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Commit 10ef3196 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes
Browse files

Initial AST definition and some template files

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Makefile 0 → 100644
RESULT := coffee
#GLOBALS := ast_coffee
#SOURCES := $(addsuffix .mli,$(GLOBALS)) $(addsuffix .ml,$(GLOBALS)) \
# lexer.mll parser.mly main.mli \
# $(patsubst %,phases/%.mli,$(PHASES)) $(patsubst %,phases/,$(PHASES)) \
LIBS := str unix
# Set debugging flag to enable exception backtraces for OCAMLRUNPARAM=b
OCAMLFLAGS := -g #-pp camlp4o
.PHONY: all
all: native-code
# The Types module needs an implementation file to stop ocamlc from complaining types.mli
# cp $< $@
include OCamlMakefile
This diff is collapsed.
open Util
(* AST nodes *)
type ast = block
and block = stmt list
and stmt =
| Return of value option
| Comment of string
| Expr_stmt of value
and value =
| Fun of value list * block * bool
| Call of value * value list
| Object of (string * value) list
| Array of value list
| Index of value * value
| Range of value option * value option * bool
| Try of block * block * block
| Throw of value
| New of value * value list
| Class of string option * value option * class_body
| Binop of binop * value * value
| Monop of monop * value
| Chainop of value * (binop * value) list
| If of value * block * block
| For of value * value option * binop * value * block
| While of value * block
| Switch of value * (value list * block) list * block
| Assign of value * value
| Property of value * string
| Regex of string * string
| Number of float
| String of string
| Var of string
| Js of string
| This
| Null
| Undefined
| True
| False
| Param of string
| Default of value * value
| Splat of value option
and class_body = class_stmt list
and class_stmt =
| Unnamed_expr of value
| Prototype_property of string * value
and binop =
| Eq | Ne | Gt | Ge | Lt | Le
| And | Or
| In | Of
| Plus | Minus | Times | Div | Mod
| Div_trunc | Pow | Mod_math
and monop =
| Not | Exists
| Neg | Pos
(* Stringification *)
let rec string_of_ast tree = string_of_block tree ^ "\n"
and string_of_block block = cat "\n" string_of_stmt block
and string_of_stmt = function
| Return None -> "return"
| Return (Some value) -> "return " ^ string_of_value value
| Comment comment -> prefix_lines "# " comment
| Expr_stmt value -> string_of_value value
and string_of_value = function
| Fun (params, body, is_bound) ->
let params =
match params with
| [] -> ""
| _ -> "(" ^ cat ", " string_of_value params ^ ") "
let glyph = if is_bound then "=>" else "->" in
params ^ glyph ^ inline_block "" body
| Call (fn, args) ->
string_of_value fn ^ "(" ^ cat ", " string_of_value args ^ ")"
| Object key_value_pairs ->
let string_of_pair (key, value) = key ^ string_of_value value in
"{" ^ cat ", " string_of_pair key_value_pairs ^ "}"
| Array elements ->
"[" ^ cat ", " string_of_value elements ^ "]"
| Index (arr, (Range _ as range)) ->
string_of_value arr ^ string_of_value range
| Index (arr, idx) ->
string_of_value arr ^ "[" ^ string_of_value idx ^ "]"
| Range (lbnd, ubnd, inclusive) ->
let splat = if inclusive then ".." else "..." in
let s = function None -> "" | Some v -> string_of_value v in
"[" ^ s lbnd ^ splat ^ s ubnd ^ "]"
| Try (body, catch, finally) ->
let s pre = function [] -> "" | b -> pre ^ indent_block b in
"try" ^ indent_block body ^ "\n" ^
s "catch" catch ^ "\n" ^
s "finally" finally
| Throw value ->
"throw " ^ string_of_value value
| New (cls, args) ->
"new " ^ string_of_value cls ^ "(" ^ cat ", " string_of_value args ^ ")"
| Class (name, parent, body) ->
let cls =
match name with
| None -> "class"
| Some name -> "class " ^ name
let extends =
match parent with
| None -> ""
| Some parent -> " extends " ^ string_of_value parent
let body =
let string_of_class_stmt = function
| Unnamed_expr value ->
string_of_value value
| Prototype_property (name, value) ->
name ^ ": " ^ string_of_value value
match body with
| [] -> failwith "empty body"
| body -> "\n" ^ indent (cat "\n" string_of_class_stmt body)
cls ^ extends ^ body
| Binop (op, left, right) ->
"(" ^ string_of_value left ^
" " ^ string_of_binop op ^ " " ^
string_of_value right ^ ")"
| Monop (Exists, opnd) ->
string_of_value opnd ^ "?"
