Commit 64da29f3 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Wrote the appendix about gesture detection in the reference implementation.

parent 3182e73b
......@@ -369,3 +369,60 @@
\tikzstyle{centroid} = [draw, shape=circle, minimum width=1.5em, fill]
\tikzstyle{finger} = [draw, shape=circle, minimum width=1.5em, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{prev} = [opacity=0.3]
Initial situation: three touch points are positioned on the touch
\node [centroid] (centroid) at (0.33, -1) {};
\node [finger] (A) at (-1, -3) {} edge (centroid);
\node [finger] (B) at (0, 2) {} edge (centroid);
\node [finger] (C) at (2, -2) {} edge (centroid);
One of the touchpoints is moved, triggering a \emph{point\_move}
event. The ratio $d_2:d_1$ is used for a \emph{pinch} gesture, and
the difference in angle $\alpha$ is used for a \emph{rotate}
\node [centroid] (centroid) at (0.33, -1) {};
\node [finger] (A) at (-1, -3) {} edge (centroid);
\node [finger, prev] (B') at (90:2) {}
edge [prev] node [right, opacity=1] {$d_1$} (centroid);
\node [finger] (B) at (110:1.8) {} edge node [left] {$d_2$} (centroid);
\node [finger] (C) at (2, -2) {} edge (centroid);
\draw [->] (87:1) arc (92:113:1);
\node [] at (96:0.8) {$\alpha$};
The new centroid is calculated. The movement of the centroid is
used for a \emph{drag} gesture.
\node [centroid, prev] (centroid') at (0.33, -1) {};
\node [centroid] (centroid) at (0.12, -1.) {};
\node [finger] (A) at (-1, -3) {} edge (centroid) edge [prev] (centroid');
\node [finger, prev] (B') at (90:2) {} edge [prev] (centroid');
\node [finger] (B) at (110:1.8) {} edge (centroid);
\node [finger] (C) at (2, -2) {} edge (centroid) edge [prev] (centroid');
Example transformation using three touch points.
......@@ -588,11 +588,6 @@ have been implemented using an imperative programming style. Technical details
about the implementation of gesture detection are described in appendix
%\section{Basic usage}
% example usage uit H3 hierheen halen
\section{Full screen Pygame application}
%The goal of this application was to experiment with the TUIO
......@@ -934,14 +929,116 @@ client application, as stated by the online specification
\chapter{Gesture detection in the reference implementation}
Both rotation and pinch use the centroid of all touch points. A \emph{rotation}
gesture uses the difference in angle relative to the centroid of all touch
points, and \emph{pinch} uses the difference in distance. Both values are
normalized using division by the number of touch points. A pinch event contains
a scale factor, and therefore uses a division of the current by the previous
average distance to the centroid.
\emph{TODO: rotatie en pinch gaan iets anders/uitgebreider worden beschreven.}
The reference implementation contains three gesture tracker implementations,
which are described in sections \ref{sec:basictracker} to
\ref{sec:transformationtracker}. Section \ref{sec:handtracker} describes the
custom ``hand tracker'' that is used by the test application from section
\section{Basic tracker}
The ``basic tracker'' implementation exists only to provide access to low-level
events in an application. Low-level events are only handled by gesture
trackers, not by the application itself. Therefore, the basic tracker maps
\emph{point\_\{down,move,up\}} events to equally named gestures that are
handled by the application.
\section{Tap tracker}
The ``tap tracker'' detects three types of tap gestures:
\item The basic \emph{tap} gesture is triggered when a touch point releases
the touch surface within a certain time and distance of its initial
position. When a \emph{point\_down} event is received, its location is
saved along with the current timestamp. On the next \emph{point\_up}
event of the touch point, the difference in time and position with its
saved values are compared with predefined thresholds to determine
whether a \emph{tap} gesture should be triggered.
