Commit 85134e9a authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Reversed assertion arguments to match PHPUnit documentation.

parent 6bbdb4ef
......@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ class pQueryArrayTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
function test_constructor() {
$this->assertTrue($this->arr instanceof pQueryArray, 'constructor does not return pQueryArray object.');
$this->assertEquals($this->arr->variable, $this->variable, 'variable is not set correctly.');
$this->assertEquals($this->variable, $this->arr->variable, 'variable is not set correctly.');
function test_get_simple() {
$this->assertEquals($this->arr->get(0), $this->variable[0]);
$this->assertEquals($this->variable[0], $this->arr->get(0));
function test_get_non_existent() {
......@@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ class pQueryArrayTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$orginal = range(1, 4);
$reverse = range(4, 1, -1);
$arr = _arr($orginal);
$this->assertEquals($arr->reverse()->variable, $reverse, 'reverse is not really reverse...');
$this->assertEquals($reverse, $arr->reverse()->variable, 'reverse is not really reverse...');
function test_call_count() {
$this->assertEquals($this->arr->count(), count($this->variable));
$this->assertEquals(count($this->variable), $this->arr->count());
function test_call_sort() {
$arr = range(1, 8);
$this->assertEquals(_arr($arr)->sort()->variable, range(1, 8));
$this->assertEquals(range(1, 8), _arr($arr)->sort()->variable);
......@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ class pQuerySqlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
__sql::set_login_data('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
$this->assertEquals(__sql::$login_data['host'], 'a');
$this->assertEquals(__sql::$login_data['username'], 'b');
$this->assertEquals(__sql::$login_data['password'], 'c');
$this->assertEquals(__sql::$login_data['dbname'], 'd');
$this->assertEquals('a', __sql::$login_data['host']);
$this->assertEquals('b', __sql::$login_data['username']);
$this->assertEquals('c', __sql::$login_data['password']);
$this->assertEquals('d', __sql::$login_data['dbname']);
......@@ -33,61 +33,61 @@ class pQuerySqlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
function test_query_getter() {
$sql = _sql('foobar');
$this->assertEquals($sql->variable, 'foobar');
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, 'foobar');
$this->assertEquals('foobar', $sql->variable);
$this->assertEquals('foobar', $sql->query);
function test_variable_query() {
$sql = _sql("select id from foo where bar = '[bar]'")
->set(array('bar' => 'test1'));
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "select id from foo where bar = 'test1'");
$this->assertEquals("select id from foo where bar = 'test1'", $sql->query);
function test_unescaped_query() {
$sql = _sql("select id from foo where bar = '[bar]'")
->set_unescaped(array('bar' => "select id from foo where bar = 'test1'"));
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "select id from foo where bar = 'select id from foo where bar = 'test1''");
$this->assertEquals("select id from foo where bar = 'select id from foo where bar = 'test1''", $sql->query);
function test_escaped_query() {
$sql = _sql("select id from foo where bar = '[bar]'")
->set(array('bar' => "select id from foo where bar = 'test1'"));
$this->assertNotEquals($sql->query, "select id from foo where bar = 'select id from foo where bar = 'test1''");
$this->assertNotEquals("select id from foo where bar = 'select id from foo where bar = 'test1''", $sql->query);
function test_constructor_simple() {
$sql = _sql("select id from foo where bar = '[0]'", 'test1');
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "select id from foo where bar = 'test1'");
$this->assertEquals("select id from foo where bar = 'test1'", $sql->query);
function test_constructor_advanced() {
$sql = _sql("[0] [bar] [foo] [2]", '1', array('bar' => '2', 'foo' => '3'), '4');
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "1 2 3 4");
$this->assertEquals("1 2 3 4", $sql->query);
function test_num_rows() {
$sql = _sql("select bar from foo where id in (1, 2)");
$this->assertEquals($sql->num_rows(), 2);
$this->assertEquals(2, $sql->num_rows());
function test_escape_column_simple() {
$this->assertEquals(__sql::escape_column('foo'), '`foo`');
$this->assertEquals('`foo`', __sql::escape_column('foo'));
function test_escape_column_escaped() {
$this->assertEquals(__sql::escape_column('`foo`'), '`foo`');
$this->assertEquals('`foo`', __sql::escape_column('`foo`'));
function test_escape_column_table() {
$this->assertEquals(__sql::escape_column(''), '`foo`.`bar`');
$this->assertEquals('`foo`.`bar`', __sql::escape_column(''));
function test_escape_column_aggregate() {
$this->assertEquals(__sql::escape_column('count(foo)'), 'COUNT(`foo`)');
$this->assertEquals('COUNT(`foo`)', __sql::escape_column('count(foo)'));
function test_escape_column_aggregate_escaped() {
