Commit e976d336 authored by Richard Torenvliet's avatar Richard Torenvliet

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 2f3f26f5 885d8f4b
......@@ -226,10 +226,9 @@ reader will only get results from this version.
Now we are only interested in the individual characters so we can skip the
location of the entire license plate. Each character has
a single character value, indicating what someone thought what the letter or
digit was and four coordinates to create a bounding box. To make things not to
complicated a Character class and Point class are used. They
act pretty much as associative lists, but it gives extra freedom on using the
data. If less then four points have been set the character will not be saved.
digit was and four coordinates to create a bounding box. If less then four points have been set the character will not be saved. Else, to make things not to
complicated, a Character class is used. It acts as an associative list, but it gives some extra freedom when using the
When four points have been gathered the data from the actual image is being
requested. For each corner a small margin is added (around 3 pixels) so that no
......@@ -351,7 +350,7 @@ value, and what value we decided on.
The first parameter to decide on, is the $\sigma$ used in the Gaussian blur. To
find this parameter, we tested a few values, by trying them and checking the
results. It turned out that the best value was $\sigma = 1.1$.
results. It turned out that the best value was $\sigma = 1.4$.
\subsection{Parameter \emph{cell size}}
......@@ -380,7 +379,13 @@ are not significant enough to allow for reliable classification.
The neighbourhood to use can only be determined through testing. We did a test
with each of these neighbourhoods, and we found that the best results were
reached with the following neighbourhood, which we will call the
(12, 5)-neighbourhood, since it has 12 points in a area with a diameter of 5.
\subsection{Parameters $\gamma$ \& $c$}
......@@ -401,8 +406,41 @@ checks for each combination of values what the score is. The combination with
the highest score is then used as our parameters, and the entire SVM will be
trained using those parameters.\\
We found that the best values for these parameters are $c = ?$ and
$\gamma = ?$.
The results of this grid-search are shown in the following table. The values
in the table are rounded percentages, for easy displaying.
\begin{tabular}{|r|r r r r r r r r r r|}
c $\gamma$ & $2^{-15}$ & $2^{-13}$ & $2^{-11}$ & $2^{-9}$ & $2^{-7}$ &
$2^{-5}$ & $2^{-3}$ & $2^{-1}$ & $2^{1}$ & $2^{3}$\\
$2^{-5}$ & 61 & 61 & 61 & 61 & 62 &
63 & 67 & 74 & 59 & 24\\
$2^{-3}$ & 61 & 61 & 61 & 61 & 62 &
63 & 70 & 78 & 60 & 24\\
$2^{-1}$ & 61 & 61 & 61 & 61 & 62 &
70 & 83 & 88 & 78 & 27\\
$2^{1}$ & 61 & 61 & 61 & 61 & 70 &
84 & 90 & 92 & 86 & 45\\
$2^{3}$ & 61 & 61 & 61 & 70 & 84 &
90 & 93 & 93 & 86 & 45\\
$2^{5}$ & 61 & 61 & 70 & 84 & 90 &
92 & 93 & 93 & 86 & 45\\
$2^{7}$ & 61 & 70 & 84 & 90 & 92 &
93 & 93 & 93 & 86 & 45\\
$2^{9}$ & 70 & 84 & 90 & 92 & 92 &
93 & 93 & 93 & 86 & 45\\
$2^{11}$ & 84 & 90 & 92 & 92 & 92 &
92 & 93 & 93 & 86 & 45\\
$2^{13}$ & 90 & 92 & 92 & 92 & 92 &
92 & 93 & 93 & 86 & 45\\
$2^{15}$ & 92 & 92 & 92 & 92 & 92 &
92 & 93 & 93 & 86 & 45\\
We found that the best values for these parameters are $c = 32$ and
$\gamma = 0.125$.
......@@ -418,7 +456,17 @@ measure the time used to classify a license plate, not the training of the
dataset, since that can be done offline, and speed is not a primary necessity
The speed of a classification turned out to be ???.
The speed of a classification turned out to be reasonably good. We time between
the moment a character has been 'cut out' of the image, so we have a exact
image of a character, to the moment where the SVM tells us what character it is.
This time is on average $65$ ms. That means that this
technique (tested on an AMD Phenom II X4 955 Quad core CPU running at 3.2 GHz)
can identify 15 characters per second.\\
This is not spectacular considering the amount of calculating power this cpu
can offer, but it is still fairly reasonable. Of course, this program is
written in Python, and is therefore not nearly as optimized as would be
possible when written in a low-level language.
......@@ -429,16 +477,31 @@ accuracy score we possibly can.\\
commercial license plate recognition software score about $90\%$ to $94\%$,
under optimal conditions and with modern equipment. Our program scores an
average of ???.
under optimal conditions and with modern equipment.\\
Our program scores an average of $93\%$. However, this is for a single
character. That means that a full license plate should theoretically
get a score of $0.93^6 = 0.647$, so $64.7\%$. That is not particularly
good compared to the commercial ones. However, our focus was on getting
good scores per character, and $93\%$ seems to be a fairly good result.\\
Possibilities for improvement of this score would be more extensive
grid-searches, finding more exact values for $c$ and $\gamma$, more tests
for finding $\sigma$ and more experiments on the size and shape of the
In the end it turns out that using Local Binary Patterns is a promising
technique for License Plate Recognition. It seems to be relatively unsensitive
technique for License Plate Recognition. It seems to be relatively indifferent
for the amount of dirt on license plates and different fonts on these plates.\\
The performance speedwise is ???
