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Commit 9340893b authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes
Browse files

Added basic PGA parser and printer

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Makefile 0 → 100644
RESULT := pga
BASENAMES := types stringify parse pga
OFILES := $(addsuffix .cmx,$(BASENAMES))
.PHONY: all clean
.PRECIOUS: $(addsuffix .cmi,$(BASENAMES))
all: $(RESULT)
ocamlopt -c -o $@ $(<
ocamlopt -o $@ $^
rm -f *.cmi *.cmx *.o $(RESULT) 0 → 100644
open Types
type token = LPAREN | RPAREN | ID of string | HASH | EXCLAM | PLUS | MINUS
let tokenize next_char emit =
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let emit_buf () =
match Buffer.length buf with
| 0 -> ()
| _ ->
emit (ID (Buffer.contents buf));
Buffer.clear buf
let nobuf () =
assert (Buffer.length buf = 0)
let rec n () =
match next_char () with
| Some '(' -> nobuf (); emit LPAREN; n ()
| Some ')' -> emit_buf (); emit RPAREN; n ()
| Some ';' -> emit_buf (); n ()
| Some '#' -> nobuf (); emit HASH; n ()
| Some '!' -> nobuf (); emit EXCLAM; n ()
| Some '+' -> nobuf (); emit PLUS; n ()
| Some '-' -> nobuf (); emit MINUS; n ()
| Some (' ' | '\t') -> emit_buf (); n ()
| Some c -> Buffer.add_char buf c; n ()
| None -> emit_buf ()
in n ()
let program_of_list = function
| [] -> Empty
| [p] -> p
| p -> Concat p
type exp = E_basic | E_jump | E_ptest | E_ntest
let parse tokenize =
let stack = ref [ref []] in
let expect = ref E_basic in
let append p =
let lst = List.hd !stack in
lst := p :: !lst
let handler = function
| ID s ->
let p =
match !expect with
| E_basic -> Basic s
| E_jump -> Jump (int_of_string s)
| E_ptest -> Ptest s
| E_ntest -> Ntest s
append (Primitive p);
expect := E_basic
append (Primitive Terminate)
| HASH ->
expect := E_jump
| PLUS ->
expect := E_ptest
| MINUS ->
expect := E_ntest
stack := ref [] :: !stack
let body = List.rev !(List.hd !stack) in
stack := !stack;
append (Repeat (program_of_list body))
tokenize handler;
Concat (List.rev !(List.hd !stack))
let parse_string s =
let i = ref 0 in
let next_char () =
if !i = String.length s
then None
else (incr i; Some (String.get s (!i - 1)))
parse (tokenize next_char) 0 → 100644
open Printf
open Types
open Stringify
open Parse
let main () =
let argc = Array.length Sys.argv in
let usage status =
printf "usage: %s command [args]\n" Sys.argv.(0);
printf "command:\n";
printf " help\n";
printf " echo PROGRAM\n";
if argc = 1 then begin
usage 1
end else
match Sys.argv.(1) with
| "help" ->
usage 0
| "echo" when argc > 2 ->
printf "%s\n" (string_of_program (parse_string Sys.argv.(2)));
| _ ->
usage 1
let () = exit (main ())
open Types
let string_of_basic ins = ins
let string_of_primitive = function
| Basic ins -> string_of_basic ins
| Terminate -> "!"
| Ptest ins -> "+" ^ string_of_basic ins
| Ntest ins -> "-" ^ string_of_basic ins
| Jump len -> "#" ^ string_of_int len
let rec string_of_program = function
| Primitive p -> string_of_primitive p
| Concat l -> String.concat ";" ( string_of_program l)
| Repeat p -> "(" ^ string_of_program p ^ ")\207\137"
| Empty -> "" 0 → 100644
type basic_instr = string
type primitive =
| Basic of basic_instr
| Terminate
| Ptest of basic_instr
| Ntest of basic_instr
| Jump of int
type program =
| Primitive of primitive
| Concat of program list
| Repeat of program
| Empty
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