Commit df37ebb2 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Wrote TUIO section in report, along with some other adjustments.

parent d4a8b2cc
\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
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\title{Bachelor thesis\\Universal multi-touch event mechanism} \title{Bachelor thesis\\Universal multi-touch event mechanism}
\author{\begin{tabular}{ll} \author{\begin{tabular}{ll}
Name: & Taddeüs Kroes\\ Name: & Taddeüs Kroes\\
...@@ -23,10 +19,17 @@ Supervisor: & Dr. R.G. Belleman (UvA)\\ ...@@ -23,10 +19,17 @@ Supervisor: & Dr. R.G. Belleman (UvA)\\
\begin{document} \begin{document}
% Title page
\maketitle \maketitle
\abstract{ \abstract{
} }
% Set paragraph indentation
\parindent 0pt
\parskip 1.5ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex
% Table of contant on separate page
\pagebreak \pagebreak
\tableofcontents \tableofcontents
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...@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ these frameworks have no access to their multi-touch events. ...@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ these frameworks have no access to their multi-touch events.
This problem was observed during an attempt to create a multi-touch This problem was observed during an attempt to create a multi-touch
``interactor'' class for the Visualization Toolkit ``interactor'' class for the Visualization Toolkit
(VTK\footnote{\url{}}). Because VTK provides the application (VTK\footnote{\url{}}). Because VTK provides the application
framework here, it is undesirable to use an entire framework like QT framework here, it is undesirable to use an entire framework like Qt
simultaneously only for its multi-touch support. simultaneously only for its multi-touch support.
% Ruw doel % Ruw doel
...@@ -54,18 +57,20 @@ The goal of this project is to define a universal multi-touch event triggering ...@@ -54,18 +57,20 @@ The goal of this project is to define a universal multi-touch event triggering
mechanism. To test the definition, a reference implementation is written in mechanism. To test the definition, a reference implementation is written in
Python. Python.
% Setting/afbakening % Setting
To tests multi-touch interaction properly, a multi-touch device is required. To tests multi-touch interaction properly, a multi-touch device is required.
The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has provided access to a multi-touch table The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has provided access to a multi-touch table
from PQlabs. The table uses the TUIO from PQlabs. The table uses the TUIO
protocol\footnote{\url{}} to communicate touch events. protocol\footnote{\url{}} to communicate touch events.
% Afbakening
% TODO: moet dit omlaag naar 'Definition of the problem'?
The scope of this thesis includes the design of an multi-touch triggering The scope of this thesis includes the design of an multi-touch triggering
mechanism, a reference implementation of this design, and its integration into mechanism, a reference implementation of this design, and its integration into
a VTK interactor. a VTK interactor. To be successful, the design should allow for extensions to
To be successful, the design should allow for extensions to be added to any be added to any implementation. The reference implementation is a Proof of
implementation. The reference implementation is a Proof of Concept with some Concept that translates TUIO events to some simple touch gestures that are used
simple touch gestures that are used by the VTK interactor. by a VTK interactor.
\subsection{Structure of this document} \subsection{Structure of this document}
...@@ -90,16 +95,11 @@ To design such a mechanism properly, the following questions are relevant: ...@@ -90,16 +95,11 @@ To design such a mechanism properly, the following questions are relevant:
\item Can events be shared with multiple processes at the same time? For \item Can events be shared with multiple processes at the same time? For
example, a network implementation could run as a service instead of example, a network implementation could run as a service instead of
within a single application, triggering events in any application that within a single application, triggering events in any application that
needs it. needs them.
\item Is performance an issue? For example, an event loop with rotation \item Is performance an issue? For example, an event loop with rotation
detection could swallow up more processing resources than desirable. detection could swallow up more processing resources than desired.
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
To accomplish extendability, an object-oriented approach is an obvious choice.
\section{Related work} \section{Related work}
...@@ -112,25 +112,72 @@ To accomplish extendability, an object-oriented approach is an obvious choice. ...@@ -112,25 +112,72 @@ To accomplish extendability, an object-oriented approach is an obvious choice.
\subsubsection{The TUIO protocol} \subsubsection{The TUIO protocol}
% TODO The TUIO protocol\footnote{\url{}}
% Vertellen dat het met UDP werkt defines a way to geometrically describe tangible objects, such as
% wat komt er dan binnen? fingers or fiducials on a multi-touch table. The table used for this
% wat doet de implementatie ermee? thesis uses the protocol in its driver. Object information is sent to
the TUIO UDP port (3333 by default).
For efficiency reasons, the TUIO protocol is encoded using the Open
Sound Control
(OSC)\footnote{\url{}} format.
