Commit 02c89c74 authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Rewritten old files to use new statement/block classes.

parent 2ee09e0d
JUMP_COMMANDS = ['j', 'jal', 'beq', 'bne', 'blez', 'bgtz', 'bltz', 'bgez', \
'bc1f', 'bc1t']
def is_jump(statement):
'''Check if a statement is a jump command.'''
return statement[0] == 'command' and statement[1] in JUMP_COMMANDS
def find_leaders(statements):
'''Determine the leaders, which are:
1. The first statement.
2. Any statement that is the target of a jump.
3. Any statement that follows directly follows a jump.'''
leaders = [0]
jump_target_labels = []
# Append statements following jumps and save jump target labels
for i, statement in enumerate(statements[1:]):
if is_jump(statement):
leaders.append(i + 2)
# print statement[2]['args'][-1]
#print 'found jump:', i, statement
# print 'target labels:', jump_target_labels
# print 'leaders:', leaders
# Append jump targets
for i, statement in enumerate(statements[1:]):
if i + 1 not in leaders \
and statement[0] == 'label' \
and statement[1] in jump_target_labels:
leaders.append(i + 1)
#print 'target:', i + 1, statements[i + 1]
return leaders
def find_basic_blocks(statements):
'''Divide a statement list into basic blocks. Returns a list of basic
blocks, which are also statement lists.'''
leaders = find_leaders(statements)
blocks = []
for i in range(len(leaders) - 1):
blocks.append(statements[leaders[i]:leaders[i + 1]])
return blocks
from parser import parse_file
from basic_block import find_basic_blocks
from optimizer import optimize_blocks, optimize_global
from optimize import optimize
from writer import write_statements
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -13,27 +12,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# Parse File
statements = parse_file(argv[1])
st_original = len(statements)
# Optimize on a global level
statements = optimize_global(statements)
st_aft_global = len(statements)
# Create basic blocks
blocks = find_basic_blocks(statements)
# Optimize basic blocks
statements = optimize_blocks(blocks)
statements = optimize(statements, verbose=1)
# Rewrite to assembly
out = write_statements(statements)
print "Optimization:"
print "Original statements:", st_original
print "After global optimization:", st_aft_global
print "After basic blocks optimization:", len(statements)
if len(argv) > 2:
# Save output assembly
f = open(argv[2], 'w+')
from utils import Statement as S, Block, find_basic_blocks
def equal_mov(s):
'''Check for useless move operations.'''
"""Check for useless move operations."""
return s.is_command() and == 'move' and s[0] == s[1]
def empty_shift(s):
'''Check for useless shift operations.'''
"""Check for useless shift operations."""
return s.is_shift() and s[0] == s[1] and s[2] == 0
def optimize_branch_jump_label(statements):
'''Optimize jumps after branches.'''
"""Optimize jumps after branches."""
out_statements = []
for i in xrange(len(statements)):
......@@ -31,15 +36,17 @@ def optimize_branch_jump_label(statements):
return out_statements
def optimize_global(statements):
'''Optimize one-line statements in entire code.'''
"""Optimize one-line statements in entire code."""
statements = optimize_branch_jump_label(statements)
return filter(lambda s: not equal_mov(s) and not empty_shift(s), statements)
def optimize_blocks(blocks):
'''Call the optimizer for each basic block. Do this several times until
no more optimizations are achieved.'''
"""Call the optimizer for each basic block. Do this several times until
no more optimizations are achieved."""
changed = True
while changed:
......@@ -57,8 +64,9 @@ def optimize_blocks(blocks):
return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, blocks, [])
def optimize_block(statements):
'''Optimize a basic block.'''
