Commit df5100b2 authored by Taddeus Kroes's avatar Taddeus Kroes

Fixed omission of n-ary multiplication sign in line generator.

parent 6adf39c0
......@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ def generate_line(root):
node_pred = pred(node)
result = ''
sep = ' ' + op + ' '
prev = None
e = []
for child in node:
exp = traverse(child)
# Check if there is a precedence conflict.
# Check if there is a precedence conflict
# If so, add parentheses
child_pred = pred(child)
......@@ -101,17 +101,26 @@ def generate_line(root):
(child_pred == node_pred and op != child.title()):
exp = '(' + exp + ')'
# Check if a multiplication sign is nessecary
if op == '*':
left, right = node
# Get the previous multiplcation element if the arity is #
# greater than 2
if left.title() == '*':
left = left[1]
# a * b -> ab
# a * 2 -> a * 2
# a * (...) -> a(...)
# a * (b) -> a(b)
# 2 * a -> 2a
if prev and not (op == '*' \
and ((is_id(prev) and not is_int(child)) \
or (is_int(prev) and is_id(child)))):
result += sep
if (is_id(left) and (is_id(right) or e[1][0] == '(')) \
or (is_int(left) and is_id(right)):
sep = ''
result += exp
prev = child
result += sep.join(e)
# Function
result = op + '(' + ', '.join(map(traverse, node)) + ')'
......@@ -90,3 +90,20 @@ class TestLine(unittest.TestCase):
node_pow = N('^', node_bc, node_de)
node_mul = N('*', a, node_pow)
self.assertEquals(generate_line(node_mul), 'a(b + c) ^ (d + e)')
def test_multiplication_sign(self):
a, b, c, l2 = L('a'), L('b'), L('c'), L(2)
mul = N('*', a, b)
self.assertEquals(generate_line(mul), 'ab')
mul = N('*', mul, c)
self.assertEquals(generate_line(mul), 'abc')
mul = N('*', a, N('-', b, c))
self.assertEquals(generate_line(mul), 'a(b - c)')
mul = N('*', l2, a)
self.assertEquals(generate_line(mul), '2a')
mul = N('*', a, l2)
self.assertEquals(generate_line(mul), 'a * 2')
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