Commit 9dcd50cc authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

funclang series5: Indent cleanup.

parent 810556ae
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ type 'a rbtree = Leaf | Node of 'a * color * 'a rbtree * 'a rbtree
(* Balance a node by matching it against the four cases and returning a new,
* well-structured node *)
let balance_node node = match node with
Node (z, Black, Node (y, Red, Node (x, Red, a, b), c), d)
Node (z, Black, Node (y, Red, Node (x, Red, a, b), c), d)
| Node (z, Black, Node (x, Red, a, Node (y, Red, b, c)), d)
| Node (x, Black, a, Node (z, Red, Node (y, Red, b, c), d))
| Node (x, Black, a, Node (y, Red, b, Node (z, Red, c, d))) ->
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let balance_node node = match node with
let insert tree value =
let rec insert_in_tree = function
(* Insert new Node at leaf position *)
Leaf -> Node (value, Red, Leaf, Leaf)
Leaf -> Node (value, Red, Leaf, Leaf)
| Node (v, color, left, right) ->
if value = v then
(* Value has already been inserted *)
......@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ let insert tree value =
match insert_in_tree tree with
(* Color the root black *)
Node (v, _, left, right) -> Node (v, Black, left, right)
Node (v, _, left, right) -> Node (v, Black, left, right)
| Leaf -> raise (Failure "Error during insertion")
(* 'a -> 'a rbtree -> bool *)
let rec lookup value = function
Leaf -> false
Leaf -> false
| Node (v, _, left, right) -> v = value
|| (if value < v then lookup value left else lookup value right)
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