The performance speed wise is fairly good, when using a fast machine. However,
this is written in Python, which means it is not as efficient as it could be
when using a low-level languages.
We believe that with further experimentation and development, LBP's can
absolutely be used as a good license plate recognition method.
class LicensePlate:
def __init__(self, country=None, characters=None): = country
self.characters = characters
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -32,6 +32,16 @@ class LocalBinaryPatternizer:
| (self.is_pixel_darker(y + 1, x - 1, value) << 1) \
| (self.is_pixel_darker(y , x - 1, value))
def pattern_5x5_hybrid(self, y, x, value):
return (self.is_pixel_darker(y - 2, x - 2, value) << 7) \
| (self.is_pixel_darker(y - 2, x , value) << 6) \
| (self.is_pixel_darker(y - 2, x + 2, value) << 5) \
| (self.is_pixel_darker(y , x + 2, value) << 4) \
| (self.is_pixel_darker(y + 2, x + 2, value) << 3) \
| (self.is_pixel_darker(y + 2, x , value) << 2) \
| (self.is_pixel_darker(y + 2, x - 2, value) << 1) \
| (self.is_pixel_darker(y , x - 2, value))
def pattern_5x5(self, y, x, value):
return (self.is_pixel_darker(y - 1, x - 2, value) << 11) \
| (self.is_pixel_darker(y , x - 2, value) << 10) \
class Point:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def to_tuple(self):
return self.x, self.y
def __str__(self):
return str(self.x) + " " + str(self.y)
\ No newline at end of file
from os import listdir
from cPickle import load
from sys import argv, exit
from time import time
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
from NormalizedCharacterImage import NormalizedCharacterImage
from Character import Character
from Classifier import Classifier
if len(argv) < 4:
print 'Usage: python %s NEIGHBOURS BLUR_SCALE COUNT' % argv[0]
neighbours = int(argv[1])
blur_scale = float(argv[2])
count = int(argv[3])
suffix = '_%s_%s' % (blur_scale, neighbours)
#chars_file = 'characters%s.dat' % suffix
classifier_file = 'classifier%s.dat' % suffix
#print 'Loading characters...'
#chars = load(open(chars_file, 'r'))[:count]
#count = len(chars)
#for char in chars:
# del char.feature
#print 'Read %d characters' % count
print 'Loading %d characters...' % count
chars = []
i = 0
br = False
for value in sorted(listdir('../images/LearningSet')):
for image in sorted(listdir('../images/LearningSet/' + value)):
f = '../images/LearningSet/' + value + '/' + image
image = GrayscaleImage(f)
char = Character(value, [], image)
i += 1
if i == count:
br = True
if br:
print 'Loading classifier...'
classifier = Classifier(filename=classifier_file)
classifier.neighbours = neighbours
start = time()
for char in chars:
char.image = NormalizedCharacterImage(image, blur=blur_scale, height=42)
elapsed = time() - start
individual = elapsed / count
print 'Took %fs to classify %d caracters (%fms per character)' \
% (elapsed, count, individual * 1000)
from os import mkdir
from os.path import exists
from math import acos
from pylab import imsave, array, zeros, inv, dot, norm, svd, floor
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
from Point import Point
from Character import Character
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
from NormalizedCharacterImage import NormalizedCharacterImage
from LicensePlate import LicensePlate
# sets the entire license plate of an image
def retrieve_data(image, corners):
x0, y0 = corners[0].to_tuple()
x1, y1 = corners[1].to_tuple()
x2, y2 = corners[2].to_tuple()
x3, y3 = corners[3].to_tuple()
# Gets the character data from a picture with a license plate
def retrieve_data(plate, corners):
x0,y0, x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3 = corners
M = int(1.2 * (max(x0, x1, x2, x3) - min(x0, x1, x2, x3)))
M = max(x0, x1, x2, x3) - min(x0, x1, x2, x3)
N = max(y0, y1, y2, y3) - min(y0, y1, y2, y3)
matrix = array([
......@@ -30,7 +25,7 @@ def retrieve_data(image, corners):
[ 0, 0, 0, x3, y3, 1, -N * x3, -N * y3, -N]
P = inv(get_transformation_matrix(matrix))
P = get_transformation_matrix(matrix)
data = array([zeros(M, float)] * N)
for i in range(M):
......@@ -39,7 +34,7 @@ def retrieve_data(image, corners):
or_coor_h = (or_coor[1][0] / or_coor[2][0],
or_coor[0][0] / or_coor[2][0])
data[j][i] = pV(image, or_coor_h[0], or_coor_h[1])
data[j][i] = pV(plate, or_coor_h[0], or_coor_h[1])
return data
