Commit 974545c7 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Removed bug in preprocessor that caused 'pi*a' to occur as 'pi a'.

parent 47ed0625
......@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ Division of 0 by 1 reduces to 0.
- Line printer: 1 / (n + n)x -> 1 / (n + n) * x
- Parser: 'apia' -> 'aa'
- Unit tests for strategy.
- Parser: add unit tests for operator associativity (derivatives/integrals).
......@@ -179,32 +179,24 @@ class Parser(BisonParser):
# Replace known keywords with escape sequences.
words = list(self.__class__.words)
words.insert(10, '\n')
words.insert(13, '\r')
for i, keyword in enumerate(words):
# FIXME: Why case-insensitivity?
data = re.sub(keyword, chr(i), data, flags=re.I)
# TODO: remove this quick preprocessing hack. This hack enables
# concatenated expressions, since the grammar currently does not
# support those. This workaround will replace:
# - ")(" with ")*(".
# - "a(" with "a*(".
# - ")a" with ")*a".
# - "ab" with "a*b".
# - "4a" with "4*a".
# - "a4" with "a^4".
pattern = ('(?:(\))\s*([([])' # )( -> ) * (
# )[ -> ) * [
+ '|([\x00-\x09\x0b-\x19a-z0-9])\s*([([])' # a( -> a * (
# a[ -> a * [
+ '|(\))\s*([\x00-\x09\x0b-\x19a-z0-9])' # )a -> ) * a
+ '|([\x00-\x09\x0b-\x19a-z])\s*'
+ '([\x00-\x09\x0b-\x19a-z0-9])' # ab -> a * b
+ '|(\|)(\|)' # || -> | * |
+ '|([0-9])\s*([\x00-\x09\x0b-\x19a-z])' # 4a -> 4 * a
+ '|([\x00-\x09\x0b-\x19a-z])([0-9])' # a4 -> a ^ 4
+ '|([\x00-\x09\x0b-\x190-9])(\s+[0-9]))' # 4 4 -> 4 * 4
rsv = '\x00-\x09\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x19'
pattern = ('(?:(\))\s*([([])' # )( -> ) * (
# )[ -> ) * [
+ '|([' + rsv + 'a-z0-9])\s*([([])' # a( -> a * (
# a[ -> a * [
+ '|(\))\s*([' + rsv + 'a-z0-9])' # )a -> ) * a
+ '|([' + rsv + 'a-z])\s*'
+ '([' + rsv + 'a-z0-9])' # ab -> a * b
+ '|(\|)(\|)' # || -> | * |
+ '|([0-9])\s*([' + rsv + 'a-z])' # 4a -> 4 * a
+ '|([' + rsv + 'a-z])([0-9])' # a4 -> a ^ 4
+ '|([' + rsv + '0-9])(\s+[0-9]))' # 4 4 -> 4 * 4
def preprocess_data(match):
......@@ -213,7 +205,9 @@ class Parser(BisonParser):
# Make sure there are no multiplication and exponentiation signs
# inserted between a function and its argument(s): "sin x" should
# not be written as "sin*x", because that is bogus.
if ord(left) <= 0x9 or 0x0b <= ord(left) <= 0x19:
# Bugfix: omit 0x0e (pi) to prevent "pi a" (should be "pi*a")
if ord(left) <= 0x9 or 0x0b <= ord(left) <= 0x0d \
or 0x0f <= ord(left) <= 0x19:
return left + ' ' + right
# If all characters on the right are numbers. e.g. "a4", the
......@@ -223,7 +217,7 @@ class Parser(BisonParser):
# return '%s^%s' % (left, right)
# match: ab | abc | abcd (where left = "a")
return '*'.join([left] + list(re.sub(r'^ +', '', right)))
return '*'.join([left] + list(right.lstrip()))
if self.verbose: # pragma: nocover
data_before = data
......@@ -187,3 +187,6 @@ class TestParser(RulesTestCase):
def test_precedence(self):
self.assertEqual(tree('ab / cd'), tree('a * (b / c) * d'))
def test_pi_multiplication_sign(self):
self.assertEqual(tree('apia'), tree('a * pi * a'))
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