/* New texture extraction, will replace above one at some point: */
* @brief Extracts the texture of the face from the given image and stores it as isomap (a rectangular texture map).
* New texture extraction, will replace above one at some point.
* Copy the documentation from above extract_texture function, once we replace it.
* Note/Todo: Add an overload that takes a vector of bool / visible vertices, for the case when we already computed the visibility? (e.g. for edge-fitting)
* @param[in] mesh A mesh with texture coordinates.
* @param[in] view_model_matrix Todo.
* @param[in] projection_matrix Todo.
* @param[in] viewport Not needed at the moment. Might be, if we change clip_to_screen_space() to take a viewport.
* @param[in] image The image to extract the texture from. Todo: Does it have to be 8UC3 or something, or does it not matter?
* @param[in] compute_view_angle Unused at the moment.
* @param[in] isomap_resolution The resolution of the generated isomap. Defaults to 512x512.
* @return The extracted texture as isomap (texture map).