Commit 351e6959 authored by Patrik Huber's avatar Patrik Huber

Add Eigen as git submodule

The new pybind11 bindings require at least Eigen-3.2.7. Travis and Ubuntu 14.04 only include Eigen-3.2.2, so let's include Eigen as a submodule.
Unfortunately Eigen uses Mercurial and no official git mirror exists, so I've cloned Eigen's mercurial repo and added it at patrikhuber/eigen.git at version tag 3.3.3.
parent 10a5a951
......@@ -16,3 +16,6 @@
[submodule "3rdparty/cereal"]
path = 3rdparty/cereal
url =
[submodule "3rdparty/eigen"]
path = 3rdparty/eigen
url =
Subproject commit 52378f92247c2318f9a6686be9447bc2f45e5588
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