2)
| Cond(e1, e2, e3) -> s "if %s then %s else %s" (e e1) (e e2) (e e3)
| Fun(e1, e2) -> s "fun %s -> %s" e1 (e e2)
| FunAp(e1, e2) -> (
(* Add parentheses for ambiguous cases. *)
match e2 with
| BinaryAp(_,_,_)
| Cond(_,_,_)
| Fun(_, _)
| FunAp(_,_) -> s "%s (%s)" (e e1) (e e2)
| _ -> s "%s %s" (e e1) (e e2)
| Let(e1, e2, e3) -> s "let %s = %s in %s" e1 (e e2) (e e3)
| LetRec(e1, e2, e3) -> s "let rec %s = %s in %s" e1 (e e2) (e e3)
(* Find all free variables of an expression. *)
let freevars e =
let rec free bound = function
| Num _
| Bool _ -> []
| Var v when List.mem v bound -> []
(* Bound: FV(x) = {x}. *)
| Var v -> [v]
| UnaryAp(_, e) -> free bound e
| BinaryAp(_, e1, e2)
(* Application: FV((e1 e2)) = FV(e1) U FV(e2). *)
| FunAp(e1, e2) -> free bound e1 @ free bound e2
| Cond(cond, e1, e2) -> free bound cond @ free bound e1 @ free bound e2
(* Abstraction: FV(λ x.e) = FV(e) \ {x}. *)
| Fun (arg, e) -> free (arg::bound) e
| Let (v, e1, e2) -> free (v::bound) e2 @ free (bound) e1
| LetRec (v, e1, e2) -> free (v::bound) e2 @ free (v::bound) e1
in free [] e
(* This function implements substitution, i.e. it yields the expression that
* arises from substituting all free occurrences of the variable specified by
* the second argument in the expression given as the first argument by the
* expression given as third argument. *)
let rec subs haystack needle replace =
(* Alias for normal substitution. *)
let s e = subs e needle replace
(* Replace x in e with a new variable w, if x will cause a name clash. *)
in let unique_var x e =
let free_replace = freevars replace in
let free_e = freevars e in
if List.mem needle free_e && List.mem x free_replace then
let all_free_vars = free_replace @ free_e in
(* Add primes to the new variable until it is free *)
let rec add_prime x =
let new_x = x ^ "'" in
if List.mem new_x all_free_vars then add_prime x else new_x
let w = add_prime x in
Fun(w, s (subs e x (Var w)))
Fun(x, s e)
(* Apply substitution rules: *)
in match haystack with
| Var x when x = needle -> replace
(* Substitute operator arguments. *)
| UnaryAp(op, e) -> UnaryAp (op, s e)
| BinaryAp(op, e1, e2) -> BinaryAp (op, s e1, s e2)
(* 1. x = needle: (λ y.e)[a/x] → λ y.e *)
| Fun(x, _) as e when x = needle -> e
(* 2. x ≠ needle: (λ y.e)[a/x] →
* if x ∊ FV(e) and y ∊ FV(a):
* create new variable w
* λ w.(e[w/y][a/x])
* else:
* λ y.(e[a/x])
| Fun(x, e) -> unique_var x e
(* Substitute in all sub-expressions. *)
| FunAp(e1, e2) -> FunAp(s e1, s e2)
| Cond(e1, e2, e3) -> Cond(s e1, s e2, s e3)
(* Only substitue in a 'let' or 'let rec' expression if there is no name
* clash with the assigned variable. *)
| Let(x, e1, e2) when x != needle -> Let(x, s e1, s e2)
| LetRec(x, e1, e2) when x != needle -> LetRec(x, s e1, s e2)
(* No substitition rule. *)
| _ -> haystack
(* eval yields the normal form of the given expression using applicative order
* reduction (where applicative order reduction yields the normal form). *)
let rec eval = function
(* Unary application. *)
| UnaryAp (op, e) -> (
match op, eval e with
| Neg, Num i -> Num(-i)
| Not, Bool b -> Bool(not b)
| _ -> raise (Failure "Unknown unary operator")
(* Binary application. *)
| BinaryAp (op, e1, e2) -> (
match op, e1, e2 with
(* An arithmethic or a relational operation is possible on numbers. *)
| op, Num a, Num b -> (
match op with
| Add -> Num(a + b)
| Sub -> Num(a - b)
| Mul -> Num(a * b)
| Div -> Num(a / b)
| Mod -> Num(a mod b)
| Eq -> Bool(a = b)
| Ne -> Bool(a != b)
| Lt -> Bool(a < b)
| Le -> Bool(a <= b)
| Gt -> Bool(a > b)
| Ge -> Bool(a >= b)
| _ -> raise (Failure "Unknown binary operator")
(* Locical operation is possible on booleans. *)
| op, Bool a, Bool b -> (
match op with
| And -> Bool(a && b)
| Or -> Bool(a || b)
| Eq -> Bool(a = b)
| Ne -> Bool(a != b)
| _ -> raise (Failure "Unknown boolean operator")
| op, e1, e2 -> BinaryAp (op, eval e1, eval e2)
| Fun (x, e) -> Fun (x, eval e)
(* Function application and expression application. *)
| FunAp (Fun (x, Var y), a) when y = x -> eval a
| FunAp (Fun (y, e), a) -> (subs e y a)
| FunAp (e1, e2) -> FunAp(eval e1, eval e2)
(* Condition evaluates to a boolean, else evaluate its arguments. *)
| Cond (cond, e1, e2) -> (
match eval cond with
| Bool b -> if b then eval e1 else eval e2
| c -> Cond(c, eval e1, eval e2)
(* Eval'ing ``let'' and ``let rec'' is basic substitution. *)
| Let (x, e1, e2) -> eval (subs e2 x e1)
| LetRec (x, e1, e2) -> LetRec(x, eval e1, eval e2)
| exp -> exp
(* See bottom of for ``eval'' *)
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