Commit 3143e5aa authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

funclang series4: Successfully implemented lookup and matches in ass9.

parent c80e4c4c
open List
(* A Node has a key, value and list of children *)
type ('a, 'b) trie = Empty | Node of 'a list * 'b * ('a, 'b) trie list
let rec starts_with l s =
(length s) <= (length l) && match s with
| [] -> true
| h::t -> h = (hd l) && starts_with (tl l) t
let rec insert trie key value =
match trie with
| Empty -> Node (key, value, []) (* Root *)
| Node (k, v, children) ->
if starts_with key k then
(* Check all children for a longer prefix *)
if (length k) = (length key) - 1 then
(* Direct child *)
Node (k, v, children @ [Node (key, value, [])])
(* Add another nde between the matched node and the child,
* with the length of the matched node plus one *)
raise (Failure "Inserted key does not start with node key")
let rec lookup trie key =
match trie with
| Empty -> None (* Trie is empty, so no result *)
| Node (k, value, children) ->
if k = key then
(* Keys are equal, return value *)
Some value
else if starts_with key k then
(* The node's key prefixes the given key, so the value can only
* be in one of the children. *)
let rec walk_nodes = function
| [] -> None
| child::rest -> match lookup child key with
| None -> walk_nodes rest
| result -> result
walk_nodes children
(* Not found *)
let rec matches trie key =
match trie with
| Empty -> []
| Node (k, value, children) ->
let rec match_nodes = function
| [] -> []
| node::rest -> (matches node key) @ (match_nodes rest)
(if starts_with k key then [(k, value)] else [])
@ match_nodes children
let a = Node ([1;2;3], "a", []);;
let b = Node ([1;3], "b", [a]);;
let c = Node ([3;4], "c", [b]);;
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