$this->assertEquals(__sql::escape_column('count(`foo`)'), 'COUNT(`foo`)');
$this->assertEquals('COUNT(`foo`)', __sql::escape_column('count(`foo`)'));
function test_escape_value() {
......@@ -100,58 +100,56 @@ class pQuerySqlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
function test_parse_columns_star() {
$sql = __sql::select('foo', '*', '', false);
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "SELECT * FROM `foo` WHERE 1;");
$this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM `foo` WHERE 1;", $sql->query);
function test_parse_columns_simple() {
$sql = __sql::select('foo', array('id', 'bar'), '', false);
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "SELECT `id`, `bar` FROM `foo` WHERE 1;");
$this->assertEquals("SELECT `id`, `bar` FROM `foo` WHERE 1;", $sql->query);
function test_parse_columns_as() {
$sql = __sql::select('foo', array('id' => 'foo_id'), '', false);
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "SELECT `id` AS `foo_id` FROM `foo` WHERE 1;");
$this->assertEquals("SELECT `id` AS `foo_id` FROM `foo` WHERE 1;", $sql->query);
function test_parse_constraints_empty() {
$this->assertSame(__sql::parse_constraints(null, false), "1");
$this->assertSame("1", __sql::parse_constraints(null, false));
function test_parse_constraints_string() {
$constraints = "foo LIKE '%bar%'";
$this->assertEquals(__sql::parse_constraints($constraints, false), $constraints);
$this->assertEquals($constraints, __sql::parse_constraints($constraints, false));
function test_parse_constraints_simple() {
array('id' => 1, 'bar' => 'test1'), false),
"`id` = '1' AND `bar` = 'test1'");
$this->assertEquals("`id` = '1' AND `bar` = 'test1'",
__sql::parse_constraints(array('id' => 1, 'bar' => 'test1'), false));
function test_parse_constraints_value_list() {
array('id' => range(1, 3)), false),
"`id` IN ('1', '2', '3')");
$this->assertEquals("`id` IN ('1', '2', '3')",
__sql::parse_constraints(array('id' => range(1, 3)), false));
function test_select_query() {
$sql = __sql::select('foo', '*', array('bar' => 'test1'), false);
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "SELECT * FROM `foo` WHERE `bar` = 'test1';");
$this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM `foo` WHERE `bar` = 'test1';", $sql->query);
function test_update_query() {
$sql = __sql::update('foo', array('bar' => 'test4'), array('id' => 1), false);
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "UPDATE `foo` SET `bar` = 'test4' WHERE `id` = '1';");
$this->assertEquals("UPDATE `foo` SET `bar` = 'test4' WHERE `id` = '1';", $sql->query);
function test_insert_query() {
$sql = __sql::insert_row('foo', array('bar' => 'test3'), false);
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "INSERT INTO `foo`(`bar`) VALUES('test3');");
$this->assertEquals("INSERT INTO `foo`(`bar`) VALUES('test3');", $sql->query);
function test_delete_query() {
$sql = __sql::delete('foo', array('bar' => 'test3'), false);
$this->assertEquals($sql->query, "DELETE FROM `foo` WHERE `bar` = 'test3';");
$this->assertEquals("DELETE FROM `foo` WHERE `bar` = 'test3';", $sql->query);
......@@ -161,7 +159,7 @@ class pQuerySqlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$sql = _sql("select bar from foo where id = 1");
$result = $sql->fetch('object');
$this->assertEquals('test1', $result->bar);
$this->assertSame($sql->fetch(), false);
......@@ -172,7 +170,7 @@ class pQuerySqlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
array('id' => 1), false)->execute();
// Do not continue unless the value has been updated
$this->assertSame($update->result, true);
......@@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ class pQuerySqlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
function test_insert() {
$insert = __sql::insert_row('foo', array('bar' => 'test3'))->execute();
$this->assertSame($insert->result, true);
......@@ -189,7 +187,7 @@ class pQuerySqlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
function test_delete() {
$delete = __sql::delete('foo', array('bar' => 'test3'))->execute();
$this->assertSame($delete->result, true);
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class pQueryTemplateTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
function test_open_template_file() {
$path = $this->templates_folder.$this->file;
$content = file_get_contents($path);
$this->assertEquals($this->tpl->content, $content, 'template content is not set correctly');
$this->assertEquals($content, $this->tpl->content, 'template content was not set correctly');
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class pQueryTemplateTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
// Expected content is defined in a text file
$expected_content = file_get_contents($this->templates_folder.'expect_parse.html');
$this->assertEquals($this->tpl->parse(), $expected_content);
$this->assertEquals($expected_content, $this->tpl->parse());
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