Commit 541164a2 authored by Taddeüs Kroes's avatar Taddeüs Kroes

First working version of compiler -> llvm

LD := clang
LDFLAGS := -nostartfiles
BFILES := $(wildcard *.b)
.PHONY: clean
.PRECIOUS: $(patsubst %.b,%.ll %-opt.ll,$(BFILES))
ocamlopt -o $@ -g -I /usr/lib/ocaml/llvm-3.5 llvm.cmxa $^
%: %.o
$(LD) -o $@ $< $(LDFLAGS)
%.o: %.ll
llc-3.5 -filetype obj -o $@ $<
%.ll: %.bc
llvm-dis-3.5 -o $@ $<
%-opt.ll: %.ll
opt-3.5 -O3 -S -o $@ $<
%.ll: %.b bf
./bf < $< > $@
rm -f bf *.cmi *.cmx *.ll *.bc *.o $(patsubst %.b,%,$(BFILES))
open Llvm
type program = command list
and command =
| Incptr | Decptr
| Incdata | Decdata
| Output | Input
| Loop of program
let read_program ic =
let rec next cur stack =
match input_char ic, stack with
| '>', _ -> next (Incptr :: cur) stack
| '<', _ -> next (Decptr :: cur) stack
| '+', _ -> next (Incdata :: cur) stack
| '-', _ -> next (Decdata :: cur) stack
| '.', _ -> next (Output :: cur) stack
| ',', _ -> next (Input :: cur) stack
| '[', _ -> next [] (cur :: stack)
| ']', [] -> failwith "unmatched ']'"
| ']', (hd :: tl) -> next (Loop (List.rev cur) :: hd) tl
| _ -> next cur stack
with End_of_file ->
if List.length stack > 0 then failwith "unmatched '['";
List.rev cur
next [] []
let rec string_of_program program =
let string_of_command = function
| Incptr -> ">"
| Decptr -> "<"
| Incdata -> "+"
| Decdata -> "-"
| Output -> "."
| Input -> ","
| Loop p -> "[" ^ string_of_program p ^ "]"
let rec cat buf = function
| [] -> buf
| cmd :: tl -> cat (buf ^ string_of_command cmd) tl
cat "" program
let compile memsize program =
let ctx = global_context () in
let m = create_module ctx "brainfucker" in
let byte_ty = i8_type ctx in
let byteptr_ty = pointer_type byte_ty in
let i1_ty = i1_type ctx in
let i32_ty = i32_type ctx in
let int_ty = i32_ty in
let void_ty = void_type ctx in
let putchar = declare_function "putchar" (function_type int_ty [|byte_ty|]) m in
let getchar = declare_function "getchar" (function_type byte_ty [||]) m in
let f = define_function "_start" (function_type void_ty [||]) m in
let bb_cur = ref (entry_block f) in
let b = builder_at_end ctx !bb_cur in
let set_cur_bb bb =
position_at_end bb b;
bb_cur := bb
let i n = const_int int_ty n in
let i8 n = const_int byte_ty n in
(*let mem = define_global "mem" (const_null (array_type byte_ty memsize)) m in
set_linkage Linkage.Private mem;*)
let mem = build_alloca (array_type byte_ty memsize) "mem" b in
let idx = build_alloca int_ty "idx" b in
let gep () = build_in_bounds_gep mem [|i 0; build_load idx "" b|] "" b in
let load ptr = build_load ptr "" b in
let store ptr value = ignore (build_store value ptr b) in
let rec compile_command = function
| Incptr ->
build_add (load idx) (i 1) "" b |> store idx
| Decptr ->
build_sub (load idx) (i 1) "" b |> store idx
| Incdata ->
build_add (load (gep ())) (i8 1) "" b |> store (gep ())
| Decdata ->
build_sub (load (gep ())) (i8 1) "" b |> store (gep ())
| Output ->
build_call putchar [|load (gep ())|] "" b |> ignore
| Input ->
build_call getchar [||] "" b |> store (gep ())
| Loop p ->
let bb_end = append_block ctx "" f in
move_block_after !bb_cur bb_end;
let bb_body = insert_block ctx "" bb_end in
let bb_cond = insert_block ctx "" bb_body in
ignore (build_br bb_cond b);
position_at_end bb_cond b;
let cond = build_icmp Icmp.Eq (load (gep ())) (i8 0) "" b in
ignore (build_cond_br cond bb_end bb_body b);
set_cur_bb bb_body;
List.iter compile_command p;
ignore (build_br bb_cond b);
set_cur_bb bb_end
(* zero-initialize memory (use intrinsic for optimization assumptions) *)
set_data_layout "e" m; (* little-endian, needed for optimization *)
let memset =
let arg_types = [|byteptr_ty; byte_ty; i32_ty; i32_ty; i1_ty|] in
declare_function "llvm.memset.p0i8.i32" (function_type void_ty arg_types) m
let ptr = build_bitcast mem byteptr_ty "" b in
build_call memset [|ptr; i8 0; i memsize; i 0; const_int i1_ty 0|] "" b |> ignore;
(* set pivot to index 0 and compile program commands *)
store idx (i 0);
List.iter compile_command program;
(* exit gracefully *)
let cexit = declare_function "exit" (function_type void_ty [|i32_ty|]) m in
ignore (build_call cexit [|i 0|] "" b);
ignore (build_ret_void b);
let () =
stdin |> read_program |> compile 30000 |> string_of_llmodule |> print_string
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