Commit 55b52593 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Added section about first test application.

parent 4071b161
......@@ -164,3 +164,10 @@
year = "2012"
author = "Fry, Ben and Reas, Casey",
howpublished = "\url{}",
title = "{Processing}",
year = "2001"
......@@ -549,18 +549,68 @@ The implementation does not include a network protocol to support the daemon
setup as described in section \ref{sec:daemon}. Therefore, it is only usable in
Python programs. Thus, the two test programs are also written in Python.
\section{Full screen Pygame program}
The area implementations contain some geometric functions to determine whether
an event should be delegated to an area. All gesture trackers have been
implemented using an imperative programming style. Technical details about the
implementation of gesture detection are described in appendix
\section{Full screen Pygame program}
The first test application was initially implemented without application of the
architecture design. This application was a Python port of a
Processing\footnote{} program found on the internet, with some adaptations to
work with the TUIO protocol.
%The goal of this program was to experiment with the TUIO
%protocol, and to discover requirements for the architecture that was to be
%designed. When the architecture design was completed, the program was rewritten
%using the new architecture components. The original variant is still available
%in the ``experimental'' folder of the Git repository \cite{gitrepos}.
An implementation of the detection of some simple multi-touch gestures (single
tap, double tap, rotation, pinch and drag) using Processing\footnote{Processing
is a Java-based programming environment with an export possibility for Android.
See also \cite{processing}.} can be found in a forum on the Processing website
\cite{processingMT}. The program has been ported to Python and adapted to
receive input from the TUIO protocol. The implementation is fairly simple, but
it yields some appealing results (see figure \ref{fig:draw}). In the original
program, the detection logic of all gestures is combined in a single class
file. As predicted by the GART article \cite{GART}, this leads to over-complex
code that is difficult to read and debug.
The application has been rewritten using the reference implementation of the
architecture. The detection code is separated into two different gesture
trackers, which are the ``tap'' and ``transformation'' trackers mentioned in
section \ref{sec:implementation}.
The application receives TUIO events and translates them to \emph{point\_down},
\emph{point\_move} and \emph{point\_up} events. These events are then
interpreted to be \emph{single tap}, \emph{double tap}, \emph{rotation} or
\emph{pinch} gestures. The positions of all touch objects are drawn using the
Pygame library. Since the Pygame library does not provide support to find the
location of the display window, the root area captures events in the entire
screens surface. The application can be run either full screen or in windowed
mode. If windowed, screen-wide gesture coordinates are mapped to the size of
the Pyame window. In other words, the Pygame window always represents the
entire touch surface. The output of the program can be seen in figure
\caption{Output of the experimental drawing program. It draws all touch
points and their centroid on the screen (the centroid is used for rotation
and pinch detection). It also draws a green rectangle which
responds to rotation and pinch events.}
\section{GTK/Cairo program}
The second test application uses the GIMP toolkit (GTK+) \cite{GTK} to create
its user interface. Since GTK+ defines a main event loop that is started in
order to use the interface, the architecture implementation runs in a separate
thread. The application creates a main window, whose size and position are
synchronized with the root area of the architecture.
\emph{TODO: uitbreiden en screenshots erbij (dit programma is nog niet af)}
......@@ -640,73 +690,20 @@ client application, as stated by the online specification
values back to the actual screen dimension.
\chapter{Experimental program}
% TODO: This is not really 'related', move it to somewhere else
\section{Processing implementation of simple gestures in Android}
An implementation of a detection architecture for some simple multi-touch
gestures (tap, double tap, rotation, pinch and drag) using
Processing\footnote{Processing is a Java-based development environment with
an export possibility for Android. See also \url{}}
can be found in a forum on the Processing website \cite{processingMT}. The
implementation is fairly simple, but it yields some very appealing results.
The detection logic of all gestures is combined in a single class. This
does not allow for extendability, because the complexity of this class
would increase to an undesirable level (as predicted by the GART article
\cite{GART}). However, the detection logic itself is partially re-used in
the reference implementation of the generic gesture detection architecture.
% TODO: rewrite intro
When designing a software library, its API should be understandable and easy to
use for programmers. To find out the basic requirements of the API to be
usable, an experimental program has been written based on the Processing code
from \cite{processingMT}. The program receives TUIO events and translates them
to point \emph{down}, \emph{move} and \emph{up} events. These events are then
interpreted to be (double or single) \emph{tap}, \emph{rotation} or
\emph{pinch} gestures. A simple drawing program then draws the current state to
the screen using the PyGame library. The output of the program can be seen in
figure \ref{fig:draw}.
\caption{Output of the experimental drawing program. It draws the touch
points and their centroid on the screen (the centroid is used as center
point for rotation and pinch detection). It also draws a green
rectangle which responds to rotation and pinch events.}
One of the first observations is the fact that TUIO's \texttt{SET} messages use
the TUIO coordinate system, as described in appendix \ref{app:tuio}. The test
program multiplies these with its own dimensions, thus showing the entire
screen in its window. Also, the implementation only works using the TUIO
protocol. Other drivers are not supported.
Though using relatively simple math, the rotation and pinch events work
surprisingly well. Both rotation and pinch use the centroid of all touch
points. A \emph{rotation} gesture uses the difference in angle relative to the
centroid of all touch points, and \emph{pinch} uses the difference in distance.
Both values are normalized using division by the number of touch points. A
pinch event contains a scale factor, and therefore uses a division of the
current by the previous average distance to the centroid.
There is a flaw in this implementation. Since the centroid is calculated using
all current touch points, there cannot be two or more rotation or pinch
gestures simultaneously. On a large multi-touch table, it is desirable to
support interaction with multiple hands, or multiple persons, at the same time.
This kind of application-specific requirements should be defined in the
application itself, whereas the experimental implementation defines detection
algorithms based on its test program.
Also, the different detection algorithms are all implemented in the same file,
making it complex to read or debug, and difficult to extend.
\chapter{Diagram demonstrating event propagation}
\chapter{Gesture detection in the reference implementation}
Both rotation and pinch use the centroid of all touch points. A \emph{rotation}
gesture uses the difference in angle relative to the centroid of all touch
points, and \emph{pinch} uses the difference in distance. Both values are
normalized using division by the number of touch points. A pinch event contains
a scale factor, and therefore uses a division of the current by the previous
average distance to the centroid.
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