assert(shape_model.get_data_dimension()==color_model.get_data_dimension());// The number of vertices (= model.getDataDimension() / 3) has to be equal for both models.
assert(shape_model.get_data_dimension()==color_model.get_data_dimension()||!has_color_model());// The number of vertices (= model.getDataDimension() / 3) has to be equal for both models, or, alternatively, it has to be a shape-only model.
@@ -178,6 +180,19 @@ public:
* Returns true if this Morphable Model contains a colour
* model. Returns false if it is a shape-only model.
* @return True if the Morphable Model has a colour model (i.e. is not a shape-only model).
assert(shape.rows==color.rows);// The number of vertices (= model.getDataDimension() / 3) has to be equal for both models.
assert(shape.rows==color.rows||color.empty());// The number of vertices (= model.getDataDimension() / 3) has to be equal for both models, or, alternatively, it has to be a shape-only model.
// Construct the mesh vertices and vertex color information:
mesh.colors[i]=cv::Vec3f(<float>(i*3+0),<float>(i*3+1),<float>(i*3+2));// order in hdf5: RGB. Order in OCV: BGR. But order in vertex.color: RGB
// Assign the vertex color information if it's not a shape-only model:
mesh.colors[i]=cv::Vec3f(<float>(i*3+0),<float>(i*3+1),<float>(i*3+2));// order in hdf5: RGB. Order in OCV: BGR. But order in vertex.color: RGB