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Commit 18b75311 authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes
Browse files

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

parents 7fef69aa d740046e
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(* Sort the list in ascending order using quicksort. *)
let rec quickSort (l: int list) = match l with
| [] -> []
| pivot::tail -> let left, right = List.partition (fun x -> x < pivot) tail
in quickSort left @ [pivot] @ quickSort right
Printf.printf "8.1: %b\n" ((=)(quickSort [4;3;1;2]) [1;2;3;4])
(* Sort the list in ascending order using merge sort. *)
let rec mergeSort (l: int list) = match l with
| [] | [_] -> l
| _ ->
(* Split the lists into lists of length one (which are sorted by
* definition), and repeatedly merge the lists together. *)
let rec merge a b = match a, b with
| [], _ -> b
| _, [] -> a
| ha::ta, hb::tb when ha < hb -> ha::(merge ta b)
| ha::ta, hb::tb -> hb::(merge a tb)
(* Split the list "equally" in two parts: left and right. *)
in let rec split left right len = match left, len with
| [], _ | _, 0 -> (left, right)
| h::t, _ -> split t (h::right) (len - 1)
in let left, right = split l [] ((List.length l) / 2)
(* Recursively merge the left and right sorted lists. *)
in merge (mergeSort left) (mergeSort right)
Printf.printf "8.2: %b\n" ((=)(mergeSort [4;3;1;2]) [1;2;3;4])
(* --- Assignment 9 --- *)
(* A trie node has a key, a value and a list of children. *)
type ('a, 'b) trie = Empty | Node of 'a list * 'b * ('a, 'b) trie list
(* Helper functions, Return a list, cutoff at the node where the key equals
* elem. *)
let rec front_of_lst lst elem = match lst with
| [] -> Empty
| t::h -> match t with
| Empty | Node([], _,_) -> Empty
| Node(c::d, _, _) when c == elem -> t
| Node(c::d, _, _) -> front_of_lst h elem
(* Helper function, changes the value in a node to v. *)
let change_node_value node v = match node with
| Empty -> raise (Failure "Empty Node")
| Node(a,b,lst) -> Node(a,v,lst)
(* Helper function: given a list of nodes, remove given node from the list and
* return the modified list. *)
let rec remove_node lst n =
let a = List.hd lst
in let b = lst
in match a, n with
| Empty, _ -> [a] @ remove_node b n
| Node([], g, h), _ -> [a]
| Node(t::l, g, h), Empty -> [a] @ remove_node b n
| Node(t::l, g, h), Node(tt::ll, _, _) when t == tt -> remove_node b n
| Node(t::l, g, h), Node(_, _, _) -> [a] @ remove_node b n
(* Insert a node into the trie. *)
let rec insert trie k v =
match trie, k with
| Empty, [] -> Node([], None, [])
| Empty, _ -> insert (Node([], None, [])) k v
| Node(a, b, lst), [] -> trie
| Node(a, b, lst), c::d ->
let found = front_of_lst lst c in match d, found with
| [], Empty -> Node(a, b, lst @ [Node([c], Some v, [])])
| [], _ -> Node(a, b, (remove_node lst found)
@ [(change_node_value found (Some v))])
| _, Empty -> Node(a, b, lst @ [insert (Node([c], None, [])) d v])
| _, _ -> Node(a, b, [insert found d v] @ (remove_node lst found))
(* Helper function: check if a node equals the given part of the key in a list
* of nodes. *)
let rec check lst k = match lst, k with
| [], _ -> Empty
| Node(a, _, _)::b, k when a = [k] -> List.hd lst
| a::b, k -> check b k
(* Remove a value from the trie. The value is replaced by None. *)
let rec remove trie k = match trie, k with
| Empty, _ -> trie
| Node(a,b,lst), [] -> change_node_value trie None
| Node(a,b,lst), h::t ->
let in_list = check lst h in match in_list with
| Empty -> trie
| _ -> Node(a,b, [remove in_list t] @ (remove_node lst in_list))
(* Returns the value that is associated with the key. *)
(* type 'a option = Some of 'a | None *)
let rec lookup trie k = match trie, k with
| Empty,_ -> None
| Node(a,b,lst),[] -> b
| Node(a,b,lst),h::t ->
let in_list = check lst h in match in_list with
| Empty -> None
| _ -> lookup in_list t
(* --- Assignment 10 --- *)
(* I explicitly replaced the following names given in the assignment, because
* the original name were unclear or wrong:
* - "rel_op" -> "equal_op", since these operators express (in)equality.
* - "mon_op" -> "unary_op", since these operators are unary (one parameter).
* - "bin_op" -> "binary_op", for consistency with unary_op. *)
type arith_op = Plus | Minus | Times | Divide | Modulo
type equal_op = Eq | Neq | Lt | Lte | Gt | Gte
type logic_op = And | Or
type unary_op = Negation | Not
type const = BoolConst of bool | IntConst of int
type binary_op =
| ArithOp of arith_op
| EqualOp of equal_op
| LogicOp of logic_op
type expr =
| Enclosure of expr
| BinaryOp of expr * binary_op * expr
| UnaryOp of unary_op * expr
| Id of string
| Const of const
let eval_arith_op = function
| Plus -> "+"
| Minus -> "-"
| Times -> "*"
| Divide -> "/"
| Modulo -> "mod"
let eval_equal_op = function
| Eq -> "="
| Neq -> "!="
| Lt -> "<"
| Lte -> "<="
| Gt -> ">"
| Gte -> ">="
let eval_logic_op = function
| And -> "&&"
| Or -> "||"
let eval_unary_op = function
| Negation -> "-"
| Not -> "not"
let eval_const = function
| IntConst i -> string_of_int i
| BoolConst b -> string_of_bool b
let eval_binary_op = function
| ArithOp op -> eval_arith_op(op)
| EqualOp op -> eval_equal_op(op)
| LogicOp op -> eval_logic_op(op)
let rec eval = function
| Enclosure e -> "(" ^ eval(e) ^ ")"
| BinaryOp (e1, op, e2) -> eval(e1) ^ " " ^ eval_binary_op(op) ^ " " ^ eval(e2)
| UnaryOp (op, e) -> eval_unary_op(op) ^ eval(e)
| Id id -> id
| Const c -> eval_const(c)
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