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Commit 9a5848cf authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes
Browse files

Rewrote main function, added some command-line arguments

parent 21017977
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type args = {
mutable infiles : string list;
mutable outfile : string option;
mutable verbose : int;
mutable echo : bool;
mutable keep_comments : bool;
(* Parse command-line arguments *)
let parse_args () =
let args = {
infiles = [];
outfile = None;
verbose = 1;
echo = false;
keep_comments = false;
} in
let args_spec = [
("<file> ...", Arg.Rest (fun _ -> ()),
......@@ -18,6 +28,12 @@ let parse_args () =
("-v", Arg.Int (fun i -> args.verbose <- i),
"<num> Set verbosity (0: nothing, 1: errors (default), \
2: compression rate, 3: debug)");
("--echo", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> args.echo <- true),
" Don't minify, just pretty-print the parsed CSS");
("--keep-comments", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> args.keep_comments <- true),
"\n Preserve top-level comments");
] in
let usage =
......@@ -27,35 +43,57 @@ let parse_args () =
Arg.parse args_spec (fun f -> args.infiles <- args.infiles @ [f]) usage;
(* Main function, returns exit status
* Command-line arguments are stored in lobals.args *)
let parse_files = function
| [] ->
let input = Util.input_buffered stdin 512 in
(input, Parse.parse_input "<stdin>" input)
| files ->
let rec loop = function
| [] -> []
| filename :: tl ->
let input = Util.input_all (open_in filename) in
let stylesheet = Parse.parse_input filename input in
(input, stylesheet) :: loop tl
let inputs, stylesheets = List.split (loop files) in
(String.concat "" inputs, List.concat stylesheets)
let handle_args args =
let input, stylesheet = parse_files args.infiles in
let write_output =
match args.outfile with
| None -> print_endline
| Some name ->
fun css -> let f = open_out name in output_string f css; close_out f
match args with
| {echo = true} ->
write_output (Stringify.string_of_stylesheet stylesheet)
| _ ->
let output = Stringify.minify_stylesheet stylesheet in
write_output output;
if args.verbose >= 2 then begin
let il = String.length input in
let ol = String.length output in
Printf.fprintf stderr "compression: %d -> %d bytes (%d%% of original)\n"
il ol (int_of_float (float_of_int ol /. float_of_int il *. 100.))
(* Main function, returns exit status *)
let main () =
let args = parse_args () in
let stylesheet =
match args.infiles with
| [] ->
let input = Util.input_buffered stdin 512 in
Parse.parse_input "<stdin>" input
| files ->
let rec loop = function
| [] -> []
| filename :: tl ->
let input = Util.input_all (open_in filename) in
let stylesheet = Parse.parse_input filename input in
stylesheet @ loop tl
loop files
print_endline (Stringify.string_of_stylesheet stylesheet);
print_endline "\n";
print_endline (Stringify.minify_stylesheet stylesheet);
exit 0
| LocError (loc, msg) ->
Util.prerr_loc_msg args loc ("Error: " ^ msg);
| Failure err ->
prerr_endline ("Error: " ^ err);
handle_args args;
exit 0
| LocError (loc, msg) ->
Util.prerr_loc_msg (args.verbose >= 1) loc ("Error: " ^ msg);
| Failure err ->
prerr_endline ("Error: " ^ err);
exit 1
let _ = main ()
......@@ -53,12 +53,6 @@ type statement =
type stylesheet = statement list
type args = {
mutable infiles : string list;
mutable outfile : string option;
mutable verbose : int;
type loc = string * int * int * int * int
exception SyntaxError of string
......@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ let count_tabs str upto =
let rec count n = function
| 0 -> n
| i -> count (if String.get str (i - 1) = '\t' then n + 1 else n) (i - 1)
in count 0 upto
count 0 upto
let rec repeat s n = if n < 1 then "" else s ^ (repeat s (n - 1))
......@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ let prerr_loc (fname, ystart, yend, xstart, xend) =
let file = open_in fname in
(* skip lines until the first matched line *)
for i = 1 to ystart - 1 do let _ = input_line file in () done;
for i = 1 to ystart - 1 do ignore (input_line file) done;
(* for each line in `loc`, print the source line with an underline *)
for l = ystart to yend do
......@@ -63,11 +64,10 @@ let prerr_loc (fname, ystart, yend, xstart, xend) =
for i = left to right do prerr_char '^' done;
prerr_endline "";
let prerr_loc_msg args loc msg =
if args.verbose >= 1 then begin
let prerr_loc_msg verbose loc msg =
if verbose then begin
let (fname, ystart, yend, xstart, xend) = loc in
if loc != noloc then begin
let line_s = if yend != ystart
......@@ -82,8 +82,7 @@ let prerr_loc_msg args loc msg =
eprintf "%s\n" msg;
if args.verbose >= 1 && loc != noloc then
if verbose && loc != noloc then
try prerr_loc loc
with Sys_error _ -> ()
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