Commit e2400036 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Significantly updated web socket API, see README for details on the new API

parent 3c2e6a88
**twspy** is a standalone implementation of web sockets for Python, defined by
[RFC 6455](
- The websocket.WebSocket class upgrades a regular socket to a web socket.
- contains classes that abstract messages sent over the socket.
Sent messages are automatically converted to frames, and received frames are
converted to messages. Fragmented messages are also supported.
- The server.Server class can be used to support multiple clients to open a
web socket simultaneously in different threads, which is often desirable in
web-based applications.
- The websocket class upgrades a regular socket to a web socket. A websocket
instance is a single end point of a connection. A websocket instance sends
and receives frames (Frame instances) as opposed to bytes (which is received
in a regular socket).
- A Connection instance represents a connection between two end points, based
on a websocket instance. A connection handles control frames properly, and
sends/receives *messages* (which are higher-level than frames). Messages are
automatically converted to frames, and received frames are converted to
messages. Fragmented messages (messages consisting of multiple frames) are
also supported.
import struct
from frame import ControlFrame, OPCODE_CLOSE, OPCODE_PING, OPCODE_PONG
from message import create_message
from exceptions import SocketClosed, PingError
class Connection(object):
A Connection uses a websocket instance to send and receive (optionally
fragmented) messages, which are Message instances. Control frames are
handled automatically in the way specified by RFC 6455.
To use the Connection class, it should be extended and the exxtending class
should implement the on*() handlers.
def __init__(self, sock):
`sock` is a websocket instance which has completed its handshake.
self.sock = sock
self.received_close_params = None
self.close_frame_sent = False
self.ping_sent = False
self.ping_payload = None
def send(self, message, fragment_size=None):
Send a message. If `fragment_size` is specified, the message is
fragmented into multiple frames whose payload size does not extend
if fragment_size is None:
def receive(self):
Receive a message. A message may consist of multiple (ordered) data
frames. A control frame may be delivered at any time, also when
expecting the next data frame of a fragmented message. These control
frames are handled immediately bu handle_control_frame().
fragments = []
while not len(fragments) or not fragments[-1].final:
frame = self.sock.recv()
if isinstance(frame, ControlFrame):
# No more receiving data after a close message
if frame.opcode == OPCODE_CLOSE:
payload = ''.join([f.payload for f in fragments])
return create_message(fragments[0].opcode, payload)
def handle_control_frame(self, frame):
Handle a control frame as defined by RFC 6455.
if frame.opcode == OPCODE_CLOSE:
# Set parameters and keep receiving the current fragmented frame
# chain, assuming that the CLOSE frame will be handled by
# handle_close() as soon as possible
self.received_close_params = frame.unpack_close()
elif frame.opcode == OPCODE_PING:
# Respond with a pong message with identical payload
self.sock.send(ControlFrame(OPCODE_PONG, frame.payload))
elif frame.opcode == OPCODE_PONG:
# Assert that the PONG payload is identical to that of the PING
if not self.ping_sent:
raise PingError('received PONG while no PING was sent')
self.ping_sent = False
if frame.payload != self.ping_payload:
raise PingError('received PONG with invalid payload')
self.ping_payload = None
def receive_forever(self):
Receive and handle messages in an endless loop. A message may consist
of multiple data frames, but this is not visible for onmessage().
Control messages (or control frames) are handled automatically.
while True:
self.onmessage(self, self.receive())
if self.received_close_params is not None:
except SocketClosed:
self.onclose(None, '')
except Exception as e:
def send_close(self, code, reason):
Send a CLOSE control frame.
payload = '' if code is None else struct.pack('!H', code) + reason
self.sock.send(ControlFrame(OPCODE_CLOSE, payload))
self.close_frame_sent = True
def send_ping(self, payload=''):
Send a PING control frame with an optional payload.
self.sock.send(ControlFrame(OPCODE_PING, payload))
self.ping_payload = payload
self.ping_sent = True
def handle_close(self, code=None, reason=''):
Handle a close message by sending a response close message if no CLOSE
frame was sent before, and closing the connection. The onclose()
handler is called afterwards.
if not self.close_frame_sent:
payload = '' if code is None else struct.pack('!H', code)
self.sock.send(ControlFrame(OPCODE_CLOSE, payload))
self.onclose(code, reason)
def close(self, code=None, reason=''):
Close the socket by sending a CLOSE frame and waiting for a response
close message. The onclose() handler is called after the CLOSE frame
has been sent, but before the response has been received.
