Commit 86f81f02 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Corrected some more typo's.

parent b091c913
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ detection for every new gesture-based application.
\section{Restricting events to a screen area}
\section{Event areas: connecting gesture events to widgets}
Touch input devices are unaware of the graphical input
......@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ section \ref{sec:implementation}.
The positions of all touch objects and their centroid are drawn using the
Pygame library. Since the Pygame library does not provide support to find the
location of the display window, the root event area captures events in the
entire screens surface. The application can be run either full screen or in
entire screen surface. The application can be run either full screen or in
windowed mode. If windowed, screen-wide gesture coordinates are mapped to the
size of the Pyame window. In other words, the Pygame window always represents
the entire touch surface. The output of the application can be seen in figure
......@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ automatically by a \texttt{GtkEventWindow} object, which is a subclass of
functionality of the architecture to GTK+ windows.
The main window contains a number of polygons which can be dragged, resized and
rotated. Each polygon is represented by another event area to allow
rotated. Each polygon is represented by a separate event area to allow
simultaneous interaction with different polygons. The main window also responds
to transformation, by transforming all polygons. Additionally, double tapping
on a polygon changes its color.
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