Commit 21f4863a authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

ImProc ass3: Added mask option to colHist.

parent 2c5a3123
......@@ -7,6 +7,32 @@ from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans
from intersect import col2bin, domainIterator, colHist, histogramIntersect
def find_peaks(b, threshold, d_sq):
"""Find the location of the peak values of a back projection histogram."""
# Find all pixels with a value higher than a threshold of the maximum
# value. Collect K-means estimators on-the-fly.
threshold *= b.max()
means = []
use = []
for p in domainIterator(b):
if b[p] >= threshold:
found = False
for mean in means:
if (mean[0] - p[0]) ** 2 + (mean[1] - p[1]) ** 2 < d_sq:
found = True
if not found:
# Use K-means to identify possible matches
m = kmeans(array(use), array(means))[0]
return [m[i].tolist() for i in xrange(m.shape[0])]
def convolution(image, radius):
"""Calculate the convolution of an image with a specified circle radius."""
# Loop to the square that surrounds the circle, and check if the pixel
......@@ -20,11 +46,14 @@ def convolution(image, radius):
return correlate(image, mask, mode='nearest')
def hbp(image, environment, bins, model, radius):
def hbp(image, environment, bins, model, radius, **kwargs):
"""Create the histogram back projection of two images."""
options = dict(mask=None)
# Create image histograms
print 'Creating histograms...'
M = colHist(image, bins, model)
M = colHist(image, bins, model, mask=options['mask'])
I = colHist(environment, bins, model)
# Create ratio histogram
......@@ -52,39 +81,24 @@ def hbp(image, environment, bins, model, radius):
print 'Creating convolution...'
return convolution(b, radius)
def find_peaks(b, threshold, d_sq):
"""Find the location of the peak value of a back projection histogram."""
# Find all pixels with a value higher than a threshold of the maximum
# value. Collect K-means estimators on-the-fly.
threshold *= b.max()
means = []
use = []
for p in domainIterator(b):
if b[p] >= threshold:
found = False
for mean in means:
if (mean[0] - p[0]) ** 2 + (mean[1] - p[1]) ** 2 < d_sq:
found = True
if not found:
def exclude_color(color, image):
mask = zeros(image.shape[:2], dtype=int)
color = array(color)
# Use K-means to identify possible matches
m = kmeans(array(use), array(means))[0]
for p in domainIterator(image):
if (image[p] != color).any():
mask[p] = 1
return [m[i].tolist() for i in xrange(m.shape[0])]
return mask
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Reading images...'
waldo = imread('waldo.tiff')
env = imread('waldo_env.tiff')
mask = exclude_color([255] * 3, waldo)
import pickle
b = hbp(waldo, env, [64] * 3, 'rgb', 4)
b = hbp(waldo, env, [64] * 3, 'rgb', 2, mask=mask)
pickle.dump(b, open('projection.dat', 'w'))
#b = pickle.load(open('projection.dat', 'r'))
......@@ -101,7 +115,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
w, h = waldo.shape[:2]
peaks = find_peaks(b, .28, w ** 2 + h ** 2)
print 'Locating peaks...'
peaks = find_peaks(b, .2, w ** 2 + h ** 2)
print 'Done'
......@@ -18,23 +18,24 @@ def domainIterator(image, dim=2):
for z in xrange(image.shape[2]):
yield x, y, z
def colHist(image, bins, model):
def colHist(image, bins, model, **kwargs):
"""Create the color histogram of an image."""
h = zeros(bins, dtype=int)
use = image.astype(float) * map(lambda x: x - 1, bins)
if model == 'rgb':
use /= 255
elif model == 'rgba':
elif model == 'hsv':
# TODO: implement HSV color model
raise ValueError('Color model "%s" is not supported.' % model)
mask = kwargs['mask'] if 'mask' in kwargs else None
for p in domainIterator(image):
h[col2bin(use[p])] += 1
if mask is None or mask[p].any():
h[col2bin(use[p])] += 1
return h
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