Commit 0af52ab8 authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Reverted CSE fix.

parent 69316316
......@@ -33,88 +33,55 @@ def eliminate_common_subexpressions(block):
occurrences to a move instruction from that address.
changed = False
prev = False
while not block.end():
s =
args = s[1:]
mult = False
if s.is_command('mflo') and prev and == 'mult':
mult = prev
args = mult.args
elif not s.is_arith():
prev = s
pointer = block.pointer
occurrences = [pointer - 1]
# Collect similar statements
while not block.end():
s2 =
if s.is_arith():
pointer = block.pointer
occurrences = [pointer - 1]
args = s[1:]
if not s2.is_command():
# Collect similar statements
while not block.end():
s2 =
# Stop if one of the arguments is assigned
assign = False
if not s2.is_command():
for reg in s2.get_def():
if reg in args:
assign = True
# Stop if one of the arguments is assigned
if len(s2) and s2[0] in args:
if assign:
# Replace a similar expression by a move instruction
if mult:
# Multiplication has two instructions: mult and mflo
if == 'mult' and s2.args == args:
mflo = block.peek()
if mflo.is_command('mflo'):
occurrences.append(block.pointer - 1)
elif == and s2[1:] == args:
# Regular arithmetic command
occurrences.append(block.pointer - 1)
if len(occurrences) > 1:
new_reg = find_free_reg(block, occurrences[0])
# Replace each occurrence with a move statement
message = 'Common subexpression reference: %s %s' \
% (, ','.join(map(str, [new_reg] + s[1:])))
for occurrence in occurrences:
rd = block[occurrence][0]
block.replace(1, [S('command', 'move', rd, new_reg)], \
start=occurrence, message=message)
# Insert the calculation before the original with the new
# destination address
if mult:
message = 'Common subexpression: mult ' \
+ ','.join(map(str, args))
block.insert(S('command', 'mult', *args), \
index=occurrences[0], message=message)
block.insert(S('command', 'mflo', new_reg), \
index=occurrences[0], message=' |')
# Replace a similar expression by a move instruction
if == and s2[1:] == args:
occurrences.append(block.pointer - 1)
if len(occurrences) > 1:
new_reg = find_free_reg(block, occurrences[0])
# Replace each occurrence with a move statement
message = 'Common subexpression reference: %s %s' \
% (, ','.join(map(str, [new_reg] + s[1:])))
for occurrence in occurrences:
rd = block[occurrence][0]
block.replace(1, [S('command', 'move', rd, new_reg)], \
start=occurrence, message=message)
# Insert the calculation before the original with the new
# destination address
message = 'Common subexpression: %s %s' \
% (, ','.join(map(str, s)))
block.insert(S('command',, *([new_reg] + args)), \
index=occurrences[0], message=message)
changed = True
prev = s
changed = True
# Reset pointer to continue from the original statement
block.pointer = pointer
# Reset pointer to continue from the original statement
block.pointer = pointer
return changed
......@@ -489,7 +456,6 @@ def propagate_copies(block):
# definition reaching it -> s in in[B_use]
if s.sid in block.reach_out:
for b in filter(lambda b: (x, y) in b.copy_in, succ(block)):
print b
for s2 in b:
# Determine if for each of those uses this is the only
# definition reaching it -> s in in[B_use]
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