Commit ee28c5c8 authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Added basis set of functions for file collections to Cache object.

parent db024017
from os.path import getmtime, exists
def to_dir(path):
Transform a path to a directory, that can be used as prefix before a
if not path:
return ''
if path[-1] != '/':
return path + '/'
return path
class Cache:
A Cache instance represents a single file in the cache directory, which is
a concatenation of the file list.
def __init__(self, root='', files=[], cached='cached'):
The constructor takes the following arguments (all are optional):
1. The directory in which the cached files are located (empty by
2. An initial list of number of files to include in the cahce file.
3. The cached files directory (defaults to 'cached').
self.root = to_dir(root)
self.cached = to_dir(cached)
self.files = map(lambda f: self.root + f, files)
def assert_files_exist(self):
for path in self.files:
if not exists(path):
raise IOError('File "%s" does not exist.' % path)
def add(self, path, absolute=False):
Add a file to the cache object. Requires the full path to the file,
relative to the root directory. If the second argument is True, the
root directory will not be prepended to the path.
if not absolute:
path = self.root + path
def remove(self, path, absolute=False):
Remove a file from the cache object. Requires the full path to the
file, relative to the root directory. If the second argument is True,
the root directory will not be prepended to the path.
if not absolute:
path = self.root + path
def get_modification_dates(self):
Get the latest modification dates fo each file in the cache object.
self.modified = {}
for path in self.files:
self.modified[path] = getmtime(path)
import unittest
import os
from shutil import rmtree
from src.cache import to_dir, Cache
class TestCache(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
for name in ('foo', 'bar'):
f = open('baz/' + name, 'w')
self.c = Cache(files=['foo', 'bar'], root='baz')
def tearDown(self):
def test_to_dir(self):
self.assertEqual(to_dir(''), '')
self.assertEqual(to_dir('foo'), 'foo/')
self.assertEqual(to_dir('foo/'), 'foo/')
def test___init__(self):
self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.c, 'root'))
self.assertEqual(self.c.root, 'baz/')
self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.c, 'files'))
self.assertEqual(self.c.files, ['baz/foo', 'baz/bar'])
self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.c, 'cached'))
self.assertEqual(self.c.cached, 'cached/')
def test___init___custom_root(self):
c = Cache(root='foo')
self.assertTrue(hasattr(c, 'root'))
self.assertEqual(c.root, 'foo/')
def test___init___custom_cached_dir(self):
c = Cache(cached='foo')
self.assertTrue(hasattr(c, 'cached'))
self.assertEqual(c.cached, 'foo/')
def test___init___non_existant_file(self):
self.assertRaises(IOError, Cache, files=['foo'])
def test_add(self):
self.assertIn('baz/baz', self.c.files)
def test_add_non_relative(self):
self.c.add('baz', absolute=True)
self.assertIn('baz', self.c.files)
def test_remove(self):
self.assertNotIn('baz/foo', self.c.files)
def test_remove_non_relative(self):
self.c.remove('baz/foo', absolute=True)
self.assertNotIn('baz/foo', self.c.files)
def test_get_modification_dates(self):
self.assertIn('baz/foo', self.c.modified)
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