Commit d810e27c authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Updated TODO list.

parent 140ddc59
......@@ -104,10 +104,12 @@ Division of 0 by 1 reduces to 0.
- Line generator: 'der(f(x), x)' -> 'd/dx f(x)'
- Create unit tests for parser preprocessor.
- Create unit tests for node inequivalece operator.
- Create unit tests for node inequivalence operator.
- Line printer: 1 / (n + n)x -> 1 / (n + n) * x
- Parser: 'apia' -> 'aa'
- 'x(1 / x)' -> '(x * 1) / x' (currently no left/right check: '1x / x')
- Unit tests for strategy.
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