Eos: A lightweight header-only 3D Morphable Model fitting library in modern C++11/14.
Eos is a tiny 3D Morphable Model fitting library that provides just the bare minimum to load a model and perform camera and shape fitting. It's written in modern C++11/14.
At the moment, it mainly provides the following functionality:
- MorphableModel class to represent a 3DMM (using OpenCVs
) - Camera estimation, implementation of the Gold Standard Algorithm from Multiple View Geometry, Hartley & Zisserman
- Shape fitting, implementation of the linear shape-to-landmarks fitting of O. Aldrian & W. Smith, Inverse Rendering of Faces with a 3D Morphable Model, PAMI 2013
- Isomap texture extraction to obtain a pose-invariant representation of the face texture.
- Tested with the following compilers: >=gcc-4.8.4, >=clang-3.5, Visual Studio 2015
- Needed dependencies for the library: Boost system (>=1.50.0), OpenCV core (>=2.4.3)
To use the library in your own project, just add the following directories to your include path:
Build the examples and tests
- Needed dependencies for the example app: CMake (>=2.8.10), Boost system, filesystem, program_options (>=1.50.0), OpenCV core, imgproc, highgui (>=2.4.3).
To build:
- copy
, edit the necessary paths - create a build directory next to the
folder:mkdir build; cd build
cmake -C ../eos/initial_cache.cmake -G "<your favourite generator>" ../eos -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install/
- build using your favourite tools, e.g.
make; make install
or open the solution in Visual Studio.
Sample code
After make install
or running the INSTALL
target, an example image with landmarks can be found in install/bin/data/
. The model and the necessary landmarks mapping file are installed to install/share/
You can run the example with:
fit-model -m ../share/sfm_shape_3448.bin -p ../share/ibug2did.txt -i data/image_0010.png -l data/image_0010.pts
The output is an obj
file with the shape and a png
with the extracted isomap. The camera matrix and shape coefficients are available in the code via the API.
The code is fully documented with Doxygen, and an online version of the documentation can be accessed here (todo - add link). Alternatively, an up-to-date version can be built by setting -DBUILD_DOCUMENTATION=on
and then building the doc
License & contributions
This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Contributions are very welcome! (best in the form of pull requests.) Please use Github issues for any bug reports, ideas, and discussions.
If you use this code in your own work, please cite the following paper: Fitting 3D Morphable Models using Local Features, P. Huber, Z. Feng, W. Christmas, J. Kittler, M. Rätsch, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2015, Québec City, Canada (http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.02330).