Commit 095027ff authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes Committed by Taddeüs Kroes

Fixed make dependencies for 'make test'

parent ece7fb15
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ TGT_DIR := $(TGT_DIR) $(PROFILER_OUTPUT_DIR)
.PHONY: test coverage $(TESTS)
test: $(TESTS) build/external/pybison
test: $(TESTS)
ifeq ($(findstring python-coverage,$(wildcard /usr/bin/*)), python-coverage)
coverage: ${COVERAGE} build
......@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ ${COVERAGE}:
@echo "Install package 'python-coverage' to generate a coverage report."
@echo "On Debian/Ubuntu use: sudo apt-get install python-coverage"; false
$(TESTS): build/external/pybison; @python -m external.testrunner $@
$(TESTS): build
@python -m external.testrunner $@
profile-test-%: $(PROFILER_OUTPUT_DIR) build
python -m cProfile -s cumulative \
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