Commit 5283801d authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Added conclusion.

parent 55642b33
......@@ -751,25 +751,33 @@ first.
\emph{TODO: Tekortkomingen aangeven die naar voren komen uit de tests}
% Verschillende apparaten/drivers geven een ander soort primitieve events af.
% Een vertaling van deze device-specifieke events naar een algemeen formaat van
% events is nodig om gesture detection op een generieke manier te doen.
To support different devices, there must be an abstraction of device drivers so
that gesture detection can be performed on a common set of low-level events.
This abstraction is provided by the event driver.
% Door input van meerdere drivers door dezelfde event driver heen te laten gaan
% is er ondersteuning voor meerdere apparaten tegelijkertijd.
% Event driver levert low-level events. niet elke event hoort bij elke gesture,
% dus moet er een filtering plaatsvinden van welke events bij welke gesture
% horen. Areas geven de mogelijkheid hiervoor op apparaten waarvan het
% filteren locatiegebonden is.
% Het opsplitsten van gesture detection voor gesture trackers is een manier om
% flexibel te zijn in ondersteunde types detection logic, en het beheersbaar
% houden van complexiteit.
Gestures must be able to occur within a certain area of a touch surface that is
covered by an application widget. Therefore, low-level events must be divided
into separate groups before any gesture detection is performed. Event areas
provide a way to accomplish this. Overlapping event areas are ordered in a tree
structure that can be synchronized with the widget tree of the application.
Some applications require the ability to handle an event exclusively for an
event area. An event propagation mechanism provides a solution for this: the
propagation of an event in the tree structure can be stopped after gesture
detection in an event area.
The detection of complex gestures can be approached in several ways. If
explicit detection code for different gesture is not managed well, program code
can become needlessly complex. A tracker-based design, in which the detection
of different types of gesture is separated into different gesture trackers,
reduces complexity and provides a way to extend a set of detection algorithms.
A gesture trackers implementation is flexible, e.g. complex detection
algorithms such as machine learning can be used simultaneously with other
gesture trackers that use explicit detection.
\chapter{Suggestions for future work}
......@@ -941,7 +949,7 @@ custom ``hand tracker'' that is used by the test application from section
The ``basic tracker'' implementation exists only to provide access to low-level
events in an application. Low-level events are only handled by gesture
trackers, not by the application itself. Therefore, the basic tracker maps
\emph{point\_\{down,move,up\}} events to equally named gestures that are
\emph{point\_\{down,move,up\}} events to equally named gestures that can be
handled by the application.
\section{Tap tracker}
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