Commit 02b7a7ea authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Updated introduction of 'Design' chapter.

parent 44060f57
......@@ -79,14 +79,18 @@ To design such an architecture properly, the following questions are relevant:
needs them.
% Afbakening
The scope of this thesis includes the design of a generic multi-touch
triggering architecture, a reference implementation of this design, and its
integration into a test case application. To be successful, the design should
allow for extensions to be added to any implementation.
% Afbakening
The scope of this thesis includes the design of a generic multi-touch detection
architecture, a reference implementation of this design written in Python, and
the integration of the reference implementation in a test case application. To
test multi-touch interaction properly, a multi-touch device is required. The
University of Amsterdam (UvA) has provided access to a multi-touch table from
PQlabs. The table uses the TUIO protocol \cite{TUIO} to communicate touch
events. See appendix \ref{app:tuio} for details regarding the TUIO protocol.
The reference implementation is a Proof of Concept that translates TUIO
messages to some simple touch gestures that are used by a test application.
messages to some simple touch gestures (see appendix \ref{app:implementation}
for details).
\section{Structure of this document}
......@@ -162,25 +166,20 @@ messages to some simple touch gestures that are used by a test application.
% FIXME: change title below
% Diagrams are defined in a separate file
% TODO: rewrite intro, reference to experiment appendix
This chapter describes a design for a generic multi-touch gesture detection
architecture. The architecture constists of multiple components, each with
a specific set of tasks. Naturally, the design is based on a number of
requirements. The first three sections each describe a requirement, and a
solution that meets the requirement. The following sections show the
cohesion of the different components in the architecture.
To test multi-touch interaction properly, a multi-touch device is required.
The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has provided access to a multi-touch
table from PQlabs. The table uses the TUIO protocol \cite{TUIO} to
communicate touch events. See appendix \ref{app:tuio} for details regarding
the TUIO protocol.
This chapter describes the realization of a design for the generic
multi-touch gesture detection architecture. The chapter represents the
architecture as a diagram of relations between different components.
Sections \ref{sec:driver-support} to \ref{sec:event-analysis} define
requirements for the archtitecture, and extend the diagram with components
that meet these requirements. Section \ref{sec:example} desicribes an
example usage of the architecture in an application.
\subsection*{Position of architecture in software}
......@@ -195,6 +194,7 @@ messages to some simple touch gestures that are used by a test application.
relative to the device driver and a multi-touch application.}
\section{Supporting multiple drivers}
The TUIO protocol is an example of a touch driver that can be used by
multi-touch devices. Other drivers do exist, which should also be supported
......@@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ messages to some simple touch gestures that are used by a test application.
\section{Event analysis}
The events that are delegated to widgets must be analyzed in some way to
from gestures. This analysis is specific to the type of gesture being
......@@ -315,6 +316,7 @@ messages to some simple touch gestures that are used by a test application.
the architecture.}
\section{Example usage}
This section describes an example that illustrates the API of the
architecture. The example application listens to tap events on a button.
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