| Monop (op, opnd) ->
let op =
match op with
| Not -> "not"
| Neg -> "-"
| Pos -> "+"
| _ -> failwith "this cannot happen"
op ^ string_of_value opnd
| Chainop (hd, tl) ->
let rec s = function
| [] ->
failwith "invalid chained operator"
| [(op, opnd)] ->
string_of_binop op ^ " " ^ string_of_value opnd
| (op, opnd) :: tl ->
string_of_binop op ^ " " ^ string_of_value opnd ^ " " ^ s tl
string_of_value hd ^ " " ^ s tl
| If (cond, [], _) ->
failwith "empty if-body"
| If (cond, [if_expr], []) ->
"if " ^ string_of_value cond ^ " then " ^ string_of_value if_expr
| If (cond, [if_expr], [else_expr]) ->
"if " ^ string_of_value cond ^ " then " ^ string_of_value if_expr ^
" else " ^ string_of_value else_expr
| If (cond, if_body, []) ->
"if " ^ string_of_value cond ^ indent_block if_body
| If (cond, if_body, else_body) ->
"if " ^ string_of_value cond ^ indent_block if_body ^
"\nelse" ^ indent_block else_body
| For (value, index, op, arr, body) ->
let preamble =
let iterator =
let value = string_of_value value in
match index with
| None -> value
| Some index -> value ^ ", " ^ string_of_value index
"for " ^ iterator ^ " " ^ string_of_binop op ^ " " ^ string_of_value arr
match body with
| [] -> failwith "empty loop body"
| [stmt] -> string_of_stmt stmt ^ preamble
| _ -> preamble ^ indent_block body
| While (cond, body) ->
"while " ^ string_of_value cond ^ indent_block body
| Switch (value, when_cases, default_case) ->
let string_of_when (match_values, body) =
"\nwhen " ^ cat ", " string_of_value match_values ^
inline_block "then" body
"switch " ^ string_of_value value ^
indent (cat "" string_of_when when_cases) ^
inline_block "else" default_case
| Assign (left, right) ->
string_of_value left ^ " = " ^ string_of_value right
| Property (obj, prop) ->
string_of_value obj ^ "." ^ prop
| Regex (pattern, modifiers) ->
"/" ^ pattern ^ "/" ^ modifiers
| Number n -> string_of_number n
| String s -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\""
| Var name -> name
| Js js -> "`" ^ js ^ "`"
| This -> "this"
| Null -> "null"
| Undefined -> "undefined"
| True -> "true"
| False -> "false"
| Param name -> name
| Default (Param name, value) ->
name ^ "=" ^ string_of_value value
| Default _ ->
failwith "Default can only have Param as first child"
| Splat None ->
| Splat (Some value) ->
string_of_value value ^ "..."
and string_of_number n = string_of_float n (* FIXME *)
and string_of_binop = function
| Eq -> "is"
| Ne -> "isnt"
| Gt -> ">"
| Ge -> ">="
| Lt -> "<"
| Le -> "<="
| And -> "and"
| Or -> "or"
| In -> "in"
| Of -> "of"
| Plus -> "+"
| Minus -> "-"
| Times -> "*"
| Div -> "/"
| Mod -> "%"
| Div_trunc -> "//"
| Pow -> "**"
| Mod_math -> "%%"
and indent_block = function
| [] -> failwith "empty block"
| stmts -> "\n" ^ indent (string_of_block stmts)
and inline_block prefix = function
| [] -> ""
| [stmt] -> prefix ^ " " ^ string_of_stmt stmt
| stmts -> indent_block stmts
open Ast_coffee
let () =
let f = Chainop (Var "a", [(Lt, Var "b"); (Le, Var "c"); (Eq, Var "d")]) in
print_endline (string_of_value f)
module C = Ast_coffee
type location = int * int * int * int
type location_box =
| Loc_stmt of C.stmt
| Loc_class_stmt of C.class_stmt
| Loc_value of C.value
type location_pair = location * location_box 0 → 100644
let tab = " "
let prefix_lines prefix = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "^\\(.\\)") (prefix ^ "\\1")
let indent = prefix_lines tab
let rec cat sep fn = function
| [] -> ""
| [hd] -> fn hd
| hd :: tl -> fn hd ^ sep ^ cat sep fn tl
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