Commit c6d73775 authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Added answers to exam questions.

parent 6f9f38c3
(* Assignment 2 *)
let rec duplicate (l : char list) = match l with
| [] | [_] -> l
| a::(b::t) -> [a;b;b] @ (duplicate t)
(* Assignment 3 *)
let histogram (l : int list) =
(* Add an item to the memory.
* 'a -> ('a * int) list -> ('a * int) list *)
let rec add n = function
| [] -> [(n, 1)]
| (nb, c)::t when nb = n -> (n, c + 1)::t
| h::t -> h::(add n t)
(* Fill the memory with the given integer list.
* ('a * int) list -> 'a list -> ('a * int) list *)
in let rec hist mem = function
| [] -> mem
| h::t -> hist (add h mem) t
in hist [] l
(* Assignment 4 *)
module type DictSig = sig
type 'a dict
val empty : 'a dict
val add : 'a dict -> (int * 'a) -> 'a dict
val get : 'a dict -> int -> 'a option
val rem : 'a dict -> int -> 'a dict
val size : 'a dict -> int
val cat : 'a dict -> 'a list
module DictTree : DictSig = struct
type 'a dict = Empty | Node of int * 'a * 'a dict * 'a dict
let empty = Empty
let rec add d (k, v) = match d with
| Empty -> Node (k, v, Empty, Empty)
| Node (kb, _, l, r) when kb = k -> Node (k, v, l, r)
| Node (kb, vb, l, r) when kb > k -> Node (kb, vb, add l (k, v), r)
| Node (kb, vb, l, r) -> Node (kb, vb, l, add r (k, v))
let rec get d k = match d with
| Empty -> None
| Node (kb, v, _, _) when kb = k -> Some v
| Node (kb, _, l, _) when kb > k -> get l k
| Node (_, _, _, r) -> get r k
let rec rem d k =
(* Merge two dictionaries into a single one.
* 'a dict * 'a dict -> 'a dict *)
let rec merge = function
| (Empty, n) | (n, Empty) -> n
| (Node (kb, v, l, r), n) -> Node (kb, v, l, merge (r, n))
in match d with
| Empty -> Empty
| Node (kb, _, l, r) when kb = k -> merge (l, r)
| Node (kb, v, l, r) when kb > k -> Node (kb, v, rem l k, r)
| Node (kb, v, l, r) -> Node (kb, v, l, rem r k)
let rec size = function
| Empty -> 0
| Node (_, _, l, r) -> 1 + (size l) + (size r)
let rec cat = function
| Empty -> []
| Node (_, v, l, r) -> (cat l) @ (v::(cat r))
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