Commit 63fb3aaf authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Fixed inline comment alignment in writer.

parent 890d8253
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from math import ceil
TABSIZE = 4 # Size in spaces of a single tab
INLINE_COMMENT_LEVEL = 6 # Number of tabs to inline commment level
INLINE_COMMENT_LEVEL = 7 # Number of tabs to inline commment level
COMMAND_SIZE = 8 # Default length of a command name, used for
# indenting
ADD_COMMENT_BLOCKS = True # Wether to add newlines before and after
......@@ -53,9 +53,10 @@ def write_statements(statements):
diff = start - len(line.expandtabs(TABSIZE))
print line.expandtabs(TABSIZE), start, len(line.expandtabs(TABSIZE)), diff
# The comment must not be directly adjacent to the command itself
if diff > 0:
tabs = '\t' * (int(ceil(diff / float(TABSIZE))) + 1)
tabs = '\t' * int(ceil(diff / float(TABSIZE)))
tabs = ' '
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