"""Optimize a basic block."""
changed = False
output_statements = []
......@@ -68,3 +76,25 @@ def optimize_block(statements):
return changed, output_statements
def optimize(original, verbose=0):
# Optimize on a global level
opt_global = optimize_global(original)
# Optimize basic blocks
basic_blocks = find_basic_blocks(opt_global)
blocks = optimize_blocks(basic_blocks)
opt_blocks = reduce(lambda a, b: a.statements + b.statements, blocks)
if verbose:
o = len(original)
g = len(opt_global)
b = len(opt_blocks)
print 'Original statements: %d' % o
print 'After global optimization: %d' % g
print 'After basic blocks optimization: %d' % b
print 'Speedup: %d (%d%%)' \
% (b - o, int((b - o) / o * 100))
return opt_blocks
import ply.lex as lex
import ply.yacc as yacc
from utils import Statement as S, Block
# Global statements administration
statements = []
......@@ -72,11 +74,11 @@ def p_line_instruction(p):
def p_line_comment(p):
statements.append(('comment', p[1], {'inline': False}))
statements.append(S('comment', p[1], inline=False))
def p_line_inline_comment(p):
'line : instruction COMMENT NEWLINE'
statements.append(('comment', p[2], {'inline': True}))
statements.append(S('comment', p[2], inline=True))
def p_instruction_command(p):
'instruction : command'
......@@ -84,18 +86,18 @@ def p_instruction_command(p):
def p_instruction_directive(p):
'instruction : DIRECTIVE'
statements.append(('directive', p[1], None))
statements.append(S('directive', p[1]))
def p_instruction_label(p):
'instruction : WORD COLON'
statements.append(('label', p[1], None))
statements.append(S('label', p[1]))
def p_command(p):
| WORD'''
statements.append(('command', p[1], {'args': list(p)[2::2]}))
statements.append(S('command', p[1], *list(p)[2::2]))
def p_error(p):
print 'Syntax error at "%s" on line %d' % (p.value, lexer.lineno)
......@@ -113,4 +115,4 @@ def parse_file(filename):
except IOError:
print 'File "%s" could not be opened' % filename
return statements
return Block(statements)
import re
class Statement:
def __init__(self, stype, name, *args):
def __init__(self, stype, name, *args, **kwargs):
self.stype = stype = name
self.args = args
self.options = kwargs
def __getitem__(self, n):
"""Get an argument."""
return self.args[n]
def jump_target(self, arg):
"""Get the use[S] of this statement."""
if in ['beq', 'bne', 'blez', 'bgtz', 'bltz', 'bgez', \
'bct', 'bcf']:
return self[1]
raise Exception('"%s" command has no jump target' %
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Check if two statements are equal by comparing their type, name and
return self.stype == other.stype and == \
and self.args == other.args
def is_comment(self):
return self.stype == 'comment'
def is_inline_comment(self):
return self.is_comment() and self.options['inline']
def is_directive(self):
return self.stype == 'directive'
def is_label(self):
return self.stype == 'label'
def is_command(self):
"""Check if the statement is a command."""
return self.stype == 'command'
def is_jump(self):
"""Check if the statement is a jump."""
return self.is_command() and re.match('j|jal|jr|jalr',
return self.is_command() \
and re.match('^j|jal|beq|bne|blez|bgtz|bltz|bgez|bct|bcf$', \
def is_shift(self):
"""Check if the statement is a shift operation."""
return self.is_command() and re.match('s(ll|la|rl|ra)',
return self.is_command() and re.match('^s(ll|la|rl|ra)$',
def is_load(self):
"""Check if the statement is a load instruction."""
......@@ -37,7 +49,14 @@ class Statement:
def is_arith(self):
"""Check if the statement is an arithmetic operation."""
return self.is_command() \
and re.match('(add|sub|mult|div|abs|neg)(u|\.d)?',
and re.match('^(add|sub|mult|div|abs|neg)(u|\.d)?$',
def jump_target(self, arg):
"""Get the jump target of this statement."""
if re.match('^beq|bne|blez|bgtz|bltz|bgez|bct|bcf$',
return self[1]
raise Exception('Command "%s" has no jump target' %
def get_def(self):
"""Get the def[S] of this statement."""
