Commit fadf1e2b authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Solved 47

parent 7487ab6a
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
from utils import primes_until
primes = list(primes_until(10000))
def distinct(n, frm=0):
for i, p in enumerate(primes[frm:]):
div = n / p
if div < 2:
if div.is_integer():
others = set([int(div)]) if div in primes[i:] else distinct(div, i)
if others:
return others | set([p])
n = N = 4
counter = 0
while counter != N:
factors = distinct(n)
counter = counter + 1 if factors and len(factors) == N else 0
n += 1
print n - N
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