An OSC server/client implementation is available for Python:
A Python implementation of the TUIO protocol also exists:
pyTUIO\footnote{\url{}}. However, the
execution of an example script yields an error regarding Python's
built-in \texttt{socket} library. Therefore, the reference
implementation uses the pyOSC package to receive TUIO messages.
The two most important message types of the protocol are ALIVE and SET
messages. An ALIVE message contains the list of session id's that are
currently ``active'', which in the case of multi-touch a table means
that they are touching the screen. A SET message provides geometric
information of a session id, such as position, velocity and acceleration.
Each session id represents an object. The only type of objects on the
multi-touch table are what the TUIO protocol calls ``2DCur'', which is
a (x, y) position on the screen.
ALIVE messages can be used to determine when an object touches and
releases the screen. For example, if a session id was in the previous
message but not in the current, The object it represents has been
lifted from the screen.
SET provide information about movement. In the case of simple (x, y)
positions, only the movement vector of the position itself can be
calculated. For more complex objects such as fiducials, arguments like
rotational position is also included.
TUIO coordinates range from $0.0$ to $1.0$, with $(0.0, 0.0)$ being the
left top corner of the screen and $(1.0, 1.0)$ the right bottom corner.
To focus events within a window, a translation to window coordinates is
required in the client application, as stated by the
In order to compute the X and Y coordinates for the 2D profiles a
TUIO tracker implementation needs to divide these values by the
actual sensor dimension, while a TUIO client implementation
consequently can scale these values back to the actual screen
\subsection{Experiments} \subsection{Experiments}
% testimplementatie met taps, rotatie en pinch. Hieruit bleek: % testimplementatie met taps, rotatie en pinch. Hieruit bleek:
% - dat het gebruik van threads soms onvermijdelijk is
% - dat er verschillende manieren zijn om bijv. "rotatie" te % - dat er verschillende manieren zijn om bijv. "rotatie" te
% detecteren, (en dat daartussen onderscheid moet kunnen worden % detecteren, (en dat daartussen onderscheid moet kunnen worden
% gemaakt) % gemaakt)
% - dat detectie van verschillende soorten gestures moet kunnen % - dat detectie van verschillende soorten gestures moet kunnen
% worden gescheiden, anders wordt het een chaos. % worden gescheiden, anders wordt het een chaos.
% - % - Er zijn een aantal keuzes gemaakt bij het ontwerpen van de gestures,
% bijv dat rotatie ALLE vingers gebruikt voor het centroid. Het is
% wellicht in een ander programma nodig om maar 1 hand te gebruiken, en
% dus punten dicht bij elkaar te kiezen (oplossing: windows).
% Tekenprogramma dat de huidige state tekent en waarmee % Tekenprogramma dat huidige points + centroid tekent en waarmee
% transformatie kan worden getest % transformatie kan worden getest Link naar appendix "supported events"
% Link naar appendix "supported events"
% Proof of Concept: VTK interactor % Proof of Concept: VTK interactor
...@@ -140,27 +187,28 @@ To accomplish extendability, an object-oriented approach is an obvious choice. ...@@ -140,27 +187,28 @@ To accomplish extendability, an object-oriented approach is an obvious choice.
\section{Server structure} \section{Server structure}
\subsection{Input server} % TODO: link naar appendix met schema
% TODO \subsection{Input server}
% vertaling driver naar point down, move, up
% TUIO in reference implementation
\subsection{Gesture server} % TODO
% vertaling driver naar point down, move, up
% TUIO in reference implementation
\subsubsection{Windows} \subsection{Gesture server}
% TODO \subsubsection{Windows}
% toewijzen even aan deel v/h scherm:
% TUIO coördinaten zijn over het hele scherm en van 0.0 tot 1.0, dus moeten
% worden vertaald naar pixelcoördinaten binnen een ``window''
\subsubsection{Trackers} % TODO
% toewijzen even aan deel v/h scherm:
% TUIO coördinaten zijn over het hele scherm en van 0.0 tot 1.0, dus moeten
% worden vertaald naar pixelcoördinaten binnen een ``window''
% TODO \subsubsection{Trackers}
% event binding/triggering
% extendability
% event binding/triggering
% extendability
\section{Reference implementation} \section{Reference implementation}
...@@ -175,9 +223,16 @@ To accomplish extendability, an object-oriented approach is an obvious choice. ...@@ -175,9 +223,16 @@ To accomplish extendability, an object-oriented approach is an obvious choice.
% Trackers zijn een effectieve manier om gebaren te detecteren % Trackers zijn een effectieve manier om gebaren te detecteren
% Trackers zijn uitbreidbaar door object-orientatie % Trackers zijn uitbreidbaar door object-orientatie
\section{Suggestions for future work}
% TODO: Network protocol (ZeroMQ)
\section{References} \section{References}
% TODO: BibTex % TODO: BibTex
\appendix \appendix
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