Commit 03feca7a authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Removed some unused imports.

parent dedcf309
from itertools import combinations, product, ifilterfalse
import copy
from .utils import least_common_multiple, partition, is_numeric_node, \
from ..node import ExpressionNode as N, ExpressionLeaf as L, Scope, OP_DIV, \
OP_ADD, OP_MUL, OP_POW, nary_node, negate
OP_ADD, OP_MUL, negate
from ..possibilities import Possibility as P, MESSAGES
from ..translate import _
......@@ -188,16 +187,11 @@ def match_multiply_fractions(node):
p = []
scope = Scope(node)
fractions, others = partition(lambda n: n.is_op(OP_DIV), scope)
numerics = filter(is_numeric_node, others)
for ab, cd in combinations(fractions, 2):
p.append(P(node, multiply_fractions, (scope, ab, cd)))
for ab, c in product(fractions, others):
a, b = ab
#if (a.is_numeric() and c.is_numeric()) or \
# (a == 1 and evals_to_numeric(b)):
if c.is_numeric() or not evals_to_numeric(ab):
p.append(P(node, multiply_with_fraction, (scope, ab, c)))
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