self.send_close(code, reason)
# FIXME: swap the two lines below?
self.onclose(code, reason)
frame = self.sock.recv()
if frame.opcode != OPCODE_CLOSE:
raise ValueError('expected CLOSE frame, got %s instead' % frame)
def onopen(self):
Called after the connection is initialized.
def onmessage(self, message):
Called when a message is received. `message` is a Message object, which
can be constructed from a single frame or multiple fragmented frames.
return NotImplemented
def onping(self, payload):
Called after a PING control frame has been sent. This handler could be
used to start a timeout handler for a PONG frame that is not received
in time.
def onpong(self, payload):
Called when a PONG control frame is received.
def onclose(self, code, reason):
Called when the socket is closed by either end point.
def onexception(self, e):
Handle a raised exception.
......@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ class Frame(object):
A Frame instance represents a web socket data frame as defined in RFC 6455.
To encoding a frame for sending it over a socket, use Frame.pack(). To
receive and decode a frame from a socket, use receive_frame() (or,
preferably, receive_fragments()).
receive and decode a frame from a socket, use receive_frame().
def __init__(self, opcode, payload, masking_key='', final=True, rsv1=False,
rsv2=False, rsv3=False):
......@@ -101,8 +100,14 @@ class Frame(object):
def fragment(self, fragment_size, mask=False):
Fragment the frame into a chain of fragment frames, as explained in the
docs of the function receive_fragments().
Fragment the frame into a chain of fragment frames:
- An initial frame with non-zero opcode
- Zero or more frames with opcode = 0 and final = False
- A final frame with opcode = 0 and final = True
The first and last frame may be the same frame, having a non-zero
opcode and final = True. Thus, this function returns a list containing
at least a single frame.
`fragment_size` indicates the maximum payload size of each fragment.
The payload of the original frame is split into one or more parts, and
......@@ -171,38 +176,6 @@ class ControlFrame(Frame):
return code, reason
def receive_fragments(sock, control_frame_handler):
Receive a sequence of frames that belong together on socket `sock`:
- An initial frame with non-zero opcode
- Zero or more frames with opcode = 0 and final = False
- A final frame with opcode = 0 and final = True
The first and last frame may be the same frame, having a non-zero opcode
and final = True. Thus, this function returns a list of at least a single
`control_frame_handler` is a callback function taking a single argument,
which is a ControlFrame instance in case a control frame is received (this
may occur in the middle of a fragment chain).
fragments = []
while not len(fragments) or not fragments[-1].final:
frame = receive_frame(sock)
if isinstance(frame, ControlFrame):
# No more receiving data after a close message
if frame.opcode == OPCODE_CLOSE:
return fragments
def receive_frame(sock):
Receive a single frame on socket `sock`. The frame schme is explained in
import re
import struct
import socket
from hashlib import sha1
from frame import ControlFrame, receive_fragments, receive_frame, \
from message import create_message
from exceptions import InvalidRequest, SocketClosed, PingError
from frame import receive_frame
from exceptions import InvalidRequest
WS_GUID = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'
class WebSocket(object):
class websocket(object):
A WebSocket upgrades a regular TCP socket to a web socket. The class
implements the handshake protocol as defined by RFC 6455, provides
abstracted methods for sending (optionally fragmented) messages, and
automatically handles control messages.
Implementation of web socket, upgrades a regular TCP socket to a websocket
using the HTTP handshakes and frame (un)packing, as specified by RFC 6455.
Server example:
>>> sock = websocket()
>>> sock.bind(('', 80))
>>> sock.listen()
>>> client = sock.accept()
>>> client.send(Frame(...))
>>> frame = client.recv()
Client example:
>>> sock = websocket()
>>> sock.connect(('', 80))
def __init__(self, sock):
def __init__(self, wsprotocols=[], family=socket.AF_INET, proto=0):
`sock` is a regular TCP socket instance.
