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Created with Raphaël 2.2.010Jan20Dec14Feb17Dec9411Nov96Oct519Jul17May12Apr654Add river configuration and waybar / waydisplay.lazy-nvimlazy-nvimRemove untracked symbolic links for fish.mainmainAdd polybar configuration.Add alacritty, wezterm and fish configs.Latest updates.Many local changes after some autocomplete issues.Updated emacs config with workflow fixes.Neovim updates.Updated keybindings and settings for Neovim.Got project finding and capturing working as intended.Extensive updates to Doom emacs conf with new workflow mostly done.Updated with some experimental functions for filtering roam nodes.Mostly configured doom-emacs config.Updates to deal with broken lsp-saga.Update lsp-signature settings and LSP settings.Update doom and neovim configs.Update neovim config.Added doom emacs (TODO add .emacs installer / config)Update neovim and git configurations.Extend gitconfig with editor settings.Update emacs to use the correct folders and the Nerdfont Consolas.Add tmux configuration.Add initial custom emacs configuration.Add basic global git config.Add dunst config.Extended neovim config customized the UI a bit more.Updated keybindings, LSP diagnostics and a few plugins.Update plugins, keybindings and settings extensively.Move to which_key for keybindings and fix undopath.Remove old neovim configuration.Update neovim undo path.Initial commit. Includes working, vimlang based neovim settings.