Commit a68fe0cd authored by Fabien's avatar Fabien

klein foutje in indent :((

parent 3cdca55d
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ class LicensePlate:
for i in range(0, M):
for j in range(0, N):
or_coor = dot(P, ([[i],[j],[1]]))
or_coor_h = or_coor[1][0] / or_coor[2][0],
or_coor[0][0] / or_coor[2][0]
or_coor_h = (or_coor[1][0] / or_coor[2][0],
or_coor[0][0] / or_coor[2][0])
data[j][i] = self.pV(or_coor_h[0], or_coor_h[1])
from LicensePlate import LicensePlate
create new LicensePlate object:
i.e you can do
plate = LicensePlate("../XML/") # some xml file from rein
now available:
Are the entire image widht / height and image is the corresponding image file
provided by rein (i.e other folder somewhere)
plate.license_full # the entire license plate as a string so 2334AB
plate.characters # for each character from license_full a Character object
exists, kinda same as the license plate. You have a value
= the character / number
a corners -> i.e list of points (Point objects)
TODO had to go so this text is full of crap maybe, anyway enjoy
plate = LicensePlate("../XML/0000/") # some xml file from rein
\ No newline at end of file
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