......@@ -51,108 +46,92 @@ def get_transformation_matrix(matrix):
U, D, V = svd(matrix)
p = V[8][:]
return array([
[ p[0], p[1], p[2] ],
[ p[3], p[4], p[5] ],
[ p[6], p[7], p[8] ]
return inv(array([[p[0],p[1],p[2]], [p[3],p[4],p[5]], [p[6],p[7],p[8]]]))
def pV(image, x, y):
#Get the value of a point (interpolated x, y) in the given image
if image.in_bounds(x, y):
x_low = floor(x)
x_high = floor(x + 1)
y_low = floor(y)
y_high = floor(y + 1)
x_y = (x_high - x_low) * (y_high - y_low)
if not image.in_bounds(x, y):
return 0
a = x_high - x
b = y_high - y
c = x - x_low
d = y - y_low
x_low, x_high = floor(x), floor(x+1)
y_low, y_high = floor(y), floor(y+1)
x_y = (x_high - x_low) * (y_high - y_low)
return image[x_low, y_low] / x_y * a * b \
+ image[x_high, y_low] / x_y * c * b \
+ image[x_low , y_high] / x_y * a * d \
+ image[x_high, y_high] / x_y * c * d
a = x_high - x
b = y_high - y
c = x - x_low
d = y - y_low
return 0
return image[x_low, y_low] / x_y * a * b \
+ image[x_high, y_low] / x_y * c * b \
+ image[x_low , y_high] / x_y * a * d \
+ image[x_high, y_high] / x_y * c * d
def xml_to_LicensePlate(filename, save_character=None):
image = GrayscaleImage('../images/Images/%s.jpg' % filename)
dom = parse('../images/Infos/' % filename)
result_characters = []
version = dom.getElementsByTagName("current-version")[0]
info = dom.getElementsByTagName("info")
for i in info:
if version == i.getElementsByTagName("version")[0]
plate = GrayscaleImage('../images/Images/%s.jpg' % filename)
dom = parse('../images/Infos/' % filename)
country = ''
result = []
version = get_node(dom, "current-version")
infos = by_tag(dom, "info")
country = i.getElementsByTagName("identification-letters")[0]
temp = i.getElementsByTagName("characters")
for info in infos:
if not version == get_node(info, "version"):
if len(temp):
characters = temp[0].childNodes
characters = []
country = get_node(info, "identification-letters")
temp = by_tag(info, "characters")
for i, character in enumerate(characters):
if character.nodeName == "character":
value = character.getElementsByTagName("char")[0]
corners = get_corners(character)
if not temp: # no characters where found in the file
if not len(corners) == 4:
characters = temp[0].childNodes
character_data = retrieve_data(image, corners)
character_image = NormalizedCharacterImage(data=character_data)
for i, char in enumerate(characters):
if not char.nodeName == "character":
result_characters.append(Character(value, corners, character_image, filename))
if save_character:
single_character = GrayscaleImage(data=character_data)
value = get_node(char, "char")
corners = get_corners(char)
path = "../images/LearningSet/%s" % value
image_path = "%s/%d_%s.jpg" % (path, i, filename.split('/')[-1])
if not len(corners) == 8:
if not exists(path):
data = retrieve_data(plate, corners)
image = NormalizedCharacterImage(data=data)
result.append(Character(value, corners, image, filename))
if save_character:
character_image = GrayscaleImage(data=data)
path = "../images/LearningSet/%s" % value
image_path = "%s/%d_%s.jpg" % (path, i, filename.split('/')[-1])
if not exists(image_path):
if not exists(path):
return LicensePlate(country, result_characters)
if not exists(image_path):
def get_corners(dom):
nodes = dom.getElementsByTagName("point")
corners = []
margin_y = 3
margin_x = 2
return LicensePlate(country, result)
Point(get_coord(nodes[0], "x") - margin_x,
get_coord(nodes[0], "y") - margin_y)
def get_node(node, tag):
return by_tag(node, tag)[0]
Point(get_coord(nodes[1], "x") + margin_x,
get_coord(nodes[1], "y") - margin_y)
def by_tag(node, tag):
return node.getElementsByTagName(tag)
Point(get_coord(nodes[2], "x") + margin_x,
get_coord(nodes[2], "y") + margin_y)
def get_attr(node, attr):
return int(node.getAttribute(attr))
Point(get_coord(nodes[3], "x") - margin_x,
get_coord(nodes[3], "y") + margin_y)
def get_corners(dom):
p = by_tag(dom, "point")
return corners
# Extra padding
y = 3
x = 2
def get_coord(node, attribute):
return int(node.getAttribute(attribute))
\ No newline at end of file
# return 8 values (x0,y0, .., x3,y3)
return get_attr(p[0], "x") - x, get_attr(p[0], "y") - y,\
get_attr(p[1], "x") + x, get_attr(p[1], "y") - y,\
get_attr(p[2], "x") + x, get_attr(p[2], "y") + y,\
get_attr(p[3], "x") - x, get_attr(p[3], "y") + y
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