Commit f40904f0 authored by Patrik Huber's avatar Patrik Huber

Made RenderingParameters members private, updated doc

parent c6f37932
......@@ -95,11 +95,19 @@ enum class CameraType
* The rotation values are given in radians and estimated using the RPY convention.
* Yaw is applied first to the model, then pitch, then roll (R * P * Y * vertex).
* In general, the convention is as follows:
* r_x = Pitch
* r_y = Yaw. Positive means subject is looking left (we see her right cheek).
* r_z = Roll. Positive means the subject's right eye is further down than the other one (he tilts his head to the right).
* However, we're using a quaternion now to represent the rotation, and glm::eulerAngles() will give
* slightly different angles (according to a different (undocumented)) convention. However, the
* rotation is exactly the same! (i.e. they are represented by the same quaternion / rotation matrix).
* This should always represent all parameters necessary to render the model to an image, and be completely OpenGL compliant.
struct RenderingParameters
class RenderingParameters
// Creates with default frustum...
RenderingParameters() {};
......@@ -134,7 +142,6 @@ struct RenderingParameters
glm::mat4x4 get_modelview() const {
// rot from quat, add transl., return 4x4.
glm::mat4x4 modelview = glm::mat4_cast(rotation);
modelview[3][0] = t_x;
modelview[3][1] = t_y;
......@@ -151,13 +158,10 @@ struct RenderingParameters
CameraType camera_type = CameraType::Orthographic;
Frustum frustum; // Can construct a glm::ortho or glm::perspective matrix from this.
// Todo: Get rid of the Euler angles and just use the quaternion.
//float r_x; // Pitch.
//float r_y; // Yaw. Positive means subject is looking left (we see her right cheek).
//float r_z; // Roll. Positive means the subject's right eye is further down than the other one (he tilts his head to the right).
glm::quat rotation;
float t_x;
......@@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ glm::vec4 get_opencv_viewport(int width, int height)
cv::Mat get_3x4_affine_camera_matrix(fitting::RenderingParameters params, int width, int height)
auto view_model = render::to_mat(params.get_modelview());
auto ortho_projection = render::to_mat(glm::ortho(params.frustum.l, params.frustum.r, params.frustum.b, params.frustum.t));
auto ortho_projection = render::to_mat(params.get_projection());
cv::Mat mvp = ortho_projection * view_model;
glm::vec4 viewport(0, height, width, -height); // flips y, origin top-left, like in OpenCV
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