Commit cf25e404 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Removed useless generator file.

parent c3ba2d2d
argmap ={'REG': 'WORD'}
def command(name, args):
"""Generate grammar code to be pasted in grammar.y for a sinle MIPS
argc = len(args)
mapped_args = [argmap[arg] if arg in argmap else arg for arg in args]
code = '"%s" %s {\n' % (name, ' COMMA '.join(mapped_args))
code += '\t\tchar **argv = (char **)malloc(%d * sizeof(char *));\n' % argc
code += '\t\tint *argt = (int *)malloc(%d * sizeof(int));\n' % argc
for i, argtype in enumerate(args):
code += '\t\targv[%d] = $%d;\n' % (i, i * 2 + 2)
code += '\t\targt[%d] = ARG_%s;\n' % (i, argtype)
code += '\t\tadd_line(TYPE_CMD, %s, %d, argv, argt);\n' % (name, argc)
code += '\t}\n'
return code
# Define commands
commands = [ \
(['add', 'sub'], ['REG'] * 3), \
(['addi', 'subi'], ['REG', 'REG', 'INT']), \
# Generate 'command' grammar
cmd = []
for names, args in commands:
for name in names:
cmd.append(command(name, args))
code = 'commands:\n\t%s\t;\n' % '\t| '.join(cmd)
print code
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