Portfolio: start of LaTeX report.

parent 357f47e6
# Sander van Veen - 6167969 - University of Amsterdam - <sandervv@gmail.com>
# Basic Makefile used to simplify the compilation. Running "make" (without any
# arguments) from the command line is enough to build the report.
all: highlight compile
rm -v *.out *.aux *.toc foo.tex latex-answers.pdf
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode latex-answers.tex
rm -v *.log
highlight: foo.tex
@echo "Highlighting done."
%.tex: %.py
pygmentize -O style=colorful -o $@ $^
% Template coming from Pygments (pygmentize with "-O full,preamble")
\def\PY@reset{\let\PY@it=\relax \let\PY@bf=\relax%
\let\PY@ul=\relax \let\PY@tc=\relax%
\let\PY@bc=\relax \let\PY@ff=\relax}
\def\PY@tok#1{\csname PY@tok@#1\endcsname}
} % \def\PY@bc##1{\colorbox[rgb]{1.00,0.94,0.94}{##1}}}
% for compatibility with earlier versions
class Foo:
""" Class used to illustrate code highlighting. """
def __init__(self):
def bar(self):
return 42
def baz(self, values):
# Simple use of a lambda expression.
return map(lambda x: x ** 2, values)
\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} % {{{
% }}}
\title{\LaTeX{} assignment}
\author{Sander van Veen, University of Amsterdam}
\section{Basic typography} % {{{
\label{sec:Basic typography}
% abstract
% table of contents
% list
% footnote
% hyperlink
% quotation
% reference to existing article.
% BibTex
% }}}
\section{Pseudo code} % {{{
One of the requirements of this assignment is demonstrating some (highlighted)
pseudo code, therefore I took the initiative to write some example python code
used for this demonstration.
\begin{program} % {{{
\caption{ Python code containing one lambda expression and three definitions (in
other languages known as ``methods'') wrapped in a class.}
\end{program} % }}}
\noindent The code given in code example \ref{lst-example-foo} is stored in an
external file called \texttt{foo.py}. The syntax highlighting is generated by
Pygments \footnote{Pygments is a general purpose syntax highlighter for various
source code formats and is available at \url{http://pygments.org/}} and is
stored in \texttt{foo.tex}. The pre-generated color scheme is also part of
Pygments (compilation with \texttt{-O style=colorful,full,preamble}) and is
saved as \texttt{colors.tex}. The color scheme is pre-generated to reduce the
overall compilation process.
% }}}
\section{Graph and table} % {{{
\label{sec:Graph and table}
% }}}
\section{Mathematics} % {{{
% }}}
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