Commit 3b7dc074 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

Extended 'Simple' selector type to algebraic data types

parent 34391515
RESULT := mincss RESULT := mincss
PRE_TGTS := types PRE_TGTS := types
MODULES := color_names util stringify parser lexer parse color shorthand main MODULES := color_names util stringify parser lexer parse color \
shorthand main
...@@ -37,6 +37,18 @@ ...@@ -37,6 +37,18 @@
| Unary ("-", Number (n, u)) -> Number (-.n, u) | Unary ("-", Number (n, u)) -> Number (-.n, u)
| Unary ("+", (Number _ as n)) -> n | Unary ("+", (Number _ as n)) -> n
| value -> value | value -> value
let rec append_addons base = function
| [] ->
| `Id id :: tl ->
append_addons (Id (base, id)) tl
| `Class cls :: tl ->
append_addons (Class (base, cls)) tl
| `Attribute (attr, value) :: tl ->
append_addons (Attribute (base, attr, value)) tl
| `Pseudo (f, args) :: tl ->
append_addons (Pseudo (base, f, args)) tl
%} %}
(* Tokens *) (* Tokens *)
...@@ -207,39 +219,44 @@ ruleset: ...@@ -207,39 +219,44 @@ ruleset:
selector: selector:
| simple=simple_selector S* | simple=simple_selector S*
{ Simple simple } { simple }
| left=simple_selector S+ right=selector | left=simple_selector S+ right=selector
{ Combinator (Simple left, " ", right) } { Combinator (left, " ", right) }
| left=simple_selector S* com=combinator right=selector | left=simple_selector S* com=combinator right=selector
{ Combinator (Simple left, com, right) } { Combinator (left, com, right) }
%inline combinator: %inline combinator:
| PLUS S* { "+" } | PLUS S* { "+" }
| c=COMBINATOR S* { c } | c=COMBINATOR S* { c }
simple_selector: simple_selector:
| elem=element_name addons=element_addon* | elem=element_name addons=element_addon*
{ elem ^ String.concat "" addons } { append_addons elem addons }
| addons=element_addon+ | addons=element_addon+
{ String.concat "" addons } { append_addons No_element addons }
%inline element_addon: a=HASH | a=cls | a=attrib | a=pseudo { a } %inline element_addon:
| id=HASH { `Id id }
| addon=cls
| addon=attrib
| addon=pseudo { addon }
element_name: element_name:
| tag=IDENT { String.lowercase tag } | tag=IDENT { Element (String.lowercase tag) }
| STAR { "*" } | STAR { All_elements }
cls: cls:
| DOT name=IDENT | DOT name=IDENT
{ "." ^ name } { `Class name }
attrib: attrib:
| LBRACK S* left=IDENT S* right=pair(RELATION, rel_value)? RBRACK | LBRACK S* left=IDENT S* RBRACK
{ let right = match right with None -> "" | Some (op, term) -> op ^ term in { `Attribute (String.lowercase left, None) }
"[" ^ String.lowercase left ^ right ^ "]" } | LBRACK S* left=IDENT S* op=RELATION right=rel_value RBRACK
{ `Attribute (String.lowercase left, Some (op, right)) }
%inline rel_value: %inline rel_value:
| S* id=IDENT S* { id } | S* id=IDENT S* { Ident id }
| S* s=STRING S* { "\"" ^ s ^ "\"" } | S* s=STRING S* { Strlit s }
pseudo: pseudo:
{ ":" ^ (String.lowercase id) } { `Pseudo (String.lowercase id, None) }
| COLON f=FUNCTION args=wslist(COMMA, simple_selector) RPAREN | COLON f=FUNCTION args=wslist(COMMA, simple_selector) RPAREN
{ ":" ^ String.lowercase f ^ "(" ^ String.concat "," args ^ ")" } { `Pseudo (String.lowercase f, Some args) }
declaration: declaration:
| name=property S* COLON S* value=expr important=boption(ig2(IMPORTANT_SYM, S*)) | name=property S* COLON S* value=expr important=boption(ig2(IMPORTANT_SYM, S*))
...@@ -39,12 +39,30 @@ let string_of_declaration (name, value, important) = ...@@ -39,12 +39,30 @@ let string_of_declaration (name, value, important) =
let imp = if important then " !important" else "" in let imp = if important then " !important" else "" in
name ^ ": " ^ string_of_expr value ^ imp ^ ";" name ^ ": " ^ string_of_expr value ^ imp ^ ";"
let rec string_of_selector = function let rec stringify_selector w selector =
| Simple simple -> simple let str = stringify_selector w in