\item A \emph{double tap} gesture consists of two sequential \emph{tap}
gestures that are located within a certain distance of each other, and
occur within a certain time window. When a \emph{tap} gesture is
triggered, the tracker saves it as the ``last tap'' along with the
current timestamp. When another \emph{tap} gesture is triggered, its
location and the current timestamp are compared with those of the
``last tap'' gesture to determine whether a \emph{double tap} gesture
should be triggered. If so, the gesture is triggered at the location of
the ``last tap'', because the second tap may be less accurate.
\item A separate thread handles detection of \emph{single tap} gestures at
a rate of thirty times per second. When the time since the ``last tap''
exceeds the maximum time between two taps of a \emph{double tap}
gesture, a \emph{single tap} gesture is triggered.
The \emph{single tap} gesture exists to be able to make a distinction between
single and double tap gestures. This distinction is not possible with the
regular \emph{tap} gesture, since the first \emph{tap} gesture has already been
handled by the application when the second \emph{tap} of a \emph{double tap}
gesture is triggered.
\section{Transformation tracker}
The transformation tracker triggers \emph{rotate}, \emph{pinch}, \emph{drag}
and \emph{flick} gestures. These gestures use the centroid of all touch points.
A \emph{rotate} gesture uses the difference in angle relative to the centroid
of all touch points, and \emph{pinch} uses the difference in distance. Both
values are normalized using division by the number of touch points $N$. A
\emph{pinch} gesture contains a scale factor, and therefore uses a division of
the current by the previous average distance to the centroid. Any movement of
the centroid is used for \emph{drag} gestures. When a dragged touch point is
released, a \emph{flick} gesture is triggered in the direction of the
\emph{drag} gesture. The application can use a \emph{flick} gesture to give
momentum to a dragged widget so that it keeps moving for some time after the
dragging stops.
Figure \ref{fig:transformationtracker} shows an example situation in which a
touch point is moved, triggering a \emph{pinch} gesture, a \emph{rotate}
gesture and a \emph{drag} gesture.
The \emph{pinch} gesture in figure \ref{fig:pinchrotate} uses the ratio
$d_2:d_1$ to calculate its $scale$ parameter. The difference in distance to the
centroid must be divided by the number of touch points ($N$) used for the
gesture, yielding the difference $\frac{d_2 - d_1}{N}$. The $scale$ parameter
represents the scale relative to the previous situation, which results in the
following formula:
$$pinch.scale = \frac{d_1 + \frac{d_2 - d_1}{N}}{d_1}$$
The angle used for the \emph{rotate} gesture is also divided by the number of
touch points:
$$rotate.angle = \frac{\alpha}{N}$$
\section{Hand tracker}
The hand tracker sees each touch point as a finger. Based on a predefined
distance threshold, each finger is assigned to a hand. Each hand consists of a
list of finger locations, and the centroid of those locations.
When a new finger is detected on the touch surface (a \emph{point\_down} event),
the distance from that finger to all hand centroids is calculated. The hand to
which the distance is the shortest can be the hand that the finger belongs to.
If the distance is larger than the predefined distance threshold, the finger is
assumed to be a new hand and \emph{hand\_down} gesture is triggered. Otherwise,
the finger is assigned to the closest hand. In both cases, a
\emph{finger\_down} gesture is triggered.
Each touch point is assigned an ID by the reference implementation. When the
hand tracker assigns a finger to a hand after a \emph{point\_down} event, its
touch point ID is saved in a hash map\footnote{In computer science, a hash
table or hash map is a data structure that uses a hash function to map
identifying values, known as keys (e.g., a person's name), to their associated
values (e.g., their telephone number). Source:
\url{}} with the \texttt{Hand} object. When
a finger moves (a \emph{point\_move} event) or releases the touch surface
(\emph{point\_up}), The corresponding hand is loaded from the hash map and
triggers a \emph{finger\_move} or \emph{finger\_up} gesture. If a released
finger is the last of a hand, that hand is removed with a \emph{hand\_up}
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