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Commit 7f68833c authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes
Browse files

Added favourite programs & general code celanup

parent 6e13cb0e
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......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
FETCH_URL = 'programs.php'
STORAGE_NAME = 'tvgids-channels'
STORAGE_CHANNELS = 'tvgids-channels'
STORAGE_PROGRAMS = 'tvgids-programs'
......@@ -19,12 +20,18 @@ format_time = (time) ->
date = new Date(time)
zeropad(date.getHours()) + ':' + zeropad(date.getMinutes())
store_list = (name, values) -> localStorage.setItem(name, values.join(';'))
load_stored_list = (name, def) ->
store_list(name, def) if not localStorage.hasOwnProperty(name)
value = localStorage.getItem(name)
if value.length > 0 then value.split(';') else []
# Models & collections
Channel = Backbone.Model.extend(
defaults: ->
id: null
name: 'Some channel'
visible: true
......@@ -32,7 +39,7 @@ Channel = Backbone.Model.extend(
Program = Backbone.Model.extend(
defaults: ->
title: 'Some program'
genre: ''
sort: ''
......@@ -46,24 +53,21 @@ ChannelList = Backbone.Collection.extend(
model: Channel
#comparator: (a, b) -> parseInt(a.get('id')) - parseInt(b.get('id'))
initialize: ->
@listenTo(Settings, 'change:favourite_channels', @propagateVisible)
fetch: ->
#$.getJSON('channels.php', (data) => @reset(data))
propagateVisible: ->
visible = if localStorage.hasOwnProperty(STORAGE_NAME) \
then localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_NAME).split(',') else @pluck('id')
visible = Settings.get('favourite_channels')
for id in visible
if @length and not @findWhere(id: id)
console.log 'not found:', id, typeof id, typeof @at(0).get('id')
@findWhere(id: id)?.set(visible: true)
for id in _.difference(@pluck('id'), visible)
if not @findWhere(id: id)
console.log 'not found:', id
@findWhere(id: id)?.set(visible: false)
fetchPrograms: (day) ->
......@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ ChannelList = Backbone.Collection.extend(
(channels) ->
_.each channels, (programs, id) ->
channel = Channels.findWhere(id: id)
channel.set('programs', (
channel.set(programs: (
new Program(
title: p.titel
genre: p.genre
......@@ -115,12 +119,19 @@ ProgramView = Backbone.View.extend(
tagName: 'div'
className: 'program'
'click .favlink': 'toggleFavourite'
initialize: ->
$('<span class="title"/>').text(@model.get('title')).appendTo(@el)
from = format_time(@model.get('start'))
to = format_time(@model.get('end'))
@$el.attr('title', @model.get('title') + " (#{from} - #{to})")
@$fav = $('<a class="favlink icon-heart"/>').appendTo(@el)
@$fav.attr('title', 'Als favoriet instellen')
left = time2px(Math.max(0, seconds_today(@model.get('start'))))
width = time2px(seconds_today(@model.get('end'))) - left
......@@ -128,6 +139,15 @@ ProgramView = Backbone.View.extend(
width: (width - 10) + 'px'
@listenTo(Settings, 'change:favourite_programs', @updateFavlink)
toggleFavourite: ->
updateFavlink: ->
isfav = Settings.isFavouriteProgram(@model.get('title'))
@$fav.toggleClass('favourite', isfav)
render: ->
if @model.get('start') <=
if @model.get('end') <
......@@ -162,6 +182,7 @@ AppView = Backbone.View.extend(
el: $('#guide')
# TODO: move to initialize
'click #yesterday': -> @loadDay(-1)
'click #today': -> @loadDay(0)
'click #tomorrow': -> @loadDay(1)
......@@ -217,8 +238,26 @@ AppView = Backbone.View.extend(
Settings = new (Backbone.Model.extend(
defaults: ->
day: 0
favourite_channels: load_stored_list(STORAGE_CHANNELS,
_.pluck(CHANNELS, 'id'))
favourite_programs: load_stored_list(STORAGE_PROGRAMS, [])
toggleFavouriteProgram: (title) ->
list = @get('favourite_programs')
if @isFavouriteProgram(title)
list.splice(list.indexOf(title), 1)
@attributes.favourite_programs = list
store_list(STORAGE_PROGRAMS, list)
isFavouriteProgram: (title) ->
_.contains(@get('favourite_programs'), title)
Channels = new ChannelList()
App = new AppView()
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<title>TV gids</title>
<link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="guide" class="guide">
STORAGE_NAME = 'tvgids-channels'
visible = if localStorage.hasOwnProperty(STORAGE_NAME) \
then localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_NAME).split(',') \
then localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_NAME).split(';') \
else _.pluck(CHANNELS, 'id')
_.each CHANNELS, (channel) ->
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ _.each CHANNELS, (channel) ->
$('#select-channels').submit (e) ->
selected = ($(i).val() for i in $('input', @) when $(i).is(':checked'))
localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_NAME, selected.join(','))
localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_NAME, selected.join(';'))
setall = (c) -> $('#select-channels input').prop('checked', c).change()
$('#select-all').click -> setall(true)
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
STORAGE_NAME = 'tvgids-channels';
visible = localStorage.hasOwnProperty(STORAGE_NAME) ? localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_NAME).split(',') : _.pluck(CHANNELS, 'id');
visible = localStorage.hasOwnProperty(STORAGE_NAME) ? localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_NAME).split(';') : _.pluck(CHANNELS, 'id');
_.each(CHANNELS, function(channel) {
var elem, input, is_visible;
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
return _results;
return localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_NAME, selected.join(','));
return localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_NAME, selected.join(';'));
setall = function(c) {
......@@ -99,6 +99,24 @@ html, body
background-color: #ddd
color: #444
position: absolute
right: 10px
top: 10px
visibility: hidden
color: #fff
color: #bcbcbc
color: orange
visibility: visible
&:hover .favlink
visibility: visible
position: absolute
width: 1px
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