Commit 957cba5c authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Renamed 'LearningSet' folder to 'characters'.

parent 9e6af877
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from cPickle import load, dump
DATA_FOLDER = 'data/'
IMAGES_FOLDER = '../images/LearningSet/'
IMAGES_FOLDER = '../images/characters/'
RESULTS_FOLDER = 'results/'
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ from Character import Character
from GrayscaleImage import GrayscaleImage
from NormalizedCharacterImage import NormalizedCharacterImage
from LicensePlate import LicensePlate
from data import IMAGES_FOLDER
# Gets the character data from a picture with a license plate
def retrieve_data(plate, corners):
......@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ def retrieve_data(plate, corners):
return data
def get_transformation_matrix(matrix):
# Get the vector p and the values that are in there by taking the SVD.
# Since D is diagonal with the eigenvalues sorted from large to small
......@@ -48,6 +51,7 @@ def get_transformation_matrix(matrix):
return inv(array([[p[0],p[1],p[2]], [p[3],p[4],p[5]], [p[6],p[7],p[8]]]))
def pV(image, x, y):
#Get the value of a point (interpolated x, y) in the given image
if not image.in_bounds(x, y):
......@@ -67,6 +71,7 @@ def pV(image, x, y):
+ image[x_low , y_high] / x_y * a * d \
+ image[x_high, y_high] / x_y * c * d
def xml_to_LicensePlate(filename, save_character=None):
plate = GrayscaleImage('../images/Images/%s.jpg' % filename)
dom = parse('../images/Infos/' % filename)
......@@ -100,10 +105,10 @@ def xml_to_LicensePlate(filename, save_character=None):
data = retrieve_data(plate, corners)
image = NormalizedCharacterImage(data=data)
result.append(Character(value, corners, image, filename))
if save_character:
character_image = GrayscaleImage(data=data)
path = "../images/LearningSet/%s" % value
path = IMAGES_FOLDER + value
image_path = "%s/%d_%s.jpg" % (path, i, filename.split('/')[-1])
if not exists(path):
......@@ -114,15 +119,19 @@ def xml_to_LicensePlate(filename, save_character=None):
return LicensePlate(country, result)
def get_node(node, tag):
return by_tag(node, tag)[0]
def by_tag(node, tag):
return node.getElementsByTagName(tag)
def get_attr(node, attr):
return int(node.getAttribute(attr))
def get_corners(dom):
p = by_tag(dom, "point")
......@@ -134,4 +143,4 @@ def get_corners(dom):
return get_attr(p[0], "x") - x, get_attr(p[0], "y") - y,\
get_attr(p[1], "x") + x, get_attr(p[1], "y") - y,\
get_attr(p[2], "x") + x, get_attr(p[2], "y") + y,\
get_attr(p[3], "x") - x, get_attr(p[3], "y") + y
\ No newline at end of file
get_attr(p[3], "x") - x, get_attr(p[3], "y") + y
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