Commit 593f5d67 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Changed order of reference implementation list.

parent f84b6adc
......@@ -552,12 +552,6 @@ events.
The following component implementations are included in the implementation:
\textbf{Event drivers}
\item TUIO driver, using only the support for simple touch points with an
$(x, y)$ position.
\textbf{Event areas}
\item Circular area
......@@ -573,6 +567,12 @@ The following component implementations are included in the implementation:
\item Transformation tracker, supports $rotate,~pinch,~drag,~flick$ gestures.
\textbf{Event drivers}
\item TUIO driver, using only the support for simple touch points with an
$(x, y)$ position.
The reference implementation also contains some geometric functions that are
used by several event area implementations. The event area implementations are
trivial by name and are therefore not discussed in this report.
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