Commit 4ec5e910 authored by Patrik Huber's avatar Patrik Huber

Initial version of keyframe selection and weighted mean fusion

parent 3aa61677
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ set(HEADERS
add_library(eos INTERFACE)
......@@ -22,3 +22,8 @@
* @namespace eos::render
* @brief Software rendering and texture extraction functionality.
* @namespace eos::video
* @brief Video keyframe extraction and fusion.
* eos - A 3D Morphable Model fitting library written in modern C++11/14.
* File: include/eos/video/Keyframe.hpp
* Copyright 2016, 2017 Patrik Huber
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "eos/fitting/FittingResult.hpp"
#include "eos/fitting/RenderingParameters.hpp"
#include "eos/morphablemodel/Blendshape.hpp"
#include "eos/morphablemodel/MorphableModel.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
namespace eos {
namespace video {
* @brief A keyframe selected by the fitting algorithm.
* Contains the original frame, all necessary fitting parameters, and a score.
struct Keyframe
float score; // = 0.0f?
cv::Mat frame;
fitting::FittingResult fitting_result;
* @brief A keyframe selection that selects keyframes according to yaw pose and score.
* Separates the +-90 yaw pose range into 20 intervals (i.e. 90 to 70, ..., -10 to 10, ...), and puts frames
* into each bin, until full. Replaces keyframes with better frames if the score is higher than that of
* current keyframes.
* The yaw pose bins are currently hard-coded (9 bins, 20 intervals).
struct PoseBinningKeyframeSelector
PoseBinningKeyframeSelector(int frames_per_bin = 2) : frames_per_bin(frames_per_bin)
bool try_add(float frame_score, cv::Mat image, const fitting::FittingResult& fitting_result)
// Determine whether to add or not:
auto yaw_angle = glm::degrees(glm::yaw(fitting_result.rendering_parameters.get_rotation()));
auto idx = angle_to_index(yaw_angle);
bool add_frame = false;
if (bins[idx].size() < frames_per_bin) // always add when we don't have enough frames
add_frame =
true; // definitely adding - we wouldn't have to go through the for-loop on the next line.
for (auto&& f : bins[idx])
if (frame_score > f.score)
add_frame = true;
if (!add_frame)
return false;
// Add the keyframe:
bins[idx].push_back(video::Keyframe{frame_score, image, fitting_result});
if (bins[idx].size() > frames_per_bin)
// need to remove the lowest one:
std::sort(std::begin(bins[idx]), std::end(bins[idx]),
[](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) { return lhs.score > rhs.score; });
return true;
// Returns the keyframes as a vector.
std::vector<Keyframe> get_keyframes() const
std::vector<Keyframe> keyframes;
for (auto&& b : bins)
for (auto&& f : b)
return keyframes;
using BinContent = std::vector<Keyframe>;
std::vector<BinContent> bins;
const int num_yaw_bins = 9;
int frames_per_bin;
// Converts a given yaw angle to an index in the internal bins vector.
// Assumes 9 bins and 20 intervals.
static std::size_t angle_to_index(float yaw_angle)
if (yaw_angle <= -70.f)
return 0;
if (yaw_angle <= -50.f)
return 1;
if (yaw_angle <= -30.f)
return 2;
if (yaw_angle <= -10.f)
return 3;
if (yaw_angle <= 10.f)
return 4;
if (yaw_angle <= 30.f)
return 5;
if (yaw_angle <= 50.f)
return 6;
if (yaw_angle <= 70.f)
return 7;
return 8;
* @brief Extracts texture from each keyframe and merges them using a weighted mean.
* Uses the view angle as weighting.
* Note 1: Would be nice to eventually return a 4-channel texture map, with a sensible weight in the 4th
* channel (i.e. the max of all weights for a given pixel).
* Note 2: On each call to this, it generates all isomaps. This is quite time-consuming (and we could compute
* the weighted mean incrementally). But caching them is not trivial (maybe with a hashing or comparing the
* cv::Mat frame data* member?).
* On the other hand, for the more complex merging techniques (super-res, involving ceres, or a median
* cost-func?), there might be no caching possible anyway and we will recompute the merged isomap from scratch
* each time anyway, but not by first extracting all isomaps - instead we would just do a lookup of the
* required pixel value(s) in the original image.
* // struct KeyframeMerger {};
* @param[in] keyframes The keyframes that will be merged.
* @param[in] morphable_model The Morphable Model with which the keyframes have been fitted.
* @param[in] blendshapes The blendshapes with which the keyframes have been fitted.
