Commit a9cd57fa authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Add command line arguments to poll script

parent 407be6e0
......@@ -4,35 +4,41 @@ import os
import atexit
import time
import grequests
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from Queue import PriorityQueue
interval = 3 # poll exchange tickers every 3 seconds
interval = 2 # poll exchange tickers every 2 seconds
cap_interval = 60 # poll check market cap every minute
exchanges = {
('btce', ('btc_usd', 'last'), 'USD', interval),
['btce', ('btc_usd', 'last'), 'USD', interval],
('coinbase', ('price',), 'USD', interval),
['coinbase', ('price',), 'USD', interval],
('bitstamp', ('last',), 'USD', interval),
['bitstamp', ('last',), 'USD', interval],
('bitfinex', ('last_price',), 'USD', interval),
['bitfinex', ('last_price',), 'USD', interval],
('btcchina', ('ticker', 'last'), 'CNY', interval),
['btcchina', ('ticker', 'last'), 'CNY', interval],
('huobi', ('ticker', 'last'), 'CNY', interval),
['huobi', ('ticker', 'last'), 'CNY', interval],
('okcoin', ('ticker', 'last'), 'CNY', interval),
['okcoin', ('ticker', 'last'), 'CNY', interval],
('kraken', ('result', 'XXBTZEUR', 'c', 0), 'EUR', interval),
['kraken', ('result', 'XXBTZEUR', 'c', 0), 'EUR', interval],
('coinmarketcap', (0, 'market_cap_usd'), 'USD', cap_interval),
['coinmarketcap', (0, 'market_cap_usd'), 'USD', cap_interval],
queue = PriorityQueue(len(exchanges))
def generate_requests():
assert queue.empty()
for url in exchanges.iterkeys():
queue.put((0, url))
while True:
scheduled, url = queue.get()
wait = scheduled - time.time()
......@@ -43,12 +49,39 @@ def generate_requests():
yield grequests.get(url, timeout=5)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for url in exchanges.iterkeys():
queue.put((0, url))
# parse command line options
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Poll bitcoin API services.')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', metavar='PATH', type=str,
help='directory to save poll results in '
'(default dev/shm/tothemoon)')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--interval', metavar='SECONDS', type=float,
help='poll interval per exchange in seconds '
'(default %f)' % interval)
parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action='store_true', default=False,
help='list exchange info')
args = parser.parse_args()
root = args.dir
for ex in exchanges.itervalues():
if ex[0] != 'coinmarketcap':
ex[3] = args.interval
if args.list:
for url, (exid, indices, currency, interval) in exchanges.iteritems():
print exid
print ' url: ', url
print ' currency:', currency
print ' lookup: response[%s]' % ']['.join(repr(i) for i in indices)
print ' interval:', interval, 'seconds'
print ' path: %s/%s' % (root, exid)
root = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else '/dev/shm/tothemoon'
create_root = not os.path.isdir(root)
# clean up created files on exit
def remove_files():
for ex in exchanges.itervalues():
path = root + '/' + ex[0]
......@@ -60,6 +93,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# create root directory if necessary
if create_root:
......@@ -68,6 +102,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print >>sys.stderr, e.strerror
# keep updating URLs from priority queue, adding them back to the queue
# scheduled after their current interval
for res in grequests.imap(generate_requests()):
exid, indices, currency, interval = exchanges[res.request.url]
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