Commit 16c976ac authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Split spaceship hull and exhaust, add exhaust animation, sync star rotation with spacecip tilt

parent c50538f7
......@@ -15,24 +15,20 @@ rand = (lbnd, ubnd) -> Math.round((Math.random() * (ubnd - lbnd)) + lbnd)
# -- create stars in background --
star_tails = for _ in [1..numstars]
size = rand min_star_size, max_star_size
red_green = rand 180, 255
x = rand 0, 100
y = rand 0, 100
star = document.createElement 'div' = x + '%' = y + '%'
document.getElementById('stars').appendChild star
tail = document.createElement 'div' = "rgb(#{red_green}, #{red_green}, 255)" = size / 2 + 'px' = size + 'px' = size + 'px'
star.appendChild tail
stars = for _ in [1..numstars]
x = rand 0, 100
y = rand 0, 100
size = rand min_star_size, max_star_size
red = green = rand 180, 255
star = document.createElement 'div' = x + '%' = y + '%' = size + 'px' = size + 'px' = size / 2 + 'px' = "rgb(#{red}, #{green}, 255)"
document.getElementById('stars').appendChild star
# -- state transitions --
......@@ -40,11 +36,11 @@ star_tails = for _ in [1..numstars]
spaceship = document.getElementById 'spaceship'
star_heights = ( for tail in star_tails)
star_heights = ( for star in stars)
warp = ->
# first stretch stars to create accelerating feel
Velocity star_tails,
Velocity stars,
{width: '500px'},
duration: 1000, easing: 'ease-in',
......@@ -52,21 +48,21 @@ warp = ->
# then shift
for tail in star_tails
for star in stars
amt = rand 0, 20
Velocity tail, {right: "+=#{amt}%"}, {duration: 400}
Velocity tail, 'reverse', {duration: 1000}
Velocity star, {right: "+=#{amt}%"}, {duration: 400}
Velocity star, 'reverse', {duration: 1000}
# while stars shift, the spaceship goes back a little bit, then launches
# speedily to the right and gradually moves back to the center
Velocity spaceship, {left: '-=20%', top: '+=20%', }, {duration: 1000}
Velocity spaceship, {left: '+=45%', top: '-=45%', }, {duration: 400}
Velocity spaceship, {left: '-=25%', top: '+=25%', }, {duration: 1300}
Velocity spaceship, {left: '-=20%'}, {duration: 1000}
Velocity spaceship, {left: '+=45%'}, {duration: 400}
Velocity spaceship, {left: '-=25%'}, {duration: 1300}
unwarp = ->
# unstretch stars
for tail, i in star_tails
Velocity tail,
for star, i in stars
Velocity star,
{width: star_heights[i]},
duration: 1000, easing: 'ease-in',
/* config */
@spaceship-width: 400px;
@spaceship-height: @spaceship-width * 1447 / 2454;
@hull-width: 350px;
@cruising-move-radius: 5px;
@cruising-nose-tilt: 6deg;
@cruising-move-duration: 1.5s;
@cruising-tilt-duration: 1s;
@cruising-exhaust-duration: 500ms;
@cruising-exhaust-scalediff: 0.05;
@excited-move-radius: 10px;
@excited-nose-tilt: 16deg;
@excited-move-duration: 500ms;
@excited-tilt-duration: 100ms;
@excited-exhaust-duration: 150ms;
@excited-exhaust-scalediff: 0.5;
@excited-exhaust-scalebase: 1.2;
@hull-w: 1760;
@hull-h: 1240;
@exhaust-w: 1020;
@exhaust-h: 530;
@hull-height: @hull-width * @hull-h / @hull-w;
@exhaust-width: @exhaust-w / @hull-w * @hull-width;
@exhaust-height: @exhaust-width * @exhaust-h / @exhaust-w;
/* general */
......@@ -23,27 +36,41 @@ img, div {
position: absolute;
.bg {
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.camera {
@camera-extend: 20%;
left: -@camera-extend;
top: -@camera-extend;
width: 100 + 2 * @camera-extend;
height: 100 + 2 * @camera-extend;
transform: rotateZ(-25deg);
.spaceship {
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
width: @spaceship-width;
height: @spaceship-height;
margin-left: -@spaceship-width / 2;
margin-top: -@spaceship-height / 2;
width: @hull-width + @exhaust-width;
height: @hull-height;
margin-left: -(@hull-width + @exhaust-width) / 2;
margin-top: -@hull-height / 2;
z-index: 10;
img {
position: static;
.rotate-box {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.exhaust {
top: 50%;
right: @hull-width * 0.815;
width: @exhaust-width;
height: @exhaust-height;
margin-top: -@exhaust-height / 2;
.hull {
right: 0;
width: @hull-width;
height: @hull-height;
.stars {
......@@ -53,9 +80,6 @@ img, div {
height: 100%;
& > div {
// FIXME: this should depend on the market and the client width/height
transform: rotateZ(-25deg);
div {
right: 0;
background-color: white;
......@@ -86,11 +110,17 @@ img, div {
/* Cruising state */
.cruising .spaceship {
animation: cruising-movement @cruising-move-duration linear 0s infinite;
.cruising {
.spaceship {
animation: cruising-movement @cruising-move-duration linear 0s infinite;
img {
animation: cruising-rotation @cruising-tilt-duration linear 0s infinite alternate;
.rotate-box {
animation: cruising-rotation @cruising-tilt-duration linear 0s infinite alternate;
.exhaust {
animation: cruising-exhaust @cruising-exhaust-duration linear 0s infinite alternate;
......@@ -104,14 +134,23 @@ img, div {
to { transform: rotateZ(@cruising-nose-tilt / 2) }
@keyframes cruising-exhaust {
from { width: @exhaust-width }
to { width: (1 + @cruising-exhaust-scalediff) * @exhaust-width }
/* Excited state */
.excited .spaceship {
animation: excited-movement @excited-move-duration linear 0s infinite;
img {
.rotate-box {
animation: excited-rotation @excited-tilt-duration linear 0s infinite alternate;
.exhaust {
animation: excited-exhaust @excited-exhaust-duration linear 0s infinite alternate;
@keyframes excited-movement {
......@@ -123,3 +162,9 @@ img, div {
from { transform: rotateZ(-@excited-nose-tilt / 2) }
to { transform: rotateZ(@excited-nose-tilt / 2) }
@keyframes excited-exhaust {
@w: @excited-exhaust-scalebase * @exhaust-width;
from { width: @w }
to { width: (1 + @excited-exhaust-scalediff) * @w }
......@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"></link>
<body class="cruising">
<div id="stars" class="stars"></div>
<div id="bg" class="bg">
<div id="camera" class="camera">
<div id="stars" class="stars"></div>
<div id="spaceship" class="spaceship">
<img src="spaiceship.png">
<div class="rotate-box">
<img class="exhaust" src="spaiceship-exhaust.png">
<img class="hull" src="spaiceship-hull.png">
<img class="moon" src="moooon.png" width="100">
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