* @return Merged texture map (isomap), 3-channel uchar.
cv::Mat merge_weighted_mean(const std::vector<Keyframe>& keyframes,
const morphablemodel::MorphableModel& morphable_model,
const std::vector<morphablemodel::Blendshape>& blendshapes)
assert(keyframes.size() >= 1);
using cv::Mat;
using std::vector;
vector<Mat> isomaps;
for (const auto& frame_data : keyframes)
const Mat shape =
morphable_model.get_shape_model().draw_sample(frame_data.fitting_result.pca_shape_coefficients) +
morphablemodel::to_matrix(blendshapes) * Mat(frame_data.fitting_result.blendshape_coefficients);
const auto mesh =
morphablemodel::sample_to_mesh(shape, {}, morphable_model.get_shape_model().get_triangle_list(),
{}, morphable_model.get_texture_coordinates());
const Mat affine_camera_matrix = fitting::get_3x4_affine_camera_matrix(
frame_data.fitting_result.rendering_parameters, frame_data.frame.cols, frame_data.frame.rows);
const Mat isomap = render::extract_texture(mesh, affine_camera_matrix, frame_data.frame, true,
render::TextureInterpolation::NearestNeighbour, 1024);
// Now do the actual merging:
Mat r = Mat::zeros(isomaps[0].rows, isomaps[0].cols, CV_32FC1);
Mat g = Mat::zeros(isomaps[0].rows, isomaps[0].cols, CV_32FC1);
Mat b = Mat::zeros(isomaps[0].rows, isomaps[0].cols, CV_32FC1);
Mat accumulated_weight = Mat::zeros(isomaps[0].rows, isomaps[0].cols, CV_32FC1);
// Currently, this just uses the weights in the alpha channel for weighting - they contain only the
// view-angle. We should use the keyframe's score as well. Plus the area of the source triangle.
for (auto&& isomap : isomaps)
vector<Mat> channels;
cv::split(isomap, channels);
// channels[0].convertTo(channels[0], CV_32FC1);
// We could avoid this explicit temporary, but then we'd have to convert both matrices
// to CV_32FC1 first - and manually multiply with 1/255. Not sure which one is faster.
// If we do it like this, the add just becomes '+=' - so I think it's fine like this.
// The final formula is:
// b += chan_0 * alpha * 1/255; (and the same for g and r respectively)
Mat weighted_b, weighted_g, weighted_r;
// // we scale the weights from [0, 255] to [0, 1]:
cv::multiply(channels[0], channels[3], weighted_b, 1 / 255.0, CV_32FC1);
cv::multiply(channels[1], channels[3], weighted_g, 1 / 255.0, CV_32FC1);
cv::multiply(channels[2], channels[3], weighted_r, 1 / 255.0, CV_32FC1);
b += weighted_b;
g += weighted_g;
r += weighted_r;
channels[3].convertTo(channels[3], CV_32FC1); // needed for the '/ 255.0f' below to work
cv::add(accumulated_weight, channels[3] / 255.0f, accumulated_weight, cv::noArray(), CV_32FC1);
b = b.mul(1.0 / (accumulated_weight)); // divide by number of frames used too?
g = g.mul(1.0 / (accumulated_weight));
r = r.mul(1.0 / (accumulated_weight));
// Let's return accumulated_weight too: Normalise by num_isomaps * 255 (=maximum weight)
// This sets the returned weight to the average from all the isomaps. Maybe the maximum would make more
// sense? => Not returning anything for now.
// accumulated_weight = (accumulated_weight / isomaps.size()) * 255;
Mat merged_isomap;
cv::merge({b, g, r}, merged_isomap);
merged_isomap.convertTo(merged_isomap, CV_8UC3);
return merged_isomap;
* @brief Computes the variance of laplacian of the given image or patch.
* This should compute the variance of the laplacian of a given image or patch, according to the 'LAPV'
* algorithm of Pech 2000.
* It is used as a focus or blurriness measure, i.e. to assess the quality of the given patch.
* @param[in] image Input image or patch.
* @return The computed variance of laplacian score.
double variance_of_laplacian(const cv::Mat& image)
cv::Mat laplacian;
cv::Laplacian(image, laplacian, CV_64F);
cv::Scalar mu, sigma;
cv::meanStdDev(laplacian, mu, sigma);
double focus_measure = sigma.val[0] * sigma.val[0];
return focus_measure;
} /* namespace video */
} /* namespace eos */
#endif /* KEYFRAME_HPP_ */
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