Create aregular TCP socket of family `family` and protocol
`wsprotocols` is a list of supported protocol names.
self.sock = sock
self.sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto)
self.protocols = wsprotocols
self.received_close_params = None
self.close_frame_sent = False
def bind(self, address):
self.ping_sent = False
self.ping_payload = None
def listen(self, backlog):
def send_message(self, message, fragment_size=None):
if fragment_size is None:
map(self.send_frame, message.fragment(fragment_size))
def accept(self):
client, address = socket.socket.accept(self)
client = websocket(client)
return client, address
def send_frame(self, frame):
def connect(self, address):
Equivalent to socket.connect(), but sends an HTTP handshake request
after connecting.
def handle_control_frame(self, frame):
if frame.opcode == OPCODE_CLOSE:
self.received_close_params = frame.unpack_close()
elif frame.opcode == OPCODE_PING:
# Respond with a pong message with identical payload
self.send_frame(ControlFrame(OPCODE_PONG, frame.payload))
elif frame.opcode == OPCODE_PONG:
# Assert that the PONG payload is identical to that of the PING
if not self.ping_sent:
raise PingError('received PONG while no PING was sent')
def send(self, *args):
Send a number of frames.
for frame in args:
self.ping_sent = False
def recv(self, n=1):
Receive exactly `n` frames. These can be either data frames or control
frames, or a combination of both.
return [receive_frame(self.sock) for i in xrange(n)]
if frame.payload != self.ping_payload:
raise PingError('received PONG with invalid payload')
def getpeername(self):
return self.sock.getpeername()
self.ping_payload = None
def getsockname(self):
return self.sock.getpeername()
def receive_message(self):
frames = receive_fragments(self.sock, self.handle_control_frame)
payload = ''.join([f.payload for f in frames])
return create_message(frames[0].opcode, payload)
def setsockopt(self, level, optname, value):
self.sock.setsockopt(level, optname, value)
def getsockopt(self, level, optname):
return self.sock.getsockopt(level, optname)
def server_handshake(self):
......@@ -120,168 +137,6 @@ class WebSocket(object):
self.sock.send(shake + '\r\n')
def receive_forever(self):
Receive and handle messages in an endless loop. A message may consist
of multiple data frames, but this is not visible for onmessage().
Control messages (or control frames) are handled automatically.
while True:
self.onmessage(self, self.receive_message())
if self.received_close_params is not None:
except SocketClosed:
self.onclose(None, '')
except Exception as e:
def send_close(self, code, reason):
Send a close control frame.
payload = '' if code is None else struct.pack('!H', code) + reason
self.send_frame(ControlFrame(OPCODE_CLOSE, payload))
self.close_frame_sent = True
def send_ping(self, payload=''):
Send a ping control frame with an optional payload.
self.send_frame(ControlFrame(OPCODE_PING, payload))
self.ping_payload = payload
self.ping_sent = True
def handle_close(self, code=None, reason=''):
Handle a close message by sending a response close message if no close
message was sent before, and closing the connection. The onclose()
handler is called afterwards.
if not self.close_frame_sent:
payload = '' if code is None else struct.pack('!H', code)
self.send_frame(ControlFrame(OPCODE_CLOSE, payload))
self.onclose(code, reason)
def close(self, code=None, reason=''):
Close the socket by sending a close message and waiting for a response
close message. The onclose() handler is called after the close message
has been sent, but before the response has been received.
self.send_close(code, reason)
# FIXME: swap the two lines below?
self.onclose(code, reason)
frame = receive_frame(self.sock)
if frame.opcode != OPCODE_CLOSE:
raise ValueError('expected close frame, got %s instead' % frame)
def onopen(self):
Called after the handshake has completed.
def onmessage(self, message):
Called when a message is received. `message` is a Message object, which
can be constructed from a single frame or multiple fragmented frames.
return NotImplemented
def onping(self, payload):
Called after a ping control frame has been sent. This handler could be
used to start a timeout handler for a pong message that is not received
in time.
def onpong(self, payload):
Called when a pong control frame is received.
def onclose(self, code, reason):
Called when the socket is closed by either end point.
def onexception(self, e):
Handle a raised exception.
class websocket(WebSocket):
Alternative implementation of web socket, extending the regular socket
def __init__(self, family=socket.AF_INET, proto=0):
sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto)
WebSocket.__init__(self, sock)
def bind(self, address):
def listen(self, backlog):
def accept(self):
client, address = socket.socket.accept(self)
client = websocket(client)
return client, address
def recv(self):
Receive a sinfle frame.
return receive_frame(self.sock)
def send(self, frame):
Send a single frame.
def sendall(self, frames):
Send a list of frames.
for frame in frames:
def getpeername(self):
return self.sock.getpeername()
def getsockname(self):
return self.sock.getpeername()
def setsockopt(self, level, optname, value):
self.sock.setsockopt(level, optname, value)
def getsockopt(self, level, optname):
return self.sock.getsockopt(level, optname)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sock = websocket()
sock.bind(('', 80))
client = sock.accept()
def client_handshake(self):
# TODO: implement HTTP request headers for client handshake
raise NotImplementedError()
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