Simplified get_polynome and added TODOs for get_polynome.

parent 8fa8e923
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
import os.path
import sys
......@@ -96,26 +97,38 @@ class ExpressionNode(Node, ExpressionBase):
def get_polynome(self):
Identifier nodes of all polynomes, tuple format is:
(identifier, exponent, coefficient, literal_exponent)
(root, exponent, coefficient, literal_exponent)
# TODO: change "get_polynome" -> "extract_polynome".
# TODO: change retval of c * r ^ e to (c, r, e).
# TODO: normalize c * r and r * c -> c * r. Otherwise, the tuple will
# not match if the order of the expression is different. Example:
# r ^ e * c == c * r ^ e
# without normalization, those expressions will not match.
# rule: r ^ e
if self.is_power():
# a ^ e
return (self[0], self[1], ExpressionLeaf(1), True)
if self.op != OP_MUL:
for n0, n1 in [(0, 1), (1, 0)]:
if self[n0].is_numeric():
if self[n1].is_identifier():
# c * a
return (self[n1], ExpressionLeaf(1), self[n0], False)
elif self[n1].is_power():
# c * a ^ e
coeff, power = self
root, exponent = power
return (root, exponent, coeff, True)
# expression: c * r ^ e ; tree:
# *
# ╭┴───╮
# c ^
# ╭─┴╮
# r e
# rule: c * r ^ e | (r ^ e) * c
for i, j in [(0, 1), (1, 0)]:
if self[j].is_power():
return (self[j][0], self[j][1], self[i], True)
# rule: c * r | r * c
return (self[0], ExpressionLeaf(1), self[1], False)
def get_scope(self):
......@@ -72,11 +72,14 @@ def match_combine_factors(node):
# a = 1 * a ^ 1
# Identifier nodes of all polynomes, tuple format is:
# (identifier, exponent, coefficient, literal_coefficient)
# (root, exponent, coefficient, literal_coefficient)
polys = []
print 'match combine factors:', node
for n in node.get_scope():
polynome = n.get_polynome()
print 'n:', n, 'polynome:', polynome
if polynome:
polys.append((n, polynome))
......@@ -107,8 +110,13 @@ def combine_polynomes(root, args):
left, right = args
nl, pl = left
nr, pr = right
c0, r0, e0 = pl
c1, r1, e1 = pr
# TODO: verify that the two commented expression below are invalid and the
# following two expressions are right.
r0, e0, c0 = pl
r1, e1, c1 = pr
#c0, r0, e0 = pl
#c1, r1, e1 = pr
scope = root.get_scope()
......@@ -26,9 +26,13 @@ class TestRulesPoly(unittest.TestCase):
for p, e in zip(possibilities, expected):
self.assertEqual(p.root, e.root)
for pair in zip(p.args, e.args):
self.assertEqual(p, e)
def test_numeric(self):
def test_basic(self):
l1, l2 = root = tree('1+2')
[P(root, combine_polynomes, ((l1, (l1, l1, l1, False)),
......@@ -44,7 +48,47 @@ class TestRulesPoly(unittest.TestCase):
[P(root, combine_polynomes, ((a1, (a1, l1, l1, False)),
(a2, (a2[1], l1, l2, False))))])
a1, a2 = root = tree('a+a*2')
[P(root, combine_polynomes, ((a1, (a1, l1, l1, False)),
(a2, (a2[1], l1, l2, False))))])
a1, a2 = root = tree('a2+a2')
[P(root, combine_polynomes, ((a1, (a1[0], l2, l1, True)),
(a2, (a2[0], l2, l1, True))))])
def test_basic_subexpressions(self):
return # TODO: test this!!
a_b = tree('a+b')
c, d = tree('c+d')
l1 = tree('1')
l5, l7 = tree('5+7')
left, right = root = tree('(a+b)^d + (a+b)^d')
self.assertEqual(left, right)
[P(root, combine_polynomes, ((left, (a_b, d, l1, True)),
(right, (a_b, d, l1, True))))])
left, right = root = tree('5(a+b)^d + 7(a+b)^d')
#<Possibility root="5 * (a + b) ^ d + 7 * (a + b) ^ d"
# handler=combine_polynomes args=((<src.node.ExpressionNode object at
# 0x9fb2e0c>, (<src.node.ExpressionNode object at 0x9fb2c2c>,
# 'd', 5, True)), (<src.node.ExpressionNode object at
# 0x9fb438c>, (<src.node.ExpressionNode object at
# 0x9fb2f0c>, 'd', 7, True)))>
[P(root, combine_polynomes, ((left, (a_b, d, l5, True)),
(right, (a_b, d, l7, True))))])
left, right = root = tree('c(a+b)^d + c(a+b)^d')
self.assertEqual(left, right)
[P(root, combine_polynomes, ((left, (left[0], c, d, True)),
(right, (right[0], c, d, True))))])
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