Commit b495a394 authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 4e7b7bb0 d9bedbd8
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class ExpressionBase(object):
return ExpressionNode('*', self, to_expression(other))
def __div__(self, other):
return ExpressionNode('-', self, to_expression(other))
return ExpressionNode('/', self, to_expression(other))
def __pow__(self, other):
return ExpressionNode('^', self, to_expression(other))
......@@ -274,15 +274,18 @@ class Parser(BisonParser):
def on_binary(self, target, option, names, values):
binary : exp PLUS exp
| exp MINUS exp
| exp TIMES exp
| exp DIVIDE exp
| exp POW exp
| exp MINUS exp
if 0 <= option < 5: # rule: exp PLUS exp
if 0 <= option < 4: # rule: exp {PLUS,TIMES,DIVIDES,POW} exp
return Node(values[1], values[0], values[2])
if option == 4: # rule: exp MINUS exp
return Node('+', values[0], Node('-', values[2]))
raise BisonSyntaxError('Unsupported option %d in target "%s".'
% (option, target)) # pragma: nocover
......@@ -98,6 +98,28 @@ def run_expressions(base_class, expressions, fail=True, silent=False,
def apply_expressions(base_class, expressions, fail=True, silent=False,
parser = ParserWrapper(base_class, **kwargs)
for exp, times, out in expressions:
res = None
res =[exp] + list('@' * times))
assert res == out
except: # pragma: nocover
if not silent:
print >>sys.stderr, 'error: %s gives %s, but expected: %s' \
% (exp, str(res), str(out))
if not silent and hasattr(res, 'nodes'):
print >>sys.stderr, 'result graph:'
print >>sys.stderr, generate_graph(res)
print >>sys.stderr, 'expected graph:'
print >>sys.stderr, generate_graph(out)
if fail:
def graph(parser, *exp, **kwargs):
return generate_graph(ParserWrapper(parser, **kwargs).run(exp))
import unittest
from src.parser import Parser
from src.node import ExpressionNode as N, ExpressionLeaf as L
from tests.parser import run_expressions
from src.node import ExpressionLeaf as L
from tests.parser import run_expressions, apply_expressions
class TestB1Ch08(unittest.TestCase):
def test_diagnostic_test(self):
def test_diagnostic_test_parser(self):
run_expressions(Parser, [
('6*5^2', N('*', L(6), N('^', L(5), L(2)))),
('-5*(-3)^2', N('*', N('-', L(5)),
N('^', N('-', L(3)), L(2)))),
('-5*(-3)^2', N('*', N('-', L(5)),
N('^', N('-', L(3)), L(2)))),
('7p-3p', N('-', N('*', L(7), L('p')), N('*', L(3), L('p')))),
('-5a*-6', N('*', N('*', N('-', L(5)), L('a')),
N('-', L(6)))),
('3a-8--5-2a', N('-', N('-', N('-', N('*', L(3), L('a')), L(8)),
N('-', L(5))), N('*', L(2), L('a')))),
('6*5^2', L(6) * L(5) ** 2),
('-5*(-3)^2', (-L(5)) * (-L(3)) ** 2),
('7p-3p', L(7) * 'p' + -(L(3) * 'p')),
('-5a*-6', (-L(5)) * 'a' * (-L(6))),
('3a-8--5-2a', L(3) * 'a' + -L(8) + -(-L(5)) + -(L(2) * 'a')),
def test_diagnostic_test_application(self):
apply_expressions(Parser, [
('7p+2p', 1, (L(7) + 2) * 'p'),
#('7p-3p', 1, (L(7) - 3) * 'p'),
......@@ -9,21 +9,12 @@ class TestB1Ch10(unittest.TestCase):
def test_diagnostic_test(self):
run_expressions(Parser, [
('5(a-2b)', N('*', L(5), N('-', L('a'),
N('*', L(2), L('b'))))),
('-(3a+6b)', N('-', N('+', N('*', L(3), L('a')),
N('*', L(6), L('b'))))),
('18-(a-12)', N('-', L(18),
N('-', L('a'), L(12)))),
('5(a-2b)', L(5) * (L('a') + -(L(2) * 'b'))),
('-(3a+6b)', -(L(3) * L('a') + L(6) * 'b')),
('18-(a-12)', L(18) + -(L('a') + -L(12))),
N('+', N('-', N('-', L('p')), L('q')),
N('*', L(5), N('-', L('p'), L('q')))),
N('*', L(3), L('q'))
N('*', L(2), N('-', L('p'), L('q')))
-L('p') + -L('q') + L(5) * (L('p') + -L('q')) + -(L(3) * 'q') \
+ - (L(2) * (L('p') + -L('q')))
N('^', N('+', L(2), N('/', L(3), L(7))), L(4))
......@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ class TestCalc(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic_on_exp(self):
expressions = [('4', L(4)),
('3+4', N('+', L(3), L(4))),
('3-4', N('-', L(3), L(4))),
('3/4', N('/', L(3), L(4))),
('-4', N('-', L(4))),
('3+4', L(3) + L(4)),
('3-4', L(3) + -L(4)),
('3/4', L(3) / L(4)),
('-4', -L(4)),
('3^4', N('^', L(3), L(4))),
('(2)', L(2))]
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class TestCalc(unittest.TestCase):
def test_negation(self):
run_expressions(Parser, [
('-9', N('-', L(9))),
('--9', N('-', N('-', L(9)))),
('a--9', N('-', L('a'), N('-', L(9)))),
('-9', -L(9)),
('--9', --L(9)),
('a--9', L('a') + -(-L(9))),
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