• Taddeüs Kroes's avatar
    Significantly improved the parser. · 82d83f5a
    Taddeüs Kroes authored
    - Thought over and reconfigured precedences. These are now also synchronized
      with precedences in the line printer.
    - The subscript operator ("_") has been added to the grammar similarly to
      exponentiation ("^"). This resolved some issues with the use of operators in
      integral bounds.
    - Unary negation now has a higher precedence, but the parser moves negations up
      in the tree as far as possible (within the bounds of correctness and without
      causing cycles during reduction).
    - All unit tests have been updated using the new syntax.
    - graph_drawing has been updated to include the new syntax of the line printer.
test_leiden_oefenopgave.py 6.71 KB