......@@ -47,9 +66,6 @@ class Statement:
if self.is_load() or self.is_arith():
return [self[0]]
if self.arith():
return [self[0]]
def get_use(self, arg):
"""Get the use[S] of this statement."""
return []
......@@ -62,40 +78,89 @@ class Statement:
"""Check if a variable is used by this statement."""
return var in self.get_use()
class StatementList:
def __init__(self, statement_list):
self.statement_list = statement_list
self.pointer = 0
def __getitem__(self, n):
return self.statement_list[n]
class Block:
def __init__(self, statements=[]):
self.statements = statements
self.pointer = 0
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.statement_list)
return iter(self.statements)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.statement_list)
def get_range(self, start, end):
return self.statement_list[start:end]
return len(self.statements)
def replace(self, start, end, replacement):
before = self.statement_list[:start]
after = self.statement_list[end:]
self.statement_list = before + replacement + after
"""Replace the given range start-end with the given statement list, and
move the pointer to the first statement after the replacement."""
before = self.statements[:start]
after = self.statements[end:]
self.statements = before + replacement + after
self.pointer = start + len(replacement)
def read(self, count=1):
"""Read the statement at the current pointer position and move the
pointer one position to the right."""
s = statements[self.pointer]
self.pointer += 1
return s
def peek(self, count=1):
"""Read the statements until an offset from the current pointer
i = self.pointer + offset
if i < len(self.statements):
return self.statements[self.pointer:i]
def end(self):
"""Check if the pointer is at the end of the statement list."""
return self.pointer == len(self.statements) - 1
def find_leaders(statements):
"""Determine the leaders, which are:
1. The first statement.
2. Any statement that is the target of a jump.
3. Any statement that follows directly follows a jump."""
leaders = [0]
jump_target_labels = []
# Append statements following jumps and save jump target labels
for i, statement in enumerate(statements[1:]):
if statement.is_jump():
leaders.append(i + 2)
# Append jump targets
for i, statement in enumerate(statements[1:]):
if i + 1 not in leaders \
and statement.is_label() \
and in jump_target_labels:
leaders.append(i + 1)
return leaders
def find_basic_blocks(statements):
"""Divide a statement list into basic blocks. Returns a list of basic
blocks, which are also statement lists."""
leaders = find_leaders(statements)
blocks = []
for i in range(len(leaders) - 1):
blocks.append(Block(statements[leaders[i]:leaders[i + 1]]))
def move_pointer(self, steps=1):
self.pointer += steps
def liveness(self, stype):
"""Check if the statement is of a given type."""
return self.stype == stype
return blocks
while not block.end():
if (...):
i = block.current()
block.replace(i, i + 3, [nieuwe statements])
#while not block.end():
# i, s =
# if block.peek():
# block.replace(i, i + 3, [nieuwe statements])
from math import ceil
def write_statements(statements):
'''Write a list of statements to valid assembly code.'''
s = ''
"""Write a list of statements to valid assembly code."""
out = ''
indent_level = 0
prevline = ''
for i, statement in enumerate(statements):
statement_type, name, args = statement
for i, s in enumerate(statements):
newline = '\n' if i else ''
if statement_type == 'label':
line = name + ':'
if s.is_label():
line = + ':'
indent_level = 1
elif statement_type == 'comment':
line = '#' + name
if args['inline']:
l = len(prevline.expandtabs(4))
tabs = int(ceil((24 - l) / 4.)) + 1
newline = '\t' * tabs
line = '\t' * indent_level + line
elif statement_type == 'directive':
line = '\t' + name
elif statement_type == 'command':
line = '\t' + name
if len(args['args']):
l = len(name)
if l < 8:
elif s.is_inline_comment():
line = '#' +
l = len(prevline.expandtabs(4))
tabs = int(ceil((24 - l) / 4.)) + 1
newline = '\t' * tabs
elif s.is_comment():
line = '\t' * indent_level + line
elif s.is_directive():
line = '\t' +
elif s.is_command():
line = '\t' +
if len(s):
if len( < 8:
line += '\t'
line += ' '
line += ','.join(args['args'])
line += ','.join(s.args)
raise Exception('Unsupported statement type "%s"' % statement_type)
raise Exception('Unsupported statement type "%s"' % s.stype)
s += newline + line
out += newline + line
prevline = line
return s
return out
def write_to_file(filename, statements):
'''Convert a list of statements to valid assembly code and write it to a
"""Convert a list of statements to valid assembly code and write it to a
s = write_statements(statements)
f = open(filename, 'w+')
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