match selector with
| No_element -> ""
| All_elements -> "*"
| Element elem -> elem
| Id (base, id) ->
str base ^ "#" ^ id
| Class (base, cls) ->
str base ^ "." ^ cls
| Attribute (base, attr, None) ->
str base ^ "[" ^ attr ^ "]"
| Attribute (base, attr, Some (op, value)) ->
str base ^ "[" ^ attr ^ w ^ op ^ w ^ string_of_expr value ^ "]"
| Pseudo (base, sel, None) ->
str base ^ ":" ^ sel
| Pseudo (base, fn, Some args) ->
str base ^ ":" ^ fn ^ "(" ^ cat ("," ^ w) str args ^ ")"
| Combinator (left, " ", right) -> | Combinator (left, " ", right) ->
string_of_selector left ^ " " ^ string_of_selector right str left ^ " " ^ str right
| Combinator (left, com, right) -> | Combinator (left, com, right) ->
string_of_selector left ^ " " ^ com ^ " " ^ string_of_selector right str left ^ w ^ com ^ w ^ str right
let string_of_selector = stringify_selector " "
let string_of_media_expr = function let string_of_media_expr = function
| (feature, None) -> "(" ^ feature ^ ")" | (feature, None) -> "(" ^ feature ^ ")"
...@@ -140,10 +158,7 @@ let minify_declaration (name, value, important) = ...@@ -140,10 +158,7 @@ let minify_declaration (name, value, important) =
let imp = if important then "!important" else "" in let imp = if important then "!important" else "" in
name ^ ":" ^ minify_expr value ^ imp name ^ ":" ^ minify_expr value ^ imp
let rec minify_selector = function let rec minify_selector = stringify_selector ""
| Simple simple -> simple
| Combinator (left, com, right) ->
minify_selector left ^ com ^ minify_selector right
let minify_media_feature = function let minify_media_feature = function
| (feature, None) -> "(" ^ feature ^ ")" | (feature, None) -> "(" ^ feature ^ ")"
...@@ -11,9 +11,21 @@ type expr = ...@@ -11,9 +11,21 @@ type expr =
type declaration = string * expr * bool type declaration = string * expr * bool
type selector =
| No_element
| All_elements
| Element of string
| Id of selector * string
| Class of selector * string
| Pseudo of selector * string * selector list option
| Attribute of selector * string * (string * expr) option
| Combinator of selector * string * selector
type selector = type selector =
| Simple of string | Simple of string
| Combinator of selector * string * selector | Combinator of selector * string * selector
type media_expr = string * expr option type media_expr = string * expr option
type media_query = string option * string option * media_expr list type media_query = string option * string option * media_expr list
...@@ -132,12 +132,26 @@ let transform_stylesheet f stylesheet = ...@@ -132,12 +132,26 @@ let transform_stylesheet f stylesheet =
in in
let TRAV_ALL(declaration, Declaration) in let TRAV_ALL(declaration, Declaration) in
let trav_selector = function let rec trav_selector = function
| Simple _ as s -> f (Selector s) | (No_element | All_elements | Element _) as elem ->
f (Selector elem)
| Id (base, id) ->
f (Selector (Id (expect_selector base, id)))
| Class (base, cls) ->
f (Selector (Class (expect_selector base, cls)))
| Attribute (base, attr, value) ->
f (Selector (Attribute (expect_selector base, attr, value)))
| Pseudo (base, sel, None) ->
f (Selector (Pseudo (expect_selector base, sel, None)))
| Pseudo (base, fn, Some args) ->
let args = trav_all_selector args in
f (Selector (Pseudo (expect_selector base, fn, Some args)))
| Combinator (left, com, right) -> | Combinator (left, com, right) ->
let left = expect_selector left in
let right = expect_selector right in
f (Selector (Combinator (left, com, right))) f (Selector (Combinator (left, com, right)))
in and EXPECT(selector, Selector)
let TRAV_ALL(selector, Selector) in and TRAV_ALL(selector, Selector) in
let trav_media_expr = function let trav_media_expr = function
| (_, None) as value -> | (_, None) as value ->
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