Commit af391fc8 authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Re-added some parantheses where stuff was broken

parent a5d3e50b
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ AppView = Backbone.View.extend
# Main
Settings = new do Backbone.Model.extend
Settings = new (Backbone.Model.extend
day: 0
favourite_channels: load_stored_list(STORAGE_CHANNELS, DEFAULT_CHANNELS)
......@@ -339,10 +339,12 @@ Settings = new do Backbone.Model.extend
isFavouriteProgram: (title) ->
_.contains(@get('favourite_programs'), title)
Clock = new do ->
Clock = new (->
_.extend(@, Backbone.Events)
setInterval((=> @trigger('tick')), 60 * 60 * 1000 / HOUR_WIDTH)
Channels = new ChannelList